2014上海各区英语一模基础题考点汇总 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章2014上海各区英语一模基础题考点汇总更新完毕开始阅读

7. The ________ water you waste or pollute, the ________ you will have tomorrow. A) less, fewer B) less, more C) fewer, less

D) less, less

8. Which is ________ to learn, singing or dancing, baby? A) easy

B) easiest

C) easier

D) the easier

9. ―Jenny, the more you practise, the _______ you will play the piano.‖ said her mother.

A. best B. good C. well

D. better

10. To save time is as ______ as to save life.

A) more important B) most important C) very important D) important

11. As a father, Einstein was just as ______ as any other father in the world.

A) kind B) kinder

C) kindest

D) the kindest

12. The movie Lost in Thailand is ______ one that I’ve ever seen these years.

A) funny B) funnier

C) funniest

D) the funniest

13. Alice can sing as ______ as a professional singer. We are so proud of her.

A) beautifully B) happily C) wonderful D) lovely

14. With more practice, I found reading was not as _________ as I used to think. A) so difficult

B) difficult C) more difficult D) too difficult

15. The newly born baby should be looked after _________ of all the babies at nursery. A) careful

B) carefully C) most careful

D) most carefully

16. The blue suitcase looks much bigger, but it isn’t _______ that yellow one. A) heavy

B) much heavier

C) so heavy as D) the heaviest

17. The Bund looks much at night when the lights are on. A) pretty B) prettier C) prettiest

D) the prettiest


1. Nowadays, children under 1.4 meters _____ be free to take buses in some cities.

A) need

B) must

C) shall

D) can

2. We _______ set out early tomorrow morning in order to catch the first bus. A) must

B) can

C) mustn’t

D) can’t

3.I’m afraid the work ________ be finished this week if there isn’t much of their help.


A) can B) can’t C) must D) mustn’t

4. A: Is Betty in the office?

B: No, she ________ there. I saw her in the cafeteria several minutes ago. A) couldn’t be

B) can’t be C) mustn’t be

D) needn’t be

5. My teacher said to me with a smile, ―Well, you ________ to worry about your lessons.‖ A) needn’t

B) don’t need

C) not need

D) need

6. —Shall I tell Mike about it?

—No, you . He's already known it.

A) needn't B) can't C) must D) may

7. You _________lose your way if you walk alone in the mountains at night.

A. may B. need C. should

D. have to

8. The river is very deep. We ______very careful when crossing it.

A) must be

B) can be C) may be

D) need be

9. You __________ drive so fast, for we have enough time to arrive at the station. A) can’t B) mustn’t C) needn’t D) shouldn’t 10. Actions ______ be taken to stop H7N9 from spreading again.

A) must B) may C) can’t D) needn’t

11. Meeting different people ________ help children learn to get along with others. A) should

B) need

C) may

D) must

12. The librarian said, ―These books ______ be removed from the reading room. Just read them here. That’s the school rule.‖

A) may not

B) need C) mustn’t D) can

13. It is a rule that visitors _________ touch the paintings at the exhibition. A) needn’t B) mustn’t

C) may not D) wouldn’t

14. I’m afraid the work ________ be finished this week if there isn’t much of their help. A) can

B) can’t C) must D) mustn’t

15.This problem ________ be talked about any more. We’ve found the solution.



A) mustn’t B) needn’t C) shouldn’t D) can’t

1. He lost his key, __________ he had to wait for his wife’s return in the cold.

A) and B) or

C) for D) so

2. ______ it is midnight, Wendy is still working on her study.

A) Since B) Although C) Unless D) Until

3. You’d better book the tickets as early as possible, ________ they will be sold out soon. A) and

B) but

C) so

D) or

4.You won’t feel happy at school ______ you get on well with your classmates.

A) though B) when C) unless

D) because

5. You shouldn’t keep a pet _____ you have enough time to care for it.

A) if

B) unless

C) though

D) when

6. Take the doctor’s advice, ______ you won’t be able to lose weight. A) or

B) but

C) and

D) so

7. You won’t make progress ______ you try your best. A) when

B) unless C) because

D) as soon as

8. Fresh water is __________ precious __________ it is sometimes called liquid gold. A) such…that B) too…to C) as…as D) so…that 9. The couple recognized me immediately ________ they hadn’t seen me for 10 years. A) if B) so C) though

D) when

10. He plans to have a good rest ________ he’ll have enough energy to continue his work. A) so that B) in order to C) as soon as D) now that

11. Scientists say we will have no water to drink ________ we protect water resources. A) if B) when C) before

D) unless

12. Mr. Wang is always the first one to be in the office ________ he lives far from his company. A) although

B) because

C) when

D) as

13. I have something important to discuss with Tim. I will wait for Tim he gets back. A) as B) until C) when D) after

14. My best friend and I haven’t seen each other _______ she went to the USA 10 years ago.

A. when B. if C. although

D. since

15. ________ I have been to Italy several times, I know a lot about it.

A) If B) Although C) As D) Unless


16. She won’t lose weight ______ she keeps a diet and takes exercise every day.

A) unless B) if C) because

D) since

17. ________ the story of The Little Prince is very simple, it warms people in many ways. A) When

B) Although

C) If

D) Because

18.Jack worked very hard at every subject, _________ he gained a scholarship (奖学金) last term. A) so

B) and

C) or

D) but

19. The couple recognized me immediately ________ they hadn’t seen me for 10 years.

A) if B) so

C) though

D) when

20. He plans to have a good rest ________ he’ll have enough energy to continue his work. A) so that B) in order to C) as soon as D) now that

21. Mark would like to accept the job ________ he is not quite pleased with the pay. A) though

B) because

C) if D) until


1. _____ does a CRH train run? --- It runs up to more than 300 km an hour.

A) How long B) How far

C) How fast

D) How soon

2. —_______ will you go to New York for a study trip? — In a month.

A) How long B) How often C) How soon D) How far 3. --- _________is the nearest theme park from here? ---It will take us half an hour to get there by bike. A) How long

B) How far

C) How soon D) How much

4. A: ________ can these students finish designing a picnic plan for next weekend? B: In less than an hour, I think.

A) How fast B) How oftenC) How many times

D) How soon

5. —Could you tell me __________ it is from the nearest bank to your office? —About 10 minutes’ walk.

A) how long B) how far C) how soon D) how much 6. – ______ do I have to take the medicine?