2014上海各区英语一模基础题考点汇总 联系客服

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A) other B) another C) the other D) the others

14. Lily tried on some new shoes, but she took _________ in the end. They were too expensive. A) all 六.名词

1. The professor has given us _____ advice on how to improve our memory.

A) much

B) many

C) a lot

D) several

B) none

C) both

D) either

2. I need ________ apples and bananas to make fruit salad. Could you buy some for me?

A little B) a little C) a few D) few

3. You’ve got so ________ housework to do. Can I help you, mum? A) many

B) little

C) few

D) much

4. —Shall we leave now?

—Don't hurry. We still have time left. A) a little B) little C) a few

D) few

5. ______ knowledge can be found in an encyclopedia.

A)Many B) A number of

C)Quite many D) Huge amounts of

6. My parents told me not to worry too much. We still have ______ time.

A) few B) a few C) little D) a little

7. We just hope that Tom will bring ________ good news back home this time. A) a few

B) some

C) many

D) little

8. I was so busy with my school work that I had _________ time to play with my friends in those days.

A) little

B) a little

C) few

D) a few

9. I need ________ apples and bananas to make fruit salad. Could you buy some for me?

A little B) a little C) a few D) few

10. – What do you want me to get, dear?

–Let me see. We have ________ bread and milk left, but there isn’t enough fruit.

A) many B) much C) few D) little

11.She turned on the radio and listened to a man giving people some ______ about their problems. A) reason B) advice C) way D) answer


12. Every year Alice spends ______________ money on new clothes.

A) many B) a large number of C) quite a few D) huge amounts of

13. Two _____________were having lunch in the office at that time.

A) woman secretaries B) woman secretary C) women secretaries D) women secretary 14. I am sure Cindy will be able to find the hotel. She has a pretty good _____of direction. A) idea

B) feeling

C) experience

D) sense

15. —Would you like some _________? —No, thanks. I’m not hungry at all.

A) snack B) apple C) soup

D) bread

16. When you’ve learnt English, you’ll find it a bridge to so much ______.

A) knowledge B) tradition

C) idea D) method

17. During his stay in America, he gained much ______ of local customs and cultures.

A) advice B) knowledge C) idea D) message

18. Lots of _________ may cause the young students to have strong feelings against school. A) exercise B) lesson C) exam D) homework


1. There are a lot of trees on ____ sides of Century Avenue in Pudong.

A) either

B) all

C) both

D) neither

2. --- Would you like to have some tea or coffee? --- ________. Thank you. I’ve just had enough tea. A) Either

B) Neither C) Some D) Both

3. _____ the young girl _____ her parents take regular exercise in order to keep fit. A) Not…but B) Either…or

C) Neither…nor

D) Not only…but also

4. ______ Kitty ______ her brother likes fishing in the country. What fun it is!

A. Neither, nor

B. Both, and C. Not only, but also

D. Either, or

5. ______ of the twins is interested in that Japanese company. A) Both B) Neither C) All D) Some



1.Johnson looked quite ______ because his son didn’t tell him the truth.

A) angry B) gently C) funny D) quietly

2.The roast beef cooked by Mum seems so _________ that my mouth is watering. A) attractive B) attract C) attraction D) attractively 3.The football players felt extremely _____ after they won the game. A) luck

B) lucky

C) luckily

D) unlucky

4. He looked ______ when he heard he failed in the maths exam yesterday. A) upset B) excited

C) angrily

D) happily

5. The little girl is wearing a new skirt now. She looks ____________.

A) lovely B) wonderfully

C) happily

D) beautifully

6. The boy is __________to go to school, but he doesn’t have enough money. A) old enough

B) enough old

C) enough young D) young enough

7. ---Can you tell the differences between these two pictures? ---Differences? Oh, no. They look quite ______. A) different

B) similar

C) strange

D) interesting

8. ---Can you understand what I meant? ---Sorry, I can _________follow you. A) always

B) almost C) nearly

D) hardly

9. The service seemed worse than they expected. They left the shop ________.

A) happy B) happily

C) angry D) angrily

10. Whenever I receive a letter or photos from my best friend, I always feel ________. A) excitedly

B) exciting

C) excited

D) excite

11. It was very late, but the teachers were ________ working hard in the office. A) almost

B) already

C) still

D) ever

12. Alice's mother bought Alice a new dress. This beautiful dress made her look . A) quietly B) lovely C) politely D) gently

13. My son likes reading stories. Now he can tell a story as as his sister. A) better

B) best C) good D) well

14. The film Tintin 's Adventure is , so it is welcomed by teenagers.


A. amazing B) excited C) boring D) bored

15. Lucy was reading an _______ book when the doorbell rang.

A. exciting

B. excite C. excited

D. excitement

16. The air in the room is not fresh enough. Please keep the window ______.

A) open B) opening

C) to open

D) opens

17. Mother put a blanket over the sleeping baby to keep him __________.

A) quietly B) gentle C) warm D) slowly

18. The cable Internet seems ______ than I expected.

A) quick B) quicker

C) quickly

D) more quickly

19. After the conversation with the teacher, Jenny’s mother looked a little ________. A) happiness

B) happier

C) happy

D) happily

20. The service seemed worse than they expected. They left the shop ________.

A) happy B) happily

C) angry D) angrily

21. Many accidents happen because the drivers don’t drive enough. A) care B) cares C) careful

D) carefully


1. To reduce food waste, we should only order as _________ as we need and try to eat it up.

A) much B) more

C) most

D) few

2. Generally speaking, a computer works _____ a human brain. A) more accurately than B) more accurate than

C) as accurate as

D) so accurately as

3. Shanghai is one of _______ cities in the world, I think. A) beautiful B) more beautifulC) most beautiful

D) the most beautiful

4.Who drives __________, your father or your mother?

A) the most careful B) more careful

C) the most carefully

D) more carefully

5. The blue suitcase looks much bigger, but it isn’t _______ that yellow one. A) heavy B) much heavier

C) so heavy as D) the heaviest

6. Now Shanghai is becoming one of ________ cities in the world.

A) attractive B) more attractive C) most attractive D) the most attractive