2014上海各区英语一模基础题考点汇总 联系客服

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2014一模基础题考点汇总 (一).选择题 一.语音语调

1. The serious haze(雾霾)caused many problems. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?

A)/ ?s@:r03s / B) / ?si:r03s / C) / ?ser03s / D) / ?s03r03s /

2. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others? A) She looked confident, but in fact she was very nervous.

B) I was excited to hear that I had passed the driving test. C) Cars had to be driven slowly because of thick fog. D) Jill hid his sister’s bike to play a trick on her.

3. Look! The police are searching for clues at the crime scene.

Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?

A) / kr$m /

B) / kri:m /

C) / kra0m /

D) / kr0m /

4. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others? A) There is no reason for him to refuse me. B) The little girl in red is so cute. C) Don’t judge a person by his clothes. D) You can use my computer if you want.

5.We always say ―please‖ whenever we ask someone to do things. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence? A) /?????? ?

B???????????? ????

C)?/???????? ?D) /?????

6. ―Damin finally pulled the fish into his boat.‖ Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?

A)/b t/ B)/b t/ C)/b /???? D)/b t/??

7. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?

A) The soldiers opened the secret door. B) Never jump into conclusions! C) Pet dogs often create a lot of mess. D) Ken told us a recent case.

8. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?


A) I hope you can believe me. B) Luckily, nobody died in the accident. C) Who is the chief of your team? D) I bought a piece of furniture yesterday. 9. Which of the following word matches the sound ?ma?l ??

A??mile????????????????????meal??B?????????????????????mailC????????????????????mall ?D??10. Which of the following words matches the sound /laIf/? A) laugh

B) leaf

C) life

D) loaf

11. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others? A) The gate is too narrow for a car to get through. B) The facts allow no other explanation.

C) A row of children are standing in front of the chairs.

D) You can borrow money from the bank to buy your new house.

12. If you get nervous, take a deep breath to calm yourself down. Which of the following is correct in pronunciation for the underlined word in the sentence? A) /????/ B) /???/ C) /???/

D) /????/

13. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A) If we don’t smoke, our health will become better and better. B) We spent half a day going over all the lessons before the Chinese test. C) Don’t cross the road when the red light is on. D) Shall we collect some colourful stones for Mary?

14. It’s important for us to keep a promise. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence? A) / 'pr?mes/

B) /'pr?: m?s/

C) /'pr?: mes/

D) / 'pr?m?s/

15. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A) Tom needs some information for his project. B) I have many questions to ask you. C) His situation is even worse than before. D) Cars are a major source of pollution. 16. Which of the following word matches the sound /’s????/? A) single

B) singer

C) think D) thank

17. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others? A) You can’t imagine how hard their life is


B) The car went out of control and crashed over the cliff. C) Do we really have to invite all my relatives to the wedding? D) His birthplace is Washington, but he lives in San Francisco.

18. ―Damin finally pulled the fish into his boat.‖ Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?


B)/b??t/ C)/b?t/???? D)/b??t/??

19. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?

A) The soldiers opened the secret door. B) Never jump into conclusions! C) Pet dogs often create a lot of mess. D) Ken told us a recent case.

20. He did very well, but he failed to break the record. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?

A) / b r e k / C) / b r I k /

B) / b r e I k / D) / b r ? k /

21. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others? A) Students are allowed to choose the style of their school uniforms. B) Great changes have taken place in Shanghai since 1979. C) You had a toothache because you ate too much spicy food. D) The Smiths seldom go to church, but they believe.

22. Their idea sounds great. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?

A) /Eri:t/

B) /Er$t/

C) /Ere0t/

D) /Er0t/

23. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A) My son has got a bad habit of smoking. B) The old man always wears his blue hat.

C) He was standing by the gate waiting for her mother. D) When she heard the news, she laughed happily.

24. The army attacked at night when the enemy was asleep. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?

A. /'A:m/ B. /'A:m0/

C. /'$m0/

D. /'e0m/

25. Which of the following is right?


A. Betty, do you know our new class teacher? ↘ B. Yes, of course. ↗

C. What does he look like? ↘ D. He is thin but short. ↗

26.Jenny studies English hard and she can usually get good marks. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence? A) /???


C) /???

D) /???

27.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?

A) We are trying to build a base on the moon.B) What do you think of the case? C) These old people often dance in the square. D) Shall we have a race now?

28. You can never get a straight answer out of him. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?

A) /s?????? ?B) /s?????? ?C) /s????? D?) /s?????? ?

29. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A) My father asked me to drive slowly. B) I walked for miles without seeing a house. C) Study as if you were to live forever. D) I used to hide myself when I was young. 30. Which of the following word matches the sound [se?f] ?

A) seem B) safe C) sense D) seat 31. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others? 二.冠词

1. Shanghai Disneyland will cover_____ area of 1.5 square kilometers.

A) a

B) an

C) the

D) /

A) Don’t put your feet on the seat! B) We reached Los Angeles late at night. C) Could I have fish instead of ham? D) What’s the meaning of this?

2. Cathy was lucky to get__________ new job at a children’s hospital. A) /

B) an

C) a

D) the

3. This is ____________ used car. It’s much cheaper than a new one. A) the

B) an

C) a D) /

4. He had _________ unusual voice and he wanted to work in Disney’s cartoon films for children.