2020版高考英语一轮复习Unit14Careers能力提升题组训练(A)(含解析)北师大版 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章2020版高考英语一轮复习Unit14Careers能力提升题组训练(A)(含解析)北师大版更新完毕开始阅读

Unit 14 Careers



Readers in Grenoble can now nibble (啃) fiction after Publisher Short Edition introduced eight short-story dispensers (自动售货机) around the French city.

The free stories are available at the touch of a button,printing out on rolls of paper like a receipt. Readers are able to choose one minute,three minutes,or five minutes of fiction.

“The feedback we got has been extremely positive. Just two weeks since its launch,more than 10,000 stories have already been printed.We are thrilled to see it working so well,” said the co-founder Quentin Pleple. “There are only eight dispensers in the city of Grenoble for now but we are planning to introduce more. We are getting requests from all over the world-Australia,the US,Canada, Russia,Grace,Italy,Spain and Chile.”

Pleple said he and his team initially came up with the idea a couple of years ago when taking a break at a drink dispenser. “We thought it would be cool to have it for short stories,” said the publisher. “Then,we decided to make a difference: the short-story dispenser was born.”

The French publisher hopes the story will be used to fill the “dead time” of a passenger. “In the bus or the subway,everyone can make the most of these moments to read short stories,poems,or short picture books,” said a statement from Short Edition. “And they can be sure to enjoy the quality.”

The dispensers are now in locations including Grenoble’s town hall,its tourist office and its library. The stories are drawn from more than 60,000 stories on Short Edition’s website. But there is a problem that users are not able to choose what type of story they would like to read.“Right now they can only choose the length. But that is exactly what really counts,isn’t it?” said Pleple. 1.Where can you probably see a short-story dispenser at present? A.In Chile. B.In Canada.

C.In France.

D.In Italy.

2.What does the underlined word “launch” in the third paragraph probably mean? A.Coming into use. B.Being thrown away. C.Being found out. D.Breaking down.

3.Why did Short Edition provide short-story dispensers? A.To help people kill time in the journey. B.To encourage people to write short stories. C.To attract international tourists to Grenoble. D.To do research in the field of new technology.

4.In what aspect does the short-story dispenser need to improve? A.The length of the stories. C.The number of the stories.

B.The quality of the stories. D.The choice of different stories.

语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。Quentin Pleple和他的团队发明了短篇小说自动售货机,该发明已经在法国城市Grenoble投入使用。 答案及剖析:

1.C 细节理解题。由第一段Readers in Grenoble can now nibble (啃) fiction after Publisher Short Edition introduced eight short-story dispensers (自动售货机) around the French city.可知,在法国城市Grenoble,出现了8个短篇小说自动售货机。故C选项正确。

2.A 词义猜测题。由第三段中的The feedback we got has been extremely positive. Just two weeks since its launch,more than 10,000 stories have already been printed.可知,反馈很好。仅仅在这些短篇小说自动售货机投入使用之后两周里,已经有一万多个小说被打印出来。故画线单词意思应为A选项。

3.A 细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的The French publisher hopes the story will be used to fill the “dead time” of a passenger. “In the bus or the subway,everyone can make the most of these moments to read short stories,poems,or short picture books,”可知人们在乘坐公共汽车或地铁的时候读这些短篇小说,打发无聊的时光。故A选项正确。 4.D 细节理解题。由最后一段中的But there is a problem that users are not able to choose what type of story they would like to read.可知,使用者无法选择他们想读的小说类型。故D选项正确。 Ⅱ.七选五

In any college application process,the interview is very important.

A quick look at interview tips will tell you to smile,make eye contact,and shake the interviewer’s hand firmly.1.

So,what should you do?

The interviewer must decide if you’re a good fit for the university.2. 3. Interviewers are constantly surprised by how many really smart and hard-working students do so little research before they go into their interview.You should,for example,find out where your interviewer is from,what he or she studies, and maybe even find publications he or she has written.This can be done easily by searching for a few minutes online.

More importantly,you should do a lot of research on the university beyond simply knowing its ranking in league tables.Interviewers hate it when you say you want to go to their university just because it’s famous.4. After all,you want this school to choose you over another excellent student.

Finally,make sure you “do your homework”.If you’re interested in biology,be sure to know the biology professors’ names.If you’re interested in hiking and camping,be sure to know the name of the outdoors club at the school.5. A.Remember that preparation is the key.

B.They will lead to your success in the interview.

C.That means it’s important to succeed as socially well-adjusted. D.First of all,dress appropriately to leave a good impression.

E.Tie your interests and goals to what the school in particular has to offer. F.Unfortunately,few tell you what it is that the interviewer is really looking for. G.Instead,you should explain why you choose it over other great universities. 答案:1—5 FCAGE


Madison Williams was studying in her bedroom when the door burst open. Her mother,Leigh,hurried into her room,making a(n) 1 : “Can you help?”

Madison and her mother ran to a neighbor’s yard,where they found a 2 woman and other adults 3 a septic tank (化粪池) opening a few inches above the lawn.

A boy,aged only two,had 4 an eight-foot-deep tank.

Madison quickly 5 the situation. She knew she was the only one who could 6 through the small hole. Without 7 ,she told the adults to lower her in. Leigh and others held her waist and 8 . Madison shook her arms and shoulders until she got through the 9 into the dark and smelly tank. In the process,she 10 one hand severely. Rather than tend to her injury,Madison scanned the 11 of the water,hoping to see the boy. Every once in a while,she could see his little 12 in the water but failed to catch his foot. Minutes ticked by before she saw the 13 of his foot again. Madison shot her good hand out and grasped the foot 14 . Then both of them were lifted out.

But the boy wasn’t out of 15 . He had been short of oxygen so long that he wasn’t 16 . He was placed on his side,and an adult 17 him hard on the back until the boy coughed up fluids. Then they were rushed to the hospital.

It took Madison longer to 18 than the boy,who returned home soon. She, 19 ,stayed there for her injury. “Madison’s a hero,” the boy’s mother says,“Will other teenage girls 20 to go into a septic tank?” 1.A.order B.request C.announcement D.plan 2.A.worried B.disappointed C.delighted D.puzzled 3.A.watching

B.digging C.surrounding D.blocking

C.taken over

D.slipped into

4.A.broken up B.run across

5.A.created B.examined C.controlled 6.A.fit B.look C.fly D.walk 7.A.comment B.argument C.hesitation 8.A.hands B.legs C.shoes D.clothes 9.A.crowd B.bush C.yard D.opening



10.A.lost B.injured C.treated D.held 11.A.depth B.color C.surface D.taste 12.A.toes B.hat C.fingers D.hair 13.A.smell B.outline C.shadow 14.A.clearly


B.strangely C.carefully D.tightly