CATTI三级笔译综合能力真题及答案解析 联系客服

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名词应用。本句意为:跟赛跑者不一样,竞走者必须始终使脚的某一部分接触地面。在此相比较的是赛跑者与竞走者,因此答案应在B、C中选择,又因主语race walkers是复数,所以选项C是答案。 第9题

The professor is quite difficult pleased . A to please B to be pleased C for pleasing D pleasing




结构应用。此句是用动词不定式作主语:To please the professor is

difficult.此句常写作: It is difficult to please the professor.因此答案为A。 第10题

The hard, out surface of the tooth is called enamel. A outside B appearance C outer D hiding





appearance外貌,外观;hiding隐匿;在此指牙齿的外表面,是相对于内部而言的,因此选项C为答案。 第11题

The government has hardly taken measures to crack down on these crimes when new ones occurred.

A Hardly had the government taken B The government had hardly taken C Hardly the government had taken D The government is hardly taking 【正确答案】:A



结构应用。此句是倒装句hardly?when的用法。从属连词no sooner?than,hardly?when,scarcely?when/before通常需在主句中采用部分倒装的形式。这种句型一般用过去完成时,强调一个动作紧跟在一个动作后面发生??此句意为“原有的犯罪行为还没得到制裁,新的犯罪行为又出现了。”所以选项A正确。 第12题

When they broke open the door, they found a strange man lied on the floor unconscious. A lay B laid C lain D lying




副词应用。根据本句内容,划线部分应填部分是分词作宾语补足语;因此处宾补与宾语(a strange man)之间是主动关系,所以应填现在分词,选项D是答案。 四、Reading Comprehension(共25小题,共25.0分)In this section you will find after each of the passages a number of questions or unfinished statements about the passage, each with four (A, B, C and D) suggested answers or ways of finishing. You must choose the one which you think fits best. 第1题

Phyllis Wheatley is regarded as America''s first black poet. She was born in Senegal, Africa, about 1753 and brought to America aboard a slave ship at about the age of seven. John and Susannah Wheatley bought her for

three pounds at a slave auction in Boston in 1761 to be a personal servant of Mrs. Wheatley. The family had three other slaves, and all were treated with respect. Phyllis was soon accepted as one of the family, which included being raised and educated with the Wheatley''s twin 15-year-old children, Mary and Nathaniel. At that time, most females, even from better families, could not read and write, but Mary was probably one of the best educated young women in Boston. Mary wanted to become a teacher, and in fact, it was Mary who decided to take charge of Phyllis''s education. Phyllis soon displayed her remarkable talents. At the age of twelve she was reading the Greek and Latin classics and passages from the Bible. And eventually, Mrs. Wheatley decided Phyllis should become a Christian. At the age of thirteen Phyllis wrote her first poem. She became a Boston sensation after she wrote a poem on the death of the evangelical preacher George Whitfield in 1770. It became common practice in Boston to have \married in 1771, and Phyllis later moved to the country because of poor health, as a teacher and caretaker to a farmer''s three children. Mary had tried to interest publishers in Phyllis''s poems but once they heard she was a Negro they weren''t interested.

Then in 1773 Phyllis went with Nathaniel, who was now a businessman, to London. It was thought that a sea voyage might improve her health. Thirty-nine of her poems were published in London as Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral. It was the first book published by a black American. In 1775 Phyllis wrote a poem extolling the accomplishments of George Washington and sent it to him. He responded by praising her talents and inviting her to visit his headquarters. After both of her benefactors died in 1777, and Mary died in 1778, Phyllis was freed as a slave. She married in 1778, moved away from Boston, and had three children. But after the unhappy marriage, she moved back to Boston, and died in poverty at the age of thirty.

What does the passage mainly discuss?

A Slavery and the treatment of the black people in America. B The Wheatley family, including their slaves. C The life of America's first black poet. D The achievements of Phyllis Wheatley. 【正确答案】:C



主旨题型。本文首先谈及她是美国第一个黑人诗人,后描写了她出生在非洲,被贩卖黑奴的船只带到美国,被John and Susannah Wheatley买去,与其他黑奴一样在这家受到尊重;跟从John and Susannah Wheatley的女儿Mary受教育??;十三岁写出她的第一首诗??;后结婚生子,最终三十岁时穷困而死;因此选项C是答案。 第2题

The word \A consideration B disregard C punishment D behavior




词义题型。从第一段可以看出她虽被卖为奴隶,却受到良好的对待,甚至不久就被当作是家庭的一员(Phyllis was soon accepted as one of the family),因此respect在此应为consideration体贴,照顾;选项A正确。其余几个选项全是反义。 第3题

According to the passage, how many slaves did the Wheatley's have? A One. B Two. C Three. D Four.


