CATTI三级笔译综合能力真题及答案解析 联系客服

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名词辨析。A.office办公室;(英)政府机关,部;B.adobe指砖坯砌成的房子;C.assembly集合,集会;a legislative assembly指立法机关;D.building建筑物;因此C为答案。 第4题

The National Industrial Recovery Act was designed to spur industry. A tax B stimulate C censure D rebuke




动词辨析。spur鞭策,刺激;tax对??征税,使负重担;stimulate刺激,激励;censure责难;rebuke斥责,非难;因此选项B为答案。 第5题

Only individual benefactors and ad hoc grants have made possible the ecological surveys already undertaken. A additional B governmental C special D organizational 【正确答案】:C



形容词辨析。ad hoc形容词或副词:特别的(地),临机应变的(地),为此时此地某一特定目的(的)。A.additional另外的,附加的;B.governmental政府的,政府管辖的;C.special特别的,专门的;D.organizational组织的。 第6题

Innovative approaches to manufacturing, coupled with the tremendous size of the domestic market, led to the emergence of the United States as an industrial giant. A followed by B deriving from C combined with D mixed with 【正确答案】:C



词语辨析。couple with加上,外加;derive from得自,由来,衍生;combine with结合,联合,合并,化合;因此选项C为答案。 第7题

At the World Literacy Center, an organization that works to help people read, the helpers work hard, enabling them to successfully reach their goals. A assistants B volunteers C part-timers D amateurs




近义词辨析。help和assist都有“帮助”之义,但assist强调起协助、辅助性的作用;而本句话中的helper并不仅仅指普通的帮手,而是帮助人们掌握阅读能力的志愿者,因此选项B.volunteers志愿者更符合题意。注意此类题型不要只看表面意思,要理解其语篇含义。 第8题

Mary McCarthy''s satires are couched in the prose style that has a classic precision. A fused

B prefaced C standardized D expressed




动词辨析。couch表达,隐含,措词;如:Poets couch their feeling in beautiful language.诗人用美丽的语言表达他们的感受。fuse熔合,使结合;preface为??写序言,作为??的开端;standardize使符合标准,使标准化;express表达,表示;如:She expressed her appreciation for their gracious hospitality.她对他们的殷勤款待表示感谢。 第9题

Only the elite of society attended the reception for the new governor. A those thought of as the best people B the intellectuals C the white-collar people D the officials 【正确答案】:A



词义辨析。the élite出类拔萃的人(集团),精英。A.those thought of as the best people被认作是最杰出的人;B.the intellectuals知识分子;C.the white-collar people白领人士;D.the officials官员,公务员。 第10题

The dichotomy postulated by many between morality and interests, between idealism and realism, is one of the standard clichés of the ongoing debate over international affairs. A division into two parts B combination of two parts C disparity

D contradiction 【正确答案】:A



名词辨析。dichotomy二分法,一分为二。A.division into two parts分为两部分;B.combination of two parts两部分的结合或合并;C.disparity(职位、数量、质量等)不一致,不同,不等;D.contradiction反驳,矛盾。 第11题

The most striking technological success in the 20th century is probably the computer revolution. A profitable B productive C prominent D prompt




形容词辨析。striking显著的,惊人的;A.profitable有利可图的;B.productive生产性的,多产的;C.prominent卓越的,显著的;D.prompt敏捷的,及时的;因此选项C为答案。 第12题

Most species of this plant thrive in ordinary well-drained garden soil and they are best planted 8 cm deep and 5 cm apart. A develop well B grow taller C mature D bear fruit 【正确答案】:A

