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初中英语北师大版八年级下册Unit5 Memories单元练习


21. What we did will the environment. A. make a differenceB. take a difference C. make a difference to D. take a difference to 22. The train is crowded. It people. A. filled withB. full ofC. is filled with D. is full with 23. --- We said to her, \ --- We told her that through the street . A. we were walking; then B. you are walking; now C. they were walking; then D. they walking; now 24. My sister long hair, but now she wears short hair. A. used to have B. has C. used to be D. used to has 25. Miss Chen her husband six months ago. A. married to B. married C. married with D. got married 26. --- Bruce is too young, I think.

--- Don't worry. He will when you're out. A. be taken good care ofB. take good care of C. be taken good care D. take good care 27. The traffic accident happened on Saturday. , no one was hurt. A. Luck B. Luckily C. Lucky D. Unlucky 28. This is my idea. I hope you can it. A. think of B. think over C. think about D. think up 29. He said, \ very naughty. A. said his mother that the boy was B. said to his mother that the boy is C. told his mother that the boy was D. spoke to his mother that the boy was 30. --- \ --- John . A. told Helen he will come this morning B. said to Helen I would go that morning C. said Helen he would come that morning D. told Helen he would go that morning 三、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共10小题;共10分) 31. His idea often i his decisions. 32. --- Thank you for telling me the news. --- Don't m it. 33. I'm a clerk in a bank. I c the money for other people every day. 34. It was such a p that I couldn't attend your wedding. 35. L , it didn't rain when I visited the farm. 36. Workers make all kinds of things with m . 37. I had a p in my head last night, but now I feel better. 38. His life is always f with hope and happiness. 39. They want to see the w place in the world, the Brazilian rainforest. 40. His family was too poor, so he had to live in a t cottage(茅屋). 四、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共10小题;共10分) 41. You can also share your (不悦) with your close friends. 42. This book has a great (影响) on the children. 43. Don't (提及) that. I've forgotten it.

44. I write to my mother every week, (主要地) on Sundays. 45. (幸运的是), I wasn't hurt badly. 46. They are good friends, not (敌人). 47. The old robots looked like big (机器).

48. Haikou is the (中心) city of Hainan Province. 49. Which (剧院) is the best?

50. In general, germs are so (微小的) that we can't see them with our eyes. 五、按要求转换句型(共5小题;共10分)

51. Mr. Wang told us, “We will have a long holiday.” (改写为间接引语) Mr. Wang told us have a long holiday. 52. \邮资),\(把直接引语变为间接引语) 53. Betty said, \把直接引语变为间接引语) Betty said that an excellent musician. 54. \把直接引语变为间接引语) The girl said go shopping with Tina. 55. He said, \把直接引语变为间接引语) 六、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共5小题;共10分) 56. 爸爸过去常常酗酒,但现在戒掉了。(词数不限) Dad too much, but he has stopped it now. 57. 我答应有空的时候一定到他家拜访。

I promised him that I would when I was free. 58. He (跑到……里) the room in a hurry and looked for something here and there. 59. 几千人来参加了这个音乐会。

people came to the concert. 60. 我们可每天在园里工作并照料好它。

We can work in it and it. 七、完形填空(共10小题;共15分)

A British person who saved thousands of Jews from the Nazis(纳粹) is being remembered with a plaque(匾) being placed in Berlin.

Frank Foley worked as a passport control 61 in Berlin in the 1930s. And he used his 62 to provide papers for Jewish people to escape from Germany.

It is believed Mr. Foley saved almost ten 63 lives, even hiding people in his 64 home. And Foreign Secretary Jack Straw 65 him as \ Mr. Foley was a small, slightly overweight man 66 round glasses. But he was actually Britain's top spy in the city. Michael Smith of the Daily Telegraph, 67 wrote a book about him, said that although it is not known exactly 68 lives Mr. Foley saved, the materials would suggest the number was about 10 thousand. He said, \were together.\on the phone to 70 even if they are not living in Israel—they have the same memory of what Schindler did. 61. A. Officer B. teacher C. student D. doctor 62. A. phone B. pen C. position D. book 63. A. thousands B. thousands of C. thousand D. thousand of 64. A. own B. easy C. real D. comfortable 65. A. said B. spoke C. told D. described 66. A. with B. on C. across D. around 67. A. which B. where C. which D. who 68. A. how old B. how much C. how many D. how often 69. A. work B. working C. worked D. to work 70. A. other B. the other C. each other D. another 八、阅读理解(共16小题;共32分)


There is a small town in the northwest of Chicago, America. The other day the town's education department held a large photo exhibition for an unknown woman teacher called Louis. She is in her forties now. She has taught in a primary school in this town since 1991. She is an ordinary woman. She used to lose her job, she sometimes quarreled with her husband because of lacking(缺乏) money. Why was there a photo exhibition for her?

Louis has a daughter named Jenny. When Jenny came to the world, Louis took the first photo of her. Then she takes photos of Jenny everyday. She wrote the date and main ideas on each photo.

Louis kept on taking photos of her daughter. When Jenny was 20 years old, Louis had taken 7,300 photos of her daughter. The photo exhibition showed all the photos. Everyone was very surprised to see so many photos. Over 2,800 reporters from the USA came to see the great mother and the photos. And this made a new photo record in the USA. \photos?\

\71. Louis is a(n) . A. author B. photographer C. worker D. teacher 72. Jenny is Louis' . A. mother B. daughter C. student D. friend 73. What did Louis do in the photo exhibition? A. She took some photos. B. She showed lots of photos of her daughter. C. She bought more than 7,300 photos. D. She made lots of friends. 74. How often does Louis take photos of Jenny? A. Every day. B. Every week. C. Every month. D. Every year.


I had a very special teacher in high school many years ago. Her husband died of a heart attack. About a week after his death, she shared some of her insights with us. The class was nearly over. She said, \

\single day.\

Her eyes began to water and she went on, \school, or on your way home, find something beautiful to notice. It doesn't have to be something you see—It could be a good smell or the sound of the gentle wind.\

\it can all be taken away.\

Every once in a while, I think of that teacher and try to appreciate all of those things that sometimes we don't notice.

Take notice of something special you see on your lunch hour today. Walk along the beach at sunset. For as we get older, it is not the things we did that we regret, but the things we didn't do. 75. In the author's eyes, the high school teacher was . A. special B. weak C. happy D. strict 76. The word \ A. promise B. thought C. love D. thing 77. The author's teacher did NOT suggest . A. making the most out of every single day B. finding something beautiful to notice C. cherishing even very little things D. regretting anything that we did 78. The best title for the story is . A. My High School Days B. Making a Promise C. My Insights of Life D. My Special Teacher


The eagle has the longest life of its group. It can reach up to 70 years. But to reach this age, the eagle must make a hard and painful decision.

When an eagle reaches near 40, its short sharp beak becomes bent(弯曲的). Its long and once flexible(灵活的) talons can no longer catch animals or birds for food. And its old and heavy wings with thick feathers on its body make it difficult to fly. Then, the eagle has only two choices: to die or to go through a painful time of change which needs five months.

When the eagle feels weak and is about to die, it goes to a place far away on the top of a mountain and sits on a nest. For a new life, the eagle knocks its beak against a rock until it pulls its beak out. After pulling it out, the eagle waits for a new beak to grow. And then it pulls out its talons and old feathers. It takes the eagle five months to complete its change and get a new life. We can call it its rebirth. So it can live for 30 more years.

Like the eagle, we human beings sometimes need to make some change to get out of our difficulty. In miserable condition, we have to change our ways of life. The changing may be very painful. But sometimes we have to throw off our old habits, memories and traditions. We can't go on with all our past burdens(重负). 79. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. When an eagle reaches near 40, its short sharp beak is still straight. B. For a new life, the eagle knocks its talons against a rock. C. If the eagle doesn't change itself, it will have a new life.

D. The writer's idea is that we can't go on with all our past burdens. 80. The underlined word \ A. terrible B. good C. lonely D. lucky 81. The best title for the passage can be \ A. The Death of the Eagle B. The Living Period of the Eagle C. A Good and Easy Decision D. Rebirth of the Eagle


The tradition of birthday parties started a long time ago. There are some traditions that you can find almost anywhere, anytime, such as sending birthday cards, blowing out the candles on a birthday cake and singing the \Others are only found for certain ages and in certain countries.

In China, on a child's second birthday, family members put many things on the floor around the child. According to Chinese tradition, the first thing that the child picks up tells you what profession the child will choose later in life.

For Japanese children, the third, fifth and seventh birthdays are especially important. At this age, there is a special celebration Shichi-Go-San (seven, five, three in Japanese) when children go to the temple wearing a new kimono(和服). The priest(僧侣) gives them special sweets, and the parents usually organize a party for their friends in their home.

In Argentina, Mexico and several other Latin American countries, girls have a special birthday celebration when they reach the age of fifteen. After a special ceremony(仪式), the girls dance a waltz with their father and other boys.

Eighteen is the traditional \—the age when (in many countries) you have the right to vote(选举), join the army and (in Britain) drink alcohol or buy a house.

In many English-speaking countries, a twenty-first birthday cake often has a key on top, or the cake itself is sometimes in the shape of a key. The key means that the young person is now old enough to leave and enter the family home at any time they want to!

82. Which of the following birthday traditions can be found almost anywhere, anytime? A. Putting many things on the floor. B. Wearing a new kimono. C. Sending birthday cards. 83. The usually organize a party at children's special birthday celebration in Japan. A. priests B. parents C. friends 84. Mexican girls have special birthday celebration at the age of . A. eighteen B. seven C. fifteen 85. In many countries you can when you reach the age of eighteen. A. join the army B. have a key C. have a special ceremony 86. Which is the best title of this passage? A. Birthday Traditions around the World B. Chinese Birthday Celebrations C. Japanese Special Celebration 九、短文7选5(5选5等)(共4小题;共8分)

Ways to Increase Your Confidence

There are some ways you can use to increase your self-confidence. Some of them you'll need to practice a lot before they start to work. It's like playing the guitar or soccer. They might not work too well the first or second time you try them. But as you do them, you build a deeper confidence in yourself. 87. Exercise will improve your confidence and your way of looking at life. Plus, being healthy and looking better can also help you feel more confident. Create something.

Everyone is a creative(有创造力的) person. Rediscovering your creativity is a good way to improve your confidence in yourself. Creating something is a wonderful but not always easy experience. But when you're done, you not only feel good about yourself. 88. Use your body.

If you start to walk fast you'll soon start to feel nervous. If you start to walk slower you'll soon start to feel more relaxed. To feel more confident, use your body in a more confident way. 89. Learn how confident people around you or on the TV use their bodies.

Compare yourself to yourself.

This will take away a lot of unnecessary pain in your life. 90. Compare yourself to yourself. Improve yourself and see how you grow and become a more successful, more confident and happier person. A. Take exercise.

B. Take it into the future.

C. Walk, sit, stand and move in a more confident way. D. Sometimes you will also discover new parts of yourself. E. Pay attention to yourself, not the other people around you. 十、阅读与表达(问答式)(共5小题;共10分)

Is it difficult for you to remember things? I'd like to tell you some ways to improve your memory, so you shouldn't feel upset.

My first advice is that if you want to remember something well, you have to review it regularly(有规律地). You might review the material two days after you learn it, then a week later, then two weeks later, and then a month later. After a month you will find that you can easily remember the material.