PEP小学英语六年级下册四单元集体备课 联系客服

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Step 6 Homework

Write a letter to your friend, tell him or her about your last trip. 六下U4B1(词汇课)

教学内容:B Let’s learn Let’s play C Task time 教学目标与要求:

1.能够听、说、读、写动词词组:bought presents,rowed a boat , saw elephants , went skiing ,went ice---skating.

2.能听、说、认读句子:What did you do on your holiday ? I bought presents. 3.能够听懂、说唱歌谣Today I Went to School 4.能够完成Task time 中的任务。 教学重、难点分析:

1.重点:掌握五个四会动词词组的一般过去时形式。 2.难点:掌握四会单词bought , rowed 和saw的读音和拼写。 课前准备:


教学设计: Step 1 Preparation:

(1) Let’s sing: A Trip to China (2) Free talk.

T: Where did you go on your holiday? S: I went……

T: How did you go there? S: I went there by……

T: What did you do on your holiday? S: I…… Step 2 Presentation: 1.单词导呈

T: What about Amy and Sarah? What did Amy and Sarah do on the holiday ?教师采用课件的形式把这5副图呈现一遍,让学生对此部分有个整体的理解,然后教师提问学生What did Amy do on the holiday?What did Sarah do on the holiday?让学生对于刚才呈现的内容有个回想。最后教师点击课件一副图一副图的呈现教授单词,各个击破 2.听读正音

(1)教师放A ---- Let’s learn部分的录音,学生跟读。

(2)Listen and point (3)Listen、point and read 3.合作学习

(1)Read in groups. (2)Check in groups.

(3)把课本上5附图的过去式变成一般时态,让其进行对比。 Step 3 Practice: 1.看图猜词组

随意出示以上图片,看哪一位同学读的又快又准 2.排列单词

教师把单词的字母顺序打乱,让学生重新组合单词。 3.看单词说过去式


Step 4 Production:

(1)由一个同学到讲台前抽取图片,并问:What did you do on your holiday?其他同学回答:I bought presents/ saw elephants……


S1: What did you do on your holiday, S2? S2:I……

What did you do on your holiday, S3? S3: I……

What did you do on your holiday, S4? Step 5 Progress. (1)根据图片些单词。 (2)做基训相关题。 Step 6 Homework 1.机械地抄写单词

2.采访自己的朋友、同学:What did you do on your holiday? 六下U4B2(对话课)

教学内容: B Let’s talk , Let’s try, C Story time 教学目标:

1.能够听、说、读、写句型:How did you go there? I went by train. 2.能够完成Let’s find out 中的调查活动。