2016最新冀教版三年级下册英语教案 完 联系客服

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UNIT 1 Animals on the Farm Lesson 1 On the Farm

【教学内容】Lesson 1




1.能正确地听、说、读、写农场中的动物单词 farm ,farmer ,pig,cow,sheep,etc.

2.能综合运用所学的语句进行交际。 — What’s this? — It’s a …




【教学课时】1课时 【教学过程】


T: Good afternoon, boys and girls. S: Good afternoon, Miss Wang…

T: Let’s sing a song —— Old MacDonald Hand a Farm. OK? S: OK!

(设计意图: 营造活跃轻松的课前气氛,使学生带着积极的心态投入到学习中去,英文歌曲也为下面的复习做铺垫。) 2.Review the animals Step1. Show the animals.

T: Do you want to visit Old MacDonald?


Now, let’s go to his farm.

(课件出示Old MacDonald图片和农场里的动物们。) T: Look! Old McDonald is coming! Say hello to him. Ss: Hello, MacDonald!

T: Look! There are a lot of animals on his farm, What are these?

Step2. Ask and answer to review the animals. T: What’s this?

Ss: It’s a sheep/cow/pig… 板书:—What’s this?

—It’s a pig.

Ask the student to spell the important words. Step3.Practice in pairs and present the dialogues. What’s this? It’s a… Step4.Play games(课件展示游戏) (1)What’s missing?

(2)Match the animals and the pictures.

Step5.Take out the text paper and finish number 1.

(设计意图:这四个步骤,通过课件给学生创设去农场参观的情境,自然引入到本课的复习中;通过学生认读,师生对话,同桌互练,做游戏和完成练习题一等活动方式,扎扎实实的进行动物单词的听、说、读、写训练,帮助学生巩固已学知识。) 3.小结

(1)我们今天认识了哪些农场上的动物啊? (2)复习句子:——What’s this? ——It’s a _____ 4.布置作业

1. Copy the key words and sentences: ——What’s this? ——It’s a _____ 2. 《课堂练习册》Lesson 1



Lesson 1: On the Farm

farm farmer pig cow sheep — What’s this? — It’s a …


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Lesson 2 Cats and Dogs

【教学内容】Lesson 2




1. 能正确地听、说、读、写农场中的动物单词cat, dog, chicken, duck 2. 能综合运用所学的语句进行交际。 — What’s this? Is it a duck? —Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. It’s a …



【教学课时】1课时 【教学过程】

Step1. Let’s sing a song《Bingo》, OK?

(设计意图: 营造活跃轻松的课前气氛,使学生带着积极的心态投入到学习中去,英文歌曲也为下面的复习做铺垫.) Ask and answer to review the animals.


T: What’s this? Is it a duck? Ss: No, it isn’t. It’s a sheep/cow/pig… 板书:—What’s this? Is this a duck?

—No, it isn’t. It’s a chicken. Yes, it is.

Ask the student to spell the important words. Step2.Practice in pairs and present the dialogues. ——What’s this? Is it a duck? ——Yes, it is.

Step3.Play games(课件展示游戏) 1. What’s missing?

2. Match the animals and the pictures. Step4.小结

通过课件给学生创设去农场参观的情境,自然引入到本课的复习中;通过学生认读,师生对话,同桌互练,做游戏和完成练习题一等活动方式,扎实的进行动物单词的听、说、读、写训练,帮助学生巩固已学知识。) Step5.布置作业

(1)Copy the new words: cat, dog, chicken, duck (2)课堂练习册Lesson 2


Lesson 2: Cats and Dogs cat dog chicken duck —What’s this? Is this a duck? —No, it isn’t. It’s a chicken. Yes, it is.


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