译林版2019-2020学年五年级英语下册期中复习资料 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章译林版2019-2020学年五年级英语下册期中复习资料更新完毕开始阅读





go to the party去参加聚会、let me help you让我帮你、put on穿上、have to不得不;必须、try on试穿、take off脱下、be bad for有害的、leave…behind留下;丢下、far from… 离…远、on foot步行、by bus乘公共汽车、near school在学校附近、by taxi乘出租车、come to school来上学、new home新家、very big非常大、ask the way问路、get to到达、get on上车、get off下车、next to…在…旁边、ask …for help向…求助、excuse me劳驾,对不起、turn right向右转、traffic lights交通灯、on your right在你的右侧、turn left向左转、see the doctor看医生,看病、feel cold觉得冷、before bedtime睡觉前、have a rest休息、drink water喝水、eat sweets吃糖果、take medicine吃药、brush one’s teeth刷牙、point at指着、come and help me过来帮我、so sad这么伤心、come back before 12 o’clock在12点之前回来、have a good time at the party在聚会上玩得很开心、have to go now现在必须走了、visit every house挨家挨户拜访、try on the shoe试穿鞋子、in the forest在森林里、eat them吃它们、pick a big red mushroom摘一个又大又红的蘑菇、look so nice看起来这么好看、What a pity!真遗憾!、on Moon Street在月亮街、near City Library在城市图书馆附近、in Sunshine Town在阳光镇、on Park Street在公园街、a taxi driver一位出租车司机、by metro乘地铁、show his bike展示他的自行车、in the basket在篮子里、take the metro乘地铁、at City Library Station在城市图书馆站、walk to Moon Street走到月亮街、on the street在街上、a bookshop on the street在街上的一家书店、come out from City Library Station从城市图书馆站出来、go along this street沿着这条街走、go along Moon Street沿着月亮街走、see a new film看一部新电影、wait for the bus等公交车、at the bus stop在公交车站、get on the bus上公交车、have a headache头痛、let me check让我检查一下、have a fever发烧、have a toothache牙疼、see the dentist看牙医、eat a lot of sweets吃很多糖果、eat ice cream吃冰激凌、drink warm water喝温水、brush teeth before bedtime睡觉前刷牙、in the hospital在医院里、long neck长脖子


(1)询问对方原因的句型及答句: Why are you so sad ,dear? Because I can’t go to the party.

(2)询问某人住在哪里句型及答句: Where do you live now?

I live on Moon Street,near City Library.

(3)询问某人怎样上学的句型及答句: How do you come to school?

Su Yang and I come to school by bus.

(4)询问如何到达某地的句型及其答句: - How do I get to the ……?

- Go along this street. Turn left/right at the ……. Get on/off the bus/metro at……Station. You can see the …… on your left/right.

(5)询问对方身体状况的句型及其答句: - What’s wrong with you?

- I have a headache. I feel cold.

(6)询问医生自己应该怎么办的句型及其答句: - What should I do,doctor? - You should have a rest.

(7)询问是谁的句型: Who can’t go to the party?

(8)询问在哪里的句型: Where’s the party?


When does Cinderella have to come back?

(10)询问谁的物品句型: Whose shoe do the girls try on?


Bobby wants to show his bike to Sam.

(12)建议对方乘坐某种交通工具的句型: You can take the metro.

(13)描述两个地方相邻的句型: My home is next to it.


…but the film is over. …但是电影结束了。

(15)表达很高兴做某事的句型: Bobby is very happy to help them.

(16)表达询问感觉怎么样的句型: How do you feel now?

(17)表达不能做某事的句型: I can’t eat or drink now!



[tr]train、travel等单词中的辅音字母组合tr发/tr/音,发音时嘴巴稍张,嘴唇向外翻,舌尖抵上齿龈后部。发音时舌身与/r/相似,舌尖贴齿龈后部,气流冲破阻碍发出短促的/t/后立即发/r/。/tr/是清辅音,发音时声带不震动,类似单词还有true、try等。 拓展:当/tr/前的音标是/s/且所在音节是重读音节时,/tr/发音浊化成/dr/。浊化的一个特点是虽然单词的发音发生改变,但是音标的书写方式没有改变,所以拼读时尤其要注意,如strong、street、strange等单词。

[?] sheep、shop等单词中的辅音字母组合sh发/?/音,发音时在噘嘴、上下齿稍稍张开的前提下只要吹气就可以发出这个音了,但是注意舌头不要接触上下齿或者上下颚。类似单词还有she、shirt、show、shout、ship等。

[t?] chair、chicken等单词中的辅音字母组合ch发/t?/音,发音时嘴唇前伸、绷紧,舌身抬高,舌端抵上齿龈后部,气流通过时发出破擦音。/t?/是清辅音,发音时声带不振动。类似单词还有reach、chat、chocolate、chopsticks等。

五、针对性练习 (1)英汉互译: 1、his long neck ____________________ 2、帮助他 ___________________________ 3、point at ________________________ 4、感觉不舒服 _______________________ 5、a small town _____________________ 6、乘船 _____________________________ 7、ask the way ______________________ 8、新衣服 ___________________________ 9、come to school late ______________ 10、步行去学校 ______________________

(2)选出每组单词划线部分读音与其余不同的一项: ( )1、A. traffic B. strong C. tree ( )2、A. ship B. show C. teacher ( )3、A. plane B. water C. lake ( )4、A. let B. before C. pick ( )5、A. strong B. drink C. try


( )1、Gao Shan _____ his right ear.

A. points B. points at C. points to ( )2、- Why _____ Su Yang at school today? - Because she _____ a headache.

A. is;has B. isn’t;is C. isn’t;has

( )3、- What’s wrong?

- My _____ hurt. I eat too much ice cream.

A. teeth B. tooth C. feet ( )4、- _____ he _____ teeth everyday? - Of course.

A. Do;brush B. Does;brushes C. Does;brush

( )5、I eat an apple every day because it is good _____ my health. A. for B. of C. in ( )6、- What should my daughter do?

- She should _____ good rest.

A. has a B. have a C. have ( )7、- Can I _____ this new skirt? - Sure.

A. try B. try in C. try on

( )8、- Why can’t I go to work? - Because you are too _____.

A. tall B. young C. thin ( )9、- How _____ your brother go to the town? - He _____ there by car.

A. do;goes B. does;go C. does;goes ( )10、The train station is _____ from the bus stop. A. next B. near C. far