江苏省淮安市文通中学2015-2016年度期中考试九年级英语卷.doc 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章江苏省淮安市文通中学2015-2016年度期中考试九年级英语卷.doc更新完毕开始阅读

M: OK , Shall we meet at the gate of the theatre? W: All right. I’ll see you there at 6:50 p.m.. Bye-bye 听第一篇短文,回答13-15小题,完成信息记录表。

Attention, please. Here is a notice. Our teacher brought us good news this morning. There is a new book called How to learn English in the bookstore next to our school. It is good for us to read. It costs twenty-five yuan each. If we buy over 50 books, there will be a discount of 20%. If you want this book, please get your money ready and hand it in tomorrow morning. Our teacher is going to buy it for us tomorrow afternoon.


May I have your attention, everyone? We will arrive at Green Lake Park very soon. It is named after the beautiful lake, Green Lake. It is a fantastic place for tourists in summer, especially on a hot summer day like today. The air from the lake is nice and cool. The lake has a history of 500 years. People began to build houses around the lake a hundred years ago, so in this park you can have a look at the houses of all kinds and colours. In autumn and winter, this park is the best place for bird watching.

OK. Here we are. Please get off the bus. You can walk around the lake and enjoy the beauty of everything here. Also, you can take wonderful photos. Now it’s 3:00 p.m. Please return to the bus in one and a half hours. Thank you.


1-5 BBACC 6-10 ACBAB 11-15ABABA 16-20 CBABC 二、单项选择

21-25BABAD 26-30CBBBA 31-35DCCCC 36-40CCCDA 三、完形填空

41-45BBCDD 46-50BADCB 51-55BDCAC 四、阅读理解

56-60DCBDC 61-65ADCAB 66-70CBDDA 江苏省淮安市文通中学2015-2016学年度第一学期


第一卷 第二卷


A) 71.travelling to 72.including 73.make a decision 74.because of 75.have a gift for 76.much happier 77.have no choice 78.left

B) 79.winner 80.trational 81.will be built 82.to develop 83.easier 84.writing 85.travels 86.proudest 87.themselves 88.called 六、完成句子

89.go to bed early, so that\\ in order that 90.pay attention to , make progress

91.thought \\ spoke highly , presented a medal to 92.out of breath, too much traffic 93.How fine, instead of staying 94.as a result, to change his mind 七、任务型阅读 95.Yes, they can 96.Three

97.He described Apple Watch as the “next chapter in Apple’s story” 98.The one on a Samsung Note.3 99. In early 2015

100. September 19, raised $25 billion 101.an English teacher, the richest man 102.chat with, woke up

103. was showed the Internet, set up 104. Crazy Jack Ma , believed in 八、书面表达(略)