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发布时间 : 星期六 文章6B. 教案更新完毕开始阅读

I’m good at Maths .. I’m good at English .


学生在说be good at 的同时,也可以让学生一起用do well in 这个词组进行互换。

(修改:可以给学生一些题目,在解题的过程中特别要注意的是第三人称单数的用法,另外是这两个词组后面要加名词,或者是动词的ing形式。) Step3 Revision

1教师让学生自己根据刚才的结果说出自己在班级的优势。 I’m taller than xxx My father is taller than My pencil is longer than xxx’s I’m good at Maths .. I swim slower than xxx. Tom jumps higher than xxx.



(修改:在教学的过程中,可以让学生一个说一句句子,另外一个学生来说它的同义句。) Step4 practice

一、 根据课文内容,将下面的短文填写完成

Jim is ______ _______ English and Maths, but he does not ______ _____ _____ PE. He tells his father that his classmates can run and swim _______ than him. His father asks him to do ______ exercise, then he’ll get _______ and do _______ in PE. So Jim will get up ________ every day, do _________ exercise _______ he goes to school, _______ to school in the morning and play ball games _______ school. He thinks he’ll _______ ________ soon. Get students look and write. Check the answer

Good, at , do , well, in, faster, more, stronger, better, earlier, some, before, jog, after, get, stronger


二、 用括号中形容词或副词的适当形式填空 1 Do more exercise. We’ll get __________ (strong)

2 Nancy is good at music. She can sing and dance __________ (beautiful)

3 Gao Shan’s school bag is _________ than mine. (heavy)

4 You can jump ________. (high) I can jump _______ than you. (high) 5 Sit ______ (quiet) and listen ________ (careful),children.

6 We can read the new words ______. (well) Helen can read them _______ than all of us. (well)

7 You should get up ________ than before (early), or you’’ll be late for school.

8 I can’t run _______ than you, (fast) But I can jump _______ than you. (far)

Get students look and write. Check the answer

1 stronger 2beautifully 3 heavier 4high higher 5 quietly carefully 6 well better 7 earlier 8 faster farther



在教学中,可以让学生一边做,一边来写原因,看看学生是否真正的掌握此题。 Step5 Homework Do some exercise 板书设计

Unit 2 More exercise The answer

课题:Unit 3 Asking the way 总课时:6课时 本课时:第1课时 [教学目标]

知识:初步掌握理解课文,并能在交际中口头运用关于问路的句型 掌握四会单词 stops, turn left /right , post office ,get on /off, along, street

技能:学生能能听懂会说句型 Go along this street, and then turn right at the third crossing . How far is it from here ?It's about a kilometer away .You can take bus No.××

能力:初步掌握理解句型,并能在交际中口头运用问路句型 情意:培养学生乐于开口说英语的好习惯 [教学重难点]


对策:通过游戏和练习的形式加以巩固和记忆 [教学准备]

1. 准备录音机和本课A部分的磁带。 2. 准备A部分的图片。 [教学过程] A.Sing a song
