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“to be entirely your own”第二十九例句中“专心致志,聚精会神”译成“devote our full attention to”

第十一节 合句译法 一般说来,英语句子要比汉语句子长,一个英语句子要比一个汉语句子具有更大的容量。因此,我们在汉译英时有必要,也有可能把两个或两个以上的汉语句子翻译成一个英语句子.比较口语化的英语句子也比较短,我们在英译汉时也经常要用合句译法,把两个或两个以上的英语句子翻译成一个汉语句子.请看下面的例句。

1) The young man was very miserable.// He has no money about him. // All his savings had been stolen.这个年轻人很惨,已落到了身无分文的地步,因为他所有的积蓄被窃。

2) Darkness fell. // An explosion shock the earth. // It did not shake his will to go to the front.夜幕降落时,一声爆炸震动了大地,可并没有动摇他上前线的决心。

3) That day, the President had an interview with her father. // Her father was going to the moon by space shuttle. 那天,总统会见了她的父亲,因为她的父亲即将乘航天飞机去登月。

4) She is very busy at home. // She has to take care of the children and do the kitchen work.她在家很忙,又要看好孩子,又要下厨。 5) 众人忙问端的。//他乃道:“原来本府新升的太爷姓贾名化,// 本贯胡州人士,// 曾与女婿旧日相交。”(曹雪芹《红楼梦》)Asked what had happened, he told them: “This new prefect, Jia Hua, is a native of Huzhou and an old friend of my son-in-law.”

6) 这贾菌亦系荣国府近派的重孙,// 其母亦少寡,//独守着贾菌。(曹雪芹《红楼梦》) Jia Jun was a great-great-grandson of the Duke of Rongguo, and the only son of his mother who had been widowed early.

7)袭人之母也早迎了出来。// 袭人拉了宝玉进去。(曹雪芹《红楼梦》) By now Xiren’s mother had come out to greet him too, and Xiren led Baoyu in.

8) 说毕,张道士方退出去。// 这里贾母与众人上了楼,在正面楼上归坐。// 凤姐等占了东楼。(曹雪芹《红楼梦》)Thereupon the priest withdrew ,while the Lady Dowager and her party went upstairs to sit in the main balcony, Xifeng and her companions occupying that to the east. 9) 邢夫人将方才的话只略说了几句,// 贾赦无法,又含愧。(曹雪芹《红楼梦》)When Lady Xing gave her husband an abbreviated version of what the Lady Dowager had said, Jia She felt at a loss and bitterly mortified. 10) 贾琏见他去了,只得回来瞧凤姐。// 谁知凤姐已醒了,听他和鸳鸯借当。(曹雪芹《红楼梦》)As soon as she had gone Jia Lian went in to see Xifeng, who had woken up and heard him ask for a loan.

11) 笛声止了。// 远远地起了拍掌声和欢笑声。The flute stopped, and in the distance there was applause and laughter. 12) 旧历新年快来了。// 这是一年中的第一件大事。// 除了那些负债过多的人以外,大家都热烈地欢迎这个佳节的到来。(巴金《家》)The traditional New Year Holiday was fast approaching, the first big event of year, and everyone, except

those who owed heavy debts—which traditionally had to be paid off before the end of the year—was enthusiastically looking forward to it.

13) 只有吴荪甫的眼睛里却闪出了兴奋的光彩。// 和孙吉人尚属初交,真看不出来这个细长脖子的小脑袋里倒怀着那样的高瞻远瞩的气魄。(茅盾《子夜》) However Wusunfu’s eyes gleamed with excitement, for Sun Jiren was a comparatively new acquaintance, and Wu sunfu had hardly expected that this man with his small head and long neck would turn out to be so far-sighted and unconventional.

采用合句译法时, 都是根据原文各句之间的逻辑关系, 在译文的句与句之间加上连接词语, 如汉语译文中的 “因为”, “如果”, “但是”, “又?又?” 以及英语译文中的 “and”, “while”, “when”, “so”, “but”, “because”, “for”, “as”, “who”等.

第十二节 缩句译法

所谓缩句译法, 就是根据原文的逻辑关系和译文的语言习惯, 把原文中的一个句子紧缩成译文中另一个句子的组成部分. 一般情况下, 我们把原文上下文中相对次要的句子紧缩成相对主要的句子的组成部分, 大多紧缩成状语, 也有一部分紧缩成定语和同位语乃至主语. 请看下面的例句.

1) It was April 1945. the Second World War was coming to an end. 1945年4月, 第二次世界大战已接近尾声. (缩为状语)

2) She went back home to take care of her husband. He was seriously ill. 她回家却照料病重的丈夫. (缩为定语)

3)They sat down in the waiting-room to do some reading. People came to and off there.

他们在人来人往的候车室里坐下来看点书. (缩为定语)

4) Her father became the mayor of the city. He was a murderer in the Second World War.

她的父亲, 二次大战中一个杀人凶手, 竟当上了这个城市的市长.(缩为同位语)

5) 黛玉又忙命倒茶, 一面又使眼色与宝玉.宝玉会意, 便走了出来.

Daiyu ordered tea, glancing at Baoyu as she did so. Taking the hint, he went out of the room.(缩为状语)

6) 他在去年夏天把十九岁的女儿小福子卖给了一个军人. 卖了二百块钱. (老舍<骆驼祥子>)

The summer before, he had sold his nineteen-year-old daughter Joy to an army officer for two hundred silver dollars.(缩为状语)

7) 太阳当顶了. 田野,从树, 屋舍, 都显现在光明静穆的大平面上.

With the sun right overhead now, the field, the clumps of trees and the huts were all picked out clearly on a vast, flat surface, brilliantly lit and still. .(缩为状语)

8. 道静看见了, 气得浑身发抖. 她二话没说, 立刻向经理辞了职.

Quivering with anger, Daojing promptly gave notice. .(缩为状语)

9. 车子漫漫地走着, 在一个泥洼子里渥住了. 老孙头一面骂牲口, 一面跳下地来看.

The lumbering cart got stuck in the mud. Swearing at his beasts, Old Sun jumped down to take a look.

10. 这日他比平日起得迟, 看见她已经伏在洗脸台上檫脖子,肥皂的泡沫就如大螃蟹嘴上的水泡一般, 高高的堆在两个耳朵后.

Getting up later than usual, he saw his wife leaning over the wash-stand rubbing her neck, with bubbles like those emitted by great crabs heaped up over both her ears.(缩为状语)

缩句译法更多地用于汉译英, 一方面是因为汉语句子较短, 而英语句子较长, 另一方面是因为汉语句子相对简单, 而英语句子相对复杂, 结构形式比较丰富多彩.