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顺应性 收缩压

compliance systolic pressure pulse pressure central venous pressure microcirculation thoroughfare channel circuitous channel reabsorption vasoconstrictor fiber cardiovascular center baroreceptor

cardiopulmonary receptor chemoreceptor brain osmoreceptor kalidin

prostaglandin, PG coronary circulation blood-brain barrier, BBB respiration inspiration abdominal breathing eupn(o)ea, or quiet breathing dysp(o)nea pneumothorax specific compliance airway resistance residual volume, RV vital capacity, VC timed vital capacity total lung capacity, TLC anatomical dead space alveolar ventilation diffusion rate of gas oxygenation oxygen content

oxygen dissociation curve pulmonary stretch reflex

循环系统平均充盈压 mean circulatory filling pressure 舒张压

diastolic pressure arterial pulse venous return precapillary sphincter arteriovenous shunt filtration

effctive filtration pressure, EFP vasodilator fiber baroreceptor reflex buffer nerve volume receptor defence reaction bradykinin

atrial natriuretic peptide, ANP histamine adenosine

blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier pulmonary ventilation expiration thoracic breathing forced breathing intrapulmonary pressure intrapleural pressure pulmonary surfactant tidal volume, TV inspiratory capacity, IC forced vital capacity, FVC forced expiratory volume, FEV minute ventilation volume alveolar dead space gas exchange

ventilation/perfusion ratio oxygen capacity oxygen saturation pneumotaxic center



脉搏压(脉压) 中心静脉压 微循环

直捷通路 迂回通路 重吸收

静脉回心血量 毛细血管前括约肌 动-静脉短路 滤过


缩血管神经纤维 心血管中枢 压力感受器 心肺感受器 化学感受器

舒血管神经纤维 压力感受性反射 缓冲神经 容量感受器 防御反应 缓激肽 组胺 腺苷 肺通气 呼气

脑内渗透压感受器 血管舒张素 前列腺素 冠脉循环 血-脑屏障 呼吸 吸气

肾素-血管紧张素系统renin-angiotensin system 心房钠尿肽

激肽释放酶-激肽系统kallikrein-kinin system


腹式呼吸 平静呼吸 呼吸困难 气胸

比顺应性 气道阻力 肺活量 肺总量

胸式呼吸 用力呼吸 肺内压

胸膜腔内压 潮气量

肺表面活性物质 深吸气量 用力肺活量 用力呼气量 每分通气量 肺泡无效腔 气体交换 氧容量

残气量(余气量) 时间肺活量 解剖无效腔 肺泡通气量 氧合 氧含量

气体扩散速率 通气/血流比值 氧饱和度

氧解离曲线 肺牵张反射

呼吸调整中枢 吸气切断机制

补吸气量(吸气储备量) 补呼气量(呼气储备量) 消化

inspiratory reserve volume, IRV exspiratory reserve volume, ERV

吸收 慢波

absorption slow wave myenteric plexus

功能残气量(功能余气量) functional residual capacity, FRC


basic electrical rhythm, BER submucosal plexus


粘膜下神经丛 肌间神经丛

胃肠激素 gastrointestinal hormone 胃泌素 胆囊收缩素 cholecystokinin, CCK 胰泌素 抑胃肽 gastric inhibitory polypeptide 营养作用

唾液 saliva 蠕动 胃液

gastric juice 盐酸

胃蛋白酶原 pepsinogen 胃蛋白酶 粘液-碳酸氢盐屏障 mucus-bicarbonate barrier 生长抑素 假饲



胃泌素释放肽 gastrin-releasing peptide, GRP 肠抑胃素 肠-胃反射 entero-gastric reflex 容受性舒张 胃排空 gastric emptying 迷走-迷走反射


pancreatic juice 胰淀粉酶 胰脂肪酶 lipase 胰蛋白酶原 胰蛋白酶 trypsin 糜蛋白酶原 糜蛋白酶 chymotrypsin 肠致活酶 胆汁 bile, or gall 胆盐


defection 分节运动 胆盐的肠肝循环 enterohepatic circulation of bile salt

能量代谢 energy metabolism 氧债 食物的热价 thermal equivalent of food 呼吸商

食物特殊动力效应 specific dynamic effect of food 基础代谢率 体温

body temperature 昼夜节律 生物节律 biorhythm

生物钟 战栗产热 shivering thermogenesis 产热 寒冷性肌紧张

thermal muscle tone 散热

辐射散热 thermal radiation 传导散热 对流散热 thermal convection 蒸发(散热) 不感蒸发(不显汗)

insensible perspiration 发汗 体温调节 regulation of body temperature 调定点


warm-sensitive neuron


氧热价(氧卡价) thermal equivalent of oxygen (caloric value of oxygen) 视前区-下丘脑前部 preoptic-anterior hypothylamus area, POAH

致热源 pyrogen 尿生成

urine formation

尿排出 球旁器(近球小体) juxtaglomerular apparatus 致密斑

肾血流量 renal blood flow

管-球反馈 肾小球滤过率

glomerular filtration rate, GFR 滤过分数 滤过平衡 filtration equibibrium 肾血浆流量 分泌



尿的浓缩 urine concentration 尿的稀释 渗透性利尿 osmotic diuresis

球-管平衡 定比重吸收 constant fraction reabsorption 回漏 内移(内化) internalization

水利尿 醛固酮



gastrin secretin trophic action peristalsis hydrochloric acid pepsin somatostatin bombesin enterogastrone receptive relaxation vago-vagal reflex pancreatic amylase trypsinogen chymotrypsinogen enterokinase bile salt

segmentation contraction oxygen debt

respiratory quotient, RQ basal metabolism rate, BMR circadian rhythm biologic clock

heatproduction,or thermogenesis thermolysis, or body heat loss thermal conduction evaporation

perspiration, or sweating set point

cold-sensitive neuron

urine excretion macula densa

tubuloglomerular feedback filtration fraction renal plasma flow renal glucose threshold urine dilution

glomerulotubular balance back leak water diuresis clearance

菊粉(菊糖) 感觉器官 适宜刺激 发生器电位 编码(作用) 视觉 近点

视敏度(视力) 眼球会聚 视杆细胞 晚光觉系统 视锥系统 视紫红质 视黄醛 暗适应 视野 气传导


sense organ adequate stimulus generator potential vision visual acuity near point

convergence of the eyeball rod

nightlight perceptive system cone system rhodopsin retinene dark adaptation visual field air conduction Corti’s organ quilibrium sensation olfactory sensation, or smell cutaneous sensation temperature sensation (cochlear) microphonic potential

排尿 感受器

micturition receptor

transducer function receptor potential adaptation reduced eye pupillary near reflex pupillary light reflex rod system cone

daylight perceptive system opsin transducin light adaptation audition bone conduction travelling wave theory nystagmus

gustatory sensation, or taste touch and pressure sensation pain

换能作用 感受器电位 适应 简化眼


(眼的)调节 瞳孔近反射 视杆系统 视锥细胞 昼光觉系统 视蛋白 明适应 听觉 骨传导 眼震颤 味觉 触-压觉 痛觉


accommodation (of the eye)


螺旋器(柯蒂器) 平衡感觉 嗅觉 温度觉



(耳蜗)微音器电位 神经冲动 突触后抑制 突触前易化 回返性抑制 强直后增强 敏感化

长时程抑制 电突触传递 交互性突触 神经调质 递质共存 同源脱敏 胆碱能纤维 烟碱样作用 儿茶酚胺 谷氨酸


vestibular autonervous reaction

神经营养性因子 突触前抑制 可塑性 习惯化


neurotrophin, NT presynaptic inhibition afferent collateral inhibition plasticity habituation

long-term potentiation, LTP synaptic delay

local circuit neuron, LCN serial synapse neurotransmitter modulation presynaptic receptor heterologous desensitization cholinergic receptor muscarinic receptor nicotinic receptor dopamine, DA adrenergic receptor ?-aminobutyric acid, GABA

nerve impulse postsynaptic inhibition presynaptic facilitation recurrent inhibition posttetanic potentiation sensitization

long-term depression, LTD electrical synaptic transmission local neuronal circuit, LNC reciprocal synapse neuromodulator

coexistence of transmitters homologous desensitization cholinergic fiber muscarine-like action nicotine-like action

muscle-type nicotinic receptor catecholamine adrenergic fiber

glutamic acid, or glutamate

长时程增强 突触延搁 串联性突触 神经递质 调制作用 突触前受体 异源脱敏 胆碱能受体 毒蕈碱受体 烟碱受体 多巴胺



毒蕈碱样作用 肌肉型烟碱受体 肾上腺素能纤维

神经元型烟碱受体 neuronal-type nicotinic receptor 肾上腺素能受体 ?-氨基丁酸

非条件反射 unconditioned reflex 条件反射 辐散状联系 divergence connection 聚合状联系 后放(后发放) after discharge 单突触反射 多突触反射 polysynaptic reflex



non-specific projection system 感觉柱 本体感觉 peoprioception 牵涉痛 皮层诱发电 evoked cortical potential 脑电图

?波阻断 alpha blocking

行为觉醒 脑电觉醒 electroencephalogram arousal 慢波睡眠 快波睡眠 fast wave sleep, FWS 异相睡眠 快速眼球运动 rapid eye movements, REM 上行抑制系统

最后公路 final common path 牵张反射 腱反射 tendon reflex 肌紧张 肌梭 muscle spindle 梭内肌纤维 随意运动

voluntary movement 运动柱

锥体系 pyramidal system 锥体外系 脊休克

spinal shock 姿势反射 屈肌反射 flexor reflex 对侧伸肌反射

去大脑僵直 decerebrate rigidity 状态反射 翻正反射 righting reflex 震颤麻痹 静止性震颤 static tremor 舞蹈病

意向性震颤 intention tremor 小脑性共济失调 交感神经 sympathetic nerve 副交感神经 边缘系统 limbic system 本能行为 情绪反应 emotional reaction 摄食中枢 饱中枢 satiety center 格斗-逃避反应


sham rage 防御反应区 奖赏系统 reward system 趋向系统 惩罚系统 punishment system 回避系统 动机



操作式条件反射 operate conditioned reflex 短时性记忆 长时性记忆 long term memory 运动失语症 失写症 agraphia 感觉失语症 失读症 alexia 一侧优势 失用症



顺向轴浆运输 anterograde anxoplasmic transport 逆向轴浆运输 retrograde axoplasmic transport

兴奋性突触后电位 excitatory postsynaptic potential, EPSP 抑制性突触后电位 inhibitory postsynaptic potential, IPSP 非突触性化学传递 non-synaptic chemical transmission 5-羟色胺

5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT or serotonin

网状结构上行激动系统 ascending reticular activating system 自发脑电活动 spontaneous electric activity of the brain 下丘脑调节肽

hypothalamus regulatory peptide, HRP

conditioned reflex convergence connection monosynaptic reflex specific projection system sensory column referred pain

electroencephalogram, EEG behavioral arousal slow wave sleep, SWS paradoxical sleep, PS ascending inhibitory system stretch reflex muscle tonus intrafusal fiber motor column extrapyramidal system postural reflex crossed extensor reflex attitudinal reflex paralysis agitans chorea cerebellar ataxia parasympathetic nerve instinctual behavior feeding center fight-flight reaction defense zone approach system avoidance system reinforcement short term memory motor aphasia sensory aphasia

laterality cerebral dominance split brain