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Unit 6 Long conversations Conversation 1

1. A. She thinks people are pressured into using them. B. She is unhappy because so few people use them. C. She thinks it's necessary so she decided to have one. D. She is glad to have one as a sign of being international. 2. A. Winning quick success. B. Thinking too little. C. Being superficial.

D. Disrespecting their culture. 3. A. They are of great importance.

B. Chinese names are more important than foreign names. C. Foreign names are simple than Chinese names. D. Foreign names can be convenient sometimes. 4. A. When he is negotiating with foreigners. B. When he is meeting foreign friends. C. When he is in his English class. D. When he is going abroad.

5. A. She will continue to argue for her beliefs. B. She will not change her mind.

C. She definitely prefers a foreign name. D. She will use another foreign name.

Conversation 2

1. A. He has taken a photo. B. He has painted a picture. C. He has written a story. D. He has changed his name.

2. A. Roger. B. Jim. C. Tailor. D. Brown. 3. A. He is married. B. He is single. C. He is divorced. D. He is engaged. 4. A. Windsurfing B. Watching TV. C. Jogging. D. Painting.

5. A. What's your address?

B. What's your phone number? C. Where's an envelope? D. What are your hobbies?


Unit 6 Passages Passage 1

1. A. To name her new baby. B. To form new ideas on life. C. To give herself a new name.

D. To explain her feelings about names. 2. A. Her ideas regarding life. B. Her respect for parents.

C. Her thoughts about being an adult. D. Her opinions about names.

3. A. Because they think she's acting like a baby.

B. Because they think she's failing to respect her parents. C. Because they think she's making too many changes.

D. Because they think she's doing things that'll cause problems. 4. A. It's disrespectful. B. It's nonsense.

C. It's fine with them. D. It's a real problem.

5. A. People will think she's disrespectful. B. People will think it's nonsense. C. People will not use the name at all. D. People will take time to get used to it.

Passage 2 1. A. Swan. B. Scampi. C. Horse. D. Lion.

2. A. A model showing the pub's foods and drinks. B. A picture of a waitress welcoming the customers. C. A sign showing the pub's name with a picture.

D. A window through which people can see what's inside the pub. 3. A. No more than two. B. Only one.

C. Less than three. D. Two or more. 4. A. Well furnished. B. Plainly furnished. C. Comfortable.

D. Men and women drinking together. 5. A. To furnish it better. B. To talk to the bar man. C. To play darts.

D. To chat in comfort.


Unit 6

Now listen to a VOA Special English report and fill in the blanks while listening.

No Child Left Behind

School governing organizations in three states and the nation's largest teacher's union recently brought legal action against the 1)_______________.

Nine school districts and the National Education Association criticize a federal 2)_____________. They day that the Department of Education has failed to provide enough money for schools to carry out the law called \a part of the law that says states cannot 3)___________________ spend their own money to meet the federal requirements. They say fully obeying the law would cost the states thousands of millions of dollars to test students.

The state of Utah also criticized the law. State lawmakers voted to 4)__________ Utah's own school performance system when it conflicts with the federal government. Utah and several other states say they want to use their own educational reform plans.

The \policy. It 5)_______________ every student in every school to meet reading and mathematics requirements by 2014. United States education secretary Margaret Spellings says the law's 6)_________________ is to improve education for minority students. She says \Child Left Behind\increased educational spending 7)__________________ over the past three years. She says this pays for testing and other expenses under the law.

Miss Spellings has promised to work with states to carry out the law. She says schools must show progress in tests by special groups including 8)___________ students. The idea of reporting their test scores is to keep schools from hiding the scores of 9)_______________. That can happen when schools average low test scores with those of students with higher scores. Under \Left Behind\poorly. If bad performance continues, struggling students get 10)______________. And parents can send their children to a better school.


Unit 7 Short conversations 1. A. Because she cares very little about rest.

B. Because she feels well enough to work on. C. Because she cares about continuing her work. D. Because she loves her job very much. 2. A. Because she thinks working is fun. B. Because she likes to take on more. C. Because she wants to have a new job. D. Because she wants to relax a little later. 3. A. When he died.

B. When he left his job. C. When he looked happy. D. When he became president.

4. A. She has a lot more work to do in a short period of time. B. She fails to get along with her new boss. C. She has extra homework from her teacher.

D. She has been criticized for her work performance. 5. A. Because he is younger than the previous managers. B. Because he experienced stress when he was young. C. Because he is sure that he is mentally stronger. D. Because he has few psychological problems. 6. A. Kidding with people around him.

B. Looking at problems from his viewpoint. C. Increasing his regular work. D. Taking regular vacations.

7. A. A person who has dealt with stress in the past.

B. A person who looks healthy and able to handle stress. C. Someone who will come to an interview tomorrow.

D. Someone who is either physically or psychologically strong. 8. A. Work more hours in a day. B. Try to do everything all at once. C. Do only what is the most important. D. Pass her work on to important people. 9. A. Teacher and student. B. Parent and child. C. Doctor and patient.

D. Employer and employee. 10. A. At home. B. In a classroom. C. At a doctor’s office. D. In a workplace.