外研版七年级上册教案Module5 Unit 2 We start work at nine oclock 联系客服

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教学课题:Module 5 My School Day Unit 2 We start work at nine o’clock.

项目 课第 2 课时 时 设计内容 课 型 读写 教具 CD, OHP , video 备 注 1. To get information from a description of a school day . 教学目标 知识与能力 2. To be able to put pictures in order according to the reading material . 3. To write about one’s school day . 4. To learn to join simple sentences with and . 过程与方法 态度与情感 重点 难点 教学手段方法 教学过程 了解外国学生的日常生活,更要了解自己的生活。 1.能够掌握重点的词汇与词组。 2.能够读懂以实义动词的一般现在时的文章。 1. 能够掌握一般现在时的肯定句式和否定句式。 2. 能够把上面两种句式运用到写作当中,写出正确的句子。 Interactive approach 教师活动 学生活动 说明或 设计意图 1.Answer the 1. Review the text of Unit with asking questions: some questions. What day is it today? What time is it now? 2. Show some pictures of the activities in a What are your lessons today? day , ask the students to look at the When is your maths lesson? pictures , then talk something about When is your Chinese lesson? the pictures. Which lesson do you like best? What do you do at twenty past six today? 2.Watch the pictures and learn the phrases: Step Ss: I get up. 1 eg:Ss; They have break Warfast. ming ... -up 3.Learn the vocabulary and the use of the difficult words. 4.Read the new words. T: What do you do at half past seven? T: What do they do at half past seven? 3. Show and teach the new vocabulary. 4. Explain the difficult new words. 从复习第一单元的时间表达法与科目的表达,引出今天要学的校园活动。通过展示幻灯片的同时,进行师生间的对话,渗透句型What do you do at...时间?I/We/They get up /have breakfast...帮助学生在相互使用的情景中记住词组,再学习和讲解begin ,finish的用法。为接下来的阅读扫清障碍做好铺垫。 1.练习学生听力,让学生用耳朵记忆一遍词2 组,调动各2.Ask the ss to check with a partner . PresAnswers : 个感官参与entat3. Call back the answers from the 1. e 2. f 3. d 到语言学习 whole class ion(4. a 5. b 6. c 中来。同时 Acti让学生以标 vity 准音感知全 1) 编文章,了 解大意。 Read the passage 训练学生的 quickly and match 阅读速度, the times with the 培养他们快1.Ask the students to read the pictures in Activity 1 速提取信息passage quickly and match the say like this: 的能力。让times with the pictures in S1:They have lunch 学生用一个Activity 1 at half past twelve 完整的句子2.Read carefully, complete the table in pm. 来回答可以groups. S2: They go home 锻炼他们的Step at half past three pm. 口头表达能3.AcThis time ,you need to read the passage S3: They go to bed 力,同时又tivitquickly and silently,and then match the at nine o’clock pm. 一次巩固实y2 times with the pictures in Activity .When S4:.. 义动词的一we check the answers ,you need to use a ... 般现在时的full sentence.Alex is a student from an 肯定句式结English school,so all students have the As the same 构,也复习same time at school.You can say like time ,complete the 了时间的表this:They have lunch at half past twelve table in groups. 达方式。 pm. 1.Ask the students to listen the CD,put the pictures in order. Step 1.listen the CD,put the pictures in order , check the answers with a partner then with the teacher. 1.Read and find out phrases: phrases in the book.If you have something Go to school,get up,have difficult ,you can come to me or you can breakfast,have Step ask your partner.and then you should finish lunch,... 4 2.check the answers to ActiActivity3. Activity3 vity3 2. Ask the students to choose the correct S1:I get up at half past seven. answers S2: We have lunch at half past twelve. What do you usually do at...? S3:... 1. Read the passage in detail and find the 让学生从书中找短语会让学生紧张起来,在阅读中有目的性。并能进一步地巩固重点短语。也是对文中细节的考查,本活动可以有效的培养学生识 别细节信息的能力。 Look and join the the sentences with and Look at these sentences. then. I get up at seven o’clock. I go to school at 1.In the morning, 1.we Step eight o’clock. get up.We go to 5 I get up at seven o’clock and go to school school Actiat eight o’clock. In the morning, we get vity6 We have a break. We talk to our friends. up and we go to We have a break and we talk to our friends. school ... 1. 短语: 起床: 吃早餐: 离…近/在附近: 上学: 我最喜欢的科目: Step 休息一会: 7 跟某人交谈: Lang吃午饭: uage 吃晚饭: point 做作业: s 睡觉: 工作日: 按顺序: 开始工作: 上课: 我的学校生活: 培养学生运用多种句式写作,根据实际灵活运用,避免写作的呆板。 集中学习课文中的重要短语的用法 ,使学生更进一步地掌握重点知识,为下步 Learn the important 的写作做好phrases by heart and 铺垫。 know the use of them. Getup ,have breakfast....