外研版九年级module4 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章外研版九年级module4更新完毕开始阅读

( )41. One kid plays the “STOP LIGHT” and the rest line up 15 feet away from him. When the “STOP LIGHT” says “GREEN LIGHT”, the kids can move. When the “STOP LIGHT” says “RED LIGHT”, nobody can move. ( )42. Cards with pictures and simple words can help kids finish a task easily. Choose an activity like making dumplings and make some beautiful cards. Ask the kids to look at the cards and follow the steps. ( )43. First, you should hide a big prize. Next, you should create a series of questions for the kids. Then, put the questions in different places. Ask the kids to find the “treasure” by answering your questions. ( )44. Line the kids up. The first person is the leader. The teacher gives an instruction (指令) to the leader. For example, the teacher can start by saying “Raise your right hand!” The leader must raise his right hand. The rest of the kids follow the leader. If the leader fails to lead the line, he will go to the end of the line. ( )45. The teacher gives instructions with or without “Simon says”. For example, the teacher can start by saying “Simon says, ?touch your nose!?” The kids must touch their nose. The teacher can also start by saying “Touch your nose!” The kids shouldn?t touch their nose, or they?ll lose. Ⅱ A. FOLLOW THE CARDS? STEPS B. TREASURE HUNT C. SIMON SAYS D. RED LIGHT, GREEN LIGHT E. NUMBER FUN F. FOLLOW THE LEADER G. CAT DOG COUNTING GAME

四、 短文填空 (本大题有10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分)


Being street smart means knowing how to keep yourself safe from strangers when you?re (46)__________ or with other kids. First, you should know who strangers are.

When you?re walking home from school, someone in the street asks you for directions. At the park, someone asks you to (47)__________ for his or her lost pet. These people may seem friendly, but (48)__________ they say to you, they have one thing in common: They?re strangers. Some strangers can be dangerous. That?s why it?s (49)__________ to follow some safety rules: Make anyone who is looking after you know (50)__________ you are.

The adult who?s keeping an eye on you needs to know where you are at all times. That means (51)__________ your mum or dad, grandmother or grandfather where you are and when you?ll be


Pick out safe spots.

What are safe spots? They are places where you can go if you (52)__________ help, like the houses of kids you know, your parents? friends? houses, stores, restaurants and police stations. And when you are walking or (53)__________ your bike in the street, make a mental note of safe spots along the street.

(54)__________ dangerous places.

Be sure to keep away from isolated areas. These are places where no one is around, (55)__________ the woods or small, dark streets. 五、读写综合 (本大题分为A、B两部分,共25分)

A. 信息归纳 (共5小题,每小题2分)


I?m Gina. My favourite hobby is taking photos, so I think the camera is the greatest invention in the world.

On my twelfth birthday, my aunt bought me an ordinary camera which used a film (胶卷). And I was allowed to take photos of anything I liked. However, I had to wait for a few days before I could look at the photos I took. That was because the film had to be developed (冲洗). Every time I saw the photos, I felt very excited. However, some of the photos were not good.

Today, the digital camera has won great popularity. It has many advantages. First, when you use a digital camera to take photos, you don?t need to buy a film. Second, you can look at the photos as soon as possible. You don?t need to wait for them to be developed. Third, you can connect your digital camera to the computer so that you can share your photos with others.

Information Card

? Gina?s favourite hobby is (56) . ? Gina?s aunt bought her a(n) (57) when Gina was 12. ? Gina felt (58) every time she saw the photos. ? Gina mentions (59) advantages of the digital camera. ? The digital camera can be connected to (60) . B. 书面表达 (本题15分) 根据要求完成写作。

假如今天是10月11日,星期六,父母去上海出差,你一个人在家。请根据下面提示,以Home alone for the first time为题,写一篇70词左右的英文日记,记录你今天的生活。可适当发挥。

1. 上午:整理自己的房间,洗了自己的衣服; 2. 中午:做了一顿简单的午餐; 3. 下午:做作业,看电视。

Saturday, October 11 Sunny

Home alone for the first time