外研版九年级module4 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章外研版九年级module4更新完毕开始阅读


一、 单项填空 (本大题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 从每小题的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )1. — Has Jackie returned the dictionary to you?

— No, he gave me ______ empty promise.

B. an B. us

C. the C. her

D. / D. them

A. a

( )2. Maria, Luke?s aunt, will go to Ningxia. Luke has gone to the airport to see ______ off.

A. him

B. for

C. with

D. to

( )3. When I walked into Mr Black?s office, he was sending a text message ______ his mobile phone.

A. in

( )4. — May I know your ______, please?

— Sure. It?s 105 Smith Street.

B. weight B. simple

C. size

D. address D. tasty

A. name A. big

( )5. Linda was very tired, so she had a very ______ meal of bread and milk for dinner.

C. heavy

( )6. — It?s 4 pm, but I feel a little hungry.

— What about going to the café on the eighth floor for a __________?

B. walk B. excited B. stopped

C. snack C. bored C. rose

D. sleep D. unhappy D. counted

A. break A. tired A. rang A. tidy up

( )7. Tony feels __________ because Amy didn?t invite him to the tea party. ( )8. Anne?s alarm clock ________ for two minutes before she woke up.

( )9. Mrs White has spent all morning __________ the house. She needs to lie down and rest.

B. tidying up

C. to tidy up D. tidied up

( )10. — Sara, __________ the TV right now. It?s time to go to bed.

— Oh, Mum, this is my favourite programme!

B. turn off

C. turn up

D. turn down

A. turn on

( )11. — It?s already 10 pm. What?s Jenny doing in the living room?

— She is lying on the ______ watching her favourite TV programme.

B. grass

C. sofa

D. beach

A. field

( )12. — Mrs Biggs ______ the meeting this morning. Do you know why?

— Yes. She went to Shanghai on business the day before yesterday and she won?t be

B. attended

C. missed

D. joined

back until tomorrow.

A. held

( )13. — Did you see the accident?

— No. ______ , I learned about it from Lily.

A. Actually B. Suddenly C. Finally D. Immediately

( )14. When my baby sister fell asleep, Mum came out and ______ the door behind her carefully.

A. rang A. it

B. shut B. this

C. knocked C. that

D. answered D. there D. to laugh

( )15. In my opinion, ______ is impossible for us to get there before 7 pm. ( )16. Mike came here not to help us, but ______ at us.

A. laughs

B. laughed

C. laughing

( )17. Jim is busy preparing his report because Mr Li asked him to ______ tomorrow morning.

A. hand it in B. put it away A. Before

B. Because

C. give it up D. pick it up C. Since

D. Although

( )18. ______ Mr Brown has got a bad cold, he doesn?t want to take the afternoon off. ( )19. — My sister Jane has been to the Grand Canyon.

— ______. And I remained by the canyon for an hour.

C. So have I D. So I have

A. So she has B. So has she

( )20. The guide said, “Ladies and gentlemen, now we are in the famous Australia Zoo. ______!”

A. Have fun B. Good luck

C. I?m sorry D. Well done

二、完形填空 (本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 After I got up, I ran to my computer. It was the most important thing for me, but I found my “Where is my computer?” I looked for it everywhere.

Dad came and said 22 , “Your computer? I sold it because you have spent too much time playing games!”

I was sad. I did nothing but sit in front of my desk. Thinking of my 23 , I was more worried. I was used to doing homework on the computer and 24 it I wrote so slowly just like a primary school student.

“You should go out and look at the world. 25 to live a life without the computer, OK?!” Dad said.

I walked into the 26 and saw some people flying kites. I felt relaxed. “ 27 haven?t I come here? I used to play basketball happily in the park every afternoon with my classmates, but how could I choose to sit in front of a machine, doing nothing useful?” I asked 28 .

Suddenly, I felt the ground was shaking.

“ 29 , Wilson! You?re late for school. It?s eight o?clock now!”

I opened my eyes and 30 it was a dream. I hurried to the desk and found my computer was still on the desk.

computer was 21 .

( )21. ( )22. ( )23. ( )24. ( )25. ( )26. ( )27. ( )28. ( )29. ( )30.

A. fast

B. dirty B. excitedly B. homework B. on

B. Help B. garden B. How long B. him

B. Look out B. agreed

C. broken C. angrily C. mother C. Try

D. missing D. nervously D. student D. because of D. Stop D. square D. How often D. myself D. Go away D. realised

A. proudly A. computer A. without A. Wait

A. park A. Why A. her

A. Wake up

C. except for C. playground C. How C. them C. hoped

C. Hang on

A. remembered

三、阅读理解 (本大题有15小题,每小题2分,共30分)



Awards are presented in almost every area of achievement (成就). Here are 5 of the most famous awards. 1. Nobel Prizes

These international awards are named after Alfred Nobel, and were first presented in 1901. There are now six categories (类别) — Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Literature, Peace and Economics (经济学). 2. Academy Awards (Oscars)

These are the most famous of all film awards. The Academy Awards, also called the Oscars, were first presented in 1929. 3. Golden Globe Awards

These US film awards began in 1943. Julia Roberts has won three awards and Tom Hanks has won four.

4. Grammy Awards

The US music awards have been presented since 1959. Sir George Solti won 38 Grammys. Stevie Wonder has won 22 awards for popular music. 5. Pulitzer Prizes

These US awards are given for achievements in journalism (新闻业), writing and music. The prizes began in 1917 and are awarded yearly in twenty-one categories. ( )31. ( )32. ( )33.

There is NO Nobel Prize in . A. Physics A. writer

B. Maths

C. Medicine D. Peace

D. reporter

From the reading we can guess that Julia Roberts is a(n) .

B. musician C. actress

has won 22 Grammy Awards.


A. Stevie Wonder B. Tom Hanks C. Alfred Nobel D. Sir George Solti

Which of the following awards has the longest history?

( )34.

A. The Academy Award. B. The Grammy Award. C. The Golden Globe Award. D. The Pulitzer Prize.

Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The Nobel Prizes began in 1901.

B. The Golden Globe Award is the most famous film award. C. The Pulitzer Prize is a US award. D. The Pulitzer Prizes are presented every year.


( )35.

What if you needed an important medical check-up, but you couldn?t get to a doctor? Well, American student Catherine Wong has invented a small device (仪器) to test the heart rate (心率). When you want to check your heartbeat, you just need to connect the small device to a cell phone.

Lots of people around the world live in areas without a lot of modern things like computers and hospitals. But this 17-year-old inventor found that most of these people have cell phones. What if she could invent a way for people to get medical care by using a cell phone?

Catherine is a girl who lovesscience. She entered the small device in a science fair (展览会) with other kids from all over the world, and won third place. Her big idea could end up helping millions of people! ( )36. ( )37.

( )38. ( )39. ( )40.

Where is Catherine Wong from? A. Japan. A. 17.

B. America. B. 18.

C. China. C. 19.

D. Australia. D. 20.

How old is Catherine Wong?

We just need to connect the heart test device to a to get it to work. A. digital camera B. computer A. first

B. second

C. cell phone D. hospital C. third

D. fourth

For this invention Catherine Wong won place in a science fair. This passage is most probably from . A. a diary C. a guidebook

B. a grammar book D. a science magazine

