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lipstick(口红). And her wavy(波浪形) hair is natural, just a nice light brown. And all she does hold on to the pole and think her own thoughts, her eyes clear--blue and warm. (她气色清新,看上去是习惯了户外生活。我猜想她住在新泽西州。新泽西人大都从这个站上车。她面容甜美白净,不需要涂脂抹粉。她除了口红外,从不化妆。她波浪型的头发十分自然,带着优美的淡棕色。她总是抓着吊环,想着自己的事情,她的双眼清澈、湛蓝、温暖。)

I always like to watch her, but I have to be careful. I'm afraid she'd get angry and move away if she catches me at it, and then I won't have anyone, because she's my only real friend, even if she doesn't know it. I'm all alone in New York City and I guess I'm kind of shy and don't make friends easily. The fellows(同伴) in the bank are all right but they have their own lives to lead, and besides, I can't ask anyone to come up to a furnished(带家具的) room; so they go their way and I go mine.(我总是喜欢注视她,但是我不得不小心。我害怕她发现后会生气然后走开,那么我就一个朋友都没有了,因为她是我唯一的朋友,尽管她还不知道。在纽约,我是孑然一人,,而且我认为我有点腼腆,不容易找到朋友。我银



The city is getting (使烦恼)me. It's too big and noisy---too many people for a fellow who's all by himself(独自一人). I can't seem to get used to(适应) it. I'm used to the quiet(宁静) of a small New Hampshire(新


farm but there isn't any future(前程) on a

New Hampshire farm any more: so after I was

discharged(出院) from the Navy(海军), I applied for(申请) this position (位置)in bank and I got it. I suppose(设想) it's a good break(机会) but I'm kind of lonesome(寂寞).(这个城市让我烦恼,它太大、太吵闹---对一个孤独的人来说,人也太多。我看起来不能是适应这个城市。我适应新汗布什而州农场的宁静,但是在新汗布什而州农场没有任何前程,所以我从海军复原后,申请了银行的这个位置并且得到了它。我设想这是一个好机会,但是我有点孤独寂寞。)

As I ride along, swaying (摇摆)to the motion (运动)of the car, I like to imagine(想象) that I'm friends with her. Sometimes I'm even tempted(诱惑) to smile at her, and say something like\


I'm scared(心虚). She might think I'm one of those wise (高明的)guys (家伙)and she'd freeze up (冷淡)and look right through me as if I didn't exist(存在),and then the next morning she wouldn't be here any more and I'd have no one to think about. I keep dreaming that maybe some day I'll get to know her. You know,in a casual(休闲,随意)way.(当我一个人坐着地铁,随着车的晃动而摇摆,我喜欢想象我和她成为了朋友。有时我忍不住想对她微笑,说一些诸如“早晨很美好,不是吗?”之类的话。但是,我心虚,她可能认为我是个自作聪明的家伙而冷淡我,对我视而不见,而在第二天早晨她再也不会出现,我没有人可以想了。我梦想可能有一天,我会认识她。当然,以一种随意的方式。)

Like maybe she'd be coming through the door and someone pushed her and she brushes against me and she'd say quickly, \hat politely (礼貌)and answer: \right,\smile back at me and say, \say,\more,but when she'd be ready to get off at 34th Street,


she'd wave her fingers a little at me and say,\and I'd tip my hat again.(比如,也许她从门里进来,有人推了她,她撞到了我,于是她马上说:“哦,对不起”。我彬彬有礼地举起帽子回答说:“没关系”并且微笑着对她表示我的意思,然后她也微笑着回答我说:“天气很好,不是吗?”我会说:“感觉像春天一样。”接下来我们就不会多说什么,但是,当她从第34号街道车站下车时,她会轻轻挥挥手对我说:“再见。”于是我再一次举起帽子。)

The next morning when she'd come in,she'd see me and say \answer and add something to show her I really knew a little about sping. Now wise cracks because I wouldn't want her to think that I was one of those sooth--talking guys who pick up girls in the subway.(第二天早晨,当她上车时,她看到我说:“你好”,也许是“早上好,”我也许会回答她并且增加一些话,向她表明我确实知道的关于春天的一些东西。那时,没有什么俏皮话,因为我不想让她以为我是一个花言巧语,在地铁里认识女孩子的家伙。)

And after a while,we'd get a little friendlier and start talking about things like the weather or the news,and one