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fraught (adj.) :filled,charged,or loaded充满…的;蕴含…的 -blubber (v.) :weep loudly, like a child(小孩般)大声哭

analogy (n.) :an explaining of something by comparing it point by point with something similar类比

brief (n.) :a concise statement of the main points of a law case,usually filed by counsel for the information of the court诉讼摘要;辩护状 blueprint (n.) :a photographic reproduction in white on a blue background,as of architectural or engineering plans(建筑或工程设计用的)蓝图 hypothesis (n.) :an unproved theory,proposition,supposition,etc.tentatively accepted to explain certain facts or to provide a basis for further investigation,argument,etc.假设;前提

yummy (adj.) :[echoic of a sound made in expressing pleasure at a taste][colloq.]very tasty;delectable;delicious[表示享受美味的象声词][口]美味的,可口的

chunk (n.) :a short,thick piece,as of meat,wood,etc.一厚块(肉、木头等)

pitchblende (n.) :a brown to black lustrous mineral,the massive variety of uraninite沥青铀矿

fracture (v.[Am.slang]) :cause to react with enthusiasm[美俚]使着迷 gurgle (v.) :make a bubbling sound in the throat,as a contented baby does(婴儿高兴时)发咯咯声

notorious (adj.) :widely but unfavorably known or talked about声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的

indignation (n.) :anger or scorn resulting from injustice, ingratitude, or meanness; righteous anger愤慨,义愤

exultant (v.) :exulting;triumphant;jubilant狂欢的;欣喜的;兴高采烈的 hamstring (v.) :disable by cutting a hamstring;lessen or destroy the power or effectiveness of割断…的腿腱以使残废;削弱(或破坏)…的力量(或功能)

cretin (n.) :a person suffering from cretinism;a stupid person愚侏病者;白痴,傻瓜

let-up (v.) :a slackening or lessening。as of effort;a stop or pause放松(努力);中止,休止

chink (n.) :a narrow opening;crack;fissure;slit缝隙;裂口

grueling (adj.) :extremely tiring;exhausting折磨人的;使人筋疲力竭的 well-heeled (adj.) :[slang]rich;prosperous[俚]有钱的,富有的 fashion (v.) :shape;mold塑造;做成

constellation (n.) :the part of the heavens occupied by a number of fixed stars星座;星宿

languish (v.) :lose vigor and vitality;become weak变得萎靡不振;倦怠 hollow-eyed (adj.) :having deep-set eyes or dark areas under the eyes,as from sickness or fatigue(由于生病或疲倦)眼窝凹陷的,有黑眼圈的 hulk (n.) :an abandoned wreck or shell废船

surge (v.) :have a heavy,violent swelling motion;move in or as in a surge汹涌澎湃

perspiration (n.) :sweat汗

wag (v.) :cause something to move rapidly and repeatedly back and forth,from side to side,or up and down摇摆。摇动

bellow (v.) :cry out loudly, as in anger or pare。(由于愤怒或疼痛)大声叫 reel (v.) :give way or fall back;sway,waver, or stagger as from being struck倒退,退缩;站立不稳

infamy (n.) : very bad reputation; notoriety; disgrace; dishonor臭名昭著;丢脸,耻辱;不名誉

turf (n.) :a surface layer of earth containing grass plants with their matted roots;sod草皮;草地

modulate (v.) :vary the pitch, intensity, etc.(of the voice), to a lower degree 使(声音)转调,是声音变低

knot-head (n.[slang]) :a foolish,stupid person笨蛋,痂汉

jitterbug (n.) :a dance for couples;esp. in the early 1940's,involving fast,acrobatic movements to swing music'[fig]an emotionally unstable person(尤指20世纪40年代的)吉特巴舞;[喻]变化无常的人 短语 (Expressions)

nothing upstairs : (Am.slang)empty-headed;a nitwit没头脑的,愚笨的 in the swinl : conforming to the current fashion赶时髦 例: She is always involved in the swim.她总是追求时髦。

get one's hands on : to obtain sth.得到,获得

例: They all want to get their hands on my money.他们都觊觎我的钱。 go steady : to date someone of the opposite sex regularly and exclu-sively.be sweethearts约会,成为关系确定的情侣

例: When did you go steady with her?你和她是什么时候确定恋爱关系的?

out of the picture : not considered as involved in a situation不相干的,不合适的

例: \,he's out of the picture.\帕姆还在跟埃里克在一起吗?\没有,他们已经互不相干了。\

get at : seem to be saying sth.that other people d0 not completely un-derstand暗示

例: What exactly are you getting at?你到底在暗示什么? have…at one's finger tips : to be completely familiar with;精通 例: We have all the facts and figures at our fingers.我们已经掌握了所有的事实和数字。

go far : to accomplish much:achieve much success 成功,大有前途 例: Ginny's a smart girl.and I'm sure she'u go far.吉尼是个聪明的姑娘,我相信她会成功的。

knock out : to elicit enthusiasm or an emotional response,esp.deep sympathy or laughter使高兴,使情绪激动