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fad (n.) : a custom,style,etc.that many people are interested in for a short time;passing fashion;craze一度时髦的风尚,风行一时的东西;一时的狂热

craze (n.) :something that is currently the fashion;fad一时的风尚;风行一时的东西;时髦

acme (n.) : the highest point;point of culmination顶点,极点 appendicitis (n.) :inflammation of the vermiform appendix阑尾炎 laxative (n.) : any laxative medicine;mild cathartic轻泻药;通便剂 raccoon (n.) :a small,tree-climbing, chiefly flesh-eating mammal浣熊 mumble (v.) : speak or say indistinctly and in a low voice;mutter喃喃地说;含糊地说

temple (n.) :either of the flat surfaces alongside the forehead,in front of each ear太阳穴,鬓角

incredulous (adj.) : unwilling or unable to believe; doubting;skeptical不相信的;怀疑的

unsanitary (adj.) :not clean;harmful to health不卫生的;对健康有害的 shed (v.) : shed a natural growth or covering,as hair(毛发等)脱落 unsightly (adj.) :not sightly;not pleasant to look at;ugly不美观的;难看的;丑陋的

swim (n.) : current fashion潮流,时髦/砌the swim conforming to the current fashion赶时髦

gear (n.) :a specific adjustment 0f a toothed wheel(汽车等的)排挡

narrowly (adv.) : closely;carefully;thoroughly仔细地;严密地

attic (n.) :the room or space just below the roof of a house; garret顶楼,阁楼

covet (v.) : want ardently;long for with envy垂涎;觊觎 cerebral (adj.) :appealing to the intellect rather than the emotions;intellectural理智的;凭理智行事的

pin-up (adj.[colloq.]) : designating a girl whose sexual attractiveness makes her a subject for the kind of pictures often pinned up on walls[口](女子)其照片可供倾慕者钉在墙上的 proportions (n.) :1ines;shape of the body线条;身材

making (n.[often in p1.]) : the material or qualities needed for the making or development of something[常用复]素质;内在因素 carriage (n.) :conduct;behaviour;posture行为;举止;姿态

bearing (n.) : way of carrying and conducting oneself:carriage;manner举止,风度,姿态

breeding (n.) :good upbringing or training良好的教养(或培养) exquisite (adj.) : very beautiful or lovely,esp.in a delicate or carefully wrought way优美的,高雅的,精致的

specialty (n.) :an article characterized by special features,superior quality,novelty, etc.特产;特制品

gravy (adj.) : the juice given off by meat in cooking肉汁,调味汁

dipper (n.) :a long-handled cup or similar container for dipping长柄杯或类似容器

sauerkraut (n.) :chopped cabbage fermented in a brine of its own juice with salt泡菜

veer (v.) :change direction:shift;turn or swing around改变方向;转向;变向

gamy (adj.) :having a strong,tangy flavor like that of cooked game;strong in smell有猎物气味的;气味强烈的

Holy Toledo adj.[colloq.]) :excellent[口]好极了

reverent (adj.) :feeling。showing,or characterized by reverence恭敬的;虔诚的

greasy (adj.) :smeared with or containing grease涂(或含)有油脂的;油污的

pelt (n.) :the skin of a fur-bearing animal,esp. after it has been stripped from the carcass毛皮;生皮

canny (adj.) :careful and shrewd in one's actions and dealings;clever and cautious谨慎的;机警的;精明的

waif (n.) :a person without home or friends,esp.a homeless child流浪汉;无家可归者;(尤指)流浪儿 swivel (v.) :turn on旋转

wax (v.) :grow gradually larger;increase in strength,lntensity,volume.ere.渐渐变大;增加

wane (v.) :become.1ess intense,strong,bright,etc.变弱;减少 kick (n.[colloq.]) :pleasure高兴,兴奋

loom (v.) :appear,or come in sight indistinctly隐约出现

dimension (n.) :extent,size,or degree}scope体积,容积,面积;范围,规模;方面

tryst (n.) :an appointment to meet at a specified time and place,esp。one made secretly by lovers约会;幽会

wince (v.) :shrink or draw back slightly,usually with a grimace.as in pain,embarassment, etc.(因疼痛、窘迫等)畏缩;退缩 tug (v.) :pull hard;drag;haul用力拉,拖,拖曳 desist (v.) :cease;stop;abstain停止

contrite (adj.) :feeling deep sorrow or remorse for having sinned or done wrong;penitent懊悔的;忏悔的

premise (n.) :a previous statement or assertion that serves as the basis for an argument(尤指逻辑)前提

chirp (v.) :speak in a lively,shrill way嘁嘁喳喳地说 deposit (v.) :put,lay or set down放下,搁下

glum (adj.) :feeling or looking gloomy,sullen忧郁的,闷闷不乐的 ember (n.[usu.in p1.]) :the smoldering remains of a fire[常用复]余烬,余火

smolder (v.) :burn and smoke without flame;be consumed by slow combustion闷烧;熏烧