高级英语下册重难点单词解释 联系客服

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forebear (n.) : an ancester 祖先,祖宗

prescribe (v.) : set down as a rule or direction;order;ordain;direct命令;指示;规定,订立

generosity (n.) : the quality of being generous慷慨;宽宏大量 heir (n.) : person who appears to get some trait from a predecessor or seems to carry on in his tradition继承者;后嗣 foe (n.) : enemy;opponent敌人

undoing (n.) : the act of bringing to ruin,disgrace,or destruction毁灭;破坏

at odds : in disagreement;quarreling意见不一致;有争执 asunder (adv.) : into parts or pieces分成碎片;分散

prey (n.) : a person or thing that falls victim to someone or something牺牲品;掠夺品

subversion (n.) : a subverting or being subverted.ruin 颠覆(活动);破坏 sovereign (adj.) : independent of all others独立自主的 outpace (v.) : surpass;exceed在速度上超过;胜过

invective (n.) : a violent verbal attack.strong criticism,insults, curses, etc.; vituperation 抨击;辱骂,谩骂

shield (n.) : any person or thing that guards,protects,or defends; protection保护人;防护物;保护

writ (n.) : a formal legal document ordering or prohibiting some action命令;律令;文书;传票

adversary (n.) : a person who opposes or fights against another; opponent;enemy对手,反对者;敌手,敌方 anew (adv.) : again重新,再

unleash (v.) : release from or as from a leash(解开皮带以)释放 engulf (v.) : swallow up;overwhelm 吞没,淹没,压倒 civility (n.) : politeness.esp. in a merely formal way 礼貌,客气 belabor (v.) : talk about at unnecessary length唠唠叨叨地反复讲 formulate (v.) : put together and express (a theory.plan ,etc.)a systematic way系统地阐述(或提出)(理论、计划等) tap (v.) : draw upon;make use of开发、发掘

heed (v.) : pay close attention to;take careful notice of注意, 留神,留心 beachhead (n.) : a position established by invading troops on an enemy shore;a position gained as a secare starting point for any action;foothold滩头堡,登陆场;立足点

endeavor (n.) : an earnest attempt or effort努力,尽力

testimony (n.) : any form of evidence,indication. etc.;proof证明,证据 embattle (v.) : [常用于被动语态]prepare,array,or set in line for battle使准备战斗,使严阵以待

tribulation (n.) : great misery or distress, as from oppression;deep sorrow苦难;困苦;忧伤

forge (v.) : move forward steadily,as if against difficulties; form;produce(似乎迎着困难)稳步前进;形成;结成

alliance (n.) : a close association for a common objective as of nations,political parties,etc.联盟,联合,同盟 短语 (Expressions)

at issue : in dispute;to be decided;at variance;in disagreement意见不一致

例: What is at issue is the extent to which exam results reflect a student's ability.意见的分歧之处在于考试对于学生能力的影响程度。 at odds : in disagreement;quarrelling;antagonistic意见不一致,有争执 例: IHe was at odds with his colleagues.他与同事意见不合。 east off : to discard;abandon;disown丢弃,摆脱

例: A haven of tranquility where you can cast off the strains and stress of life.一个可以摆脱生活重负的宁静港湾 beyond doubt : certainly毫无疑问

例: She was beyond doubt one of the finest swimmers in the school.毫无疑问,她在学校里游泳游得最棒。 词汇(Vocabulary)

fallacy (n.) : a false or mistaken idea,opinion,etc.;error谬论,谬见;错误

enterprising (adj.) :full of energy and initiative;willing to undertake new projects有进取心的;充满首创精神的;有胆量的

unfetter (v.) : free from fetters;free from restraint of any kind;liberate除掉…的脚镣;解放;使获得自由

limp (adj.) :1acking or having lost stiffness;flaccid;drooping,wilted柔软的

flaccid (adj.) : hanging in loose folds or wrinkles:soft and limp;flabby不结实的;松驰的;松软的

spongy (adj.) :of or like a sponge;soft and porous海绵(状)的;柔软有弹性的

pedantic (adj.) : of or like a pedant迂腐的,书呆子气的

trauma (n.) :a painful emotional experience,or shock.often producing a lasting psychic effect and sometimes a neurosis(精神)心灵创伤 calculating (adj.) : shrewd or cunning. esp. in a selfish way;scheming精明的;(尤指)专为自己打算的;有算计的

perspicacious (adj.) :having keen judgement or understanding;acutely perceptive聪颖的;敏锐的

astute (adj.) : having or showing a clever or shrewd mind:cunning;crafty;wily 聪明的,敏锐的;精明的;狡猾的 dynamo (n.) :generator发动机

scale (n.) : either of the shallow dishes or pans of a balance秤盘;天平盘 penetrating (adj.) :sharp;piercing锐利的

scalpel (n.) : a small,light,straight knife with a very sharp blade,used by surgeons and m anatomical dissections解剖刀,手术刀 faddist (n.) :a person who follows fads赶时髦的人