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jazzmad (adj.) : blindly and foolishly fond of jazz music爵士乐狂 aftermath (n.) : a result or consequence,esp. an unpleasant one结果,后果(尤指令人不愉快的后果)

provincial (adj.) : narrow,limited like that of rural provinces狭窄的;偏狭的;地方性的

gentility (n.) : he quality of being genteel;now,specifically,excessive or affected refinement and elegance有教养,斯文,温文尔雅;(现尤指)假装文雅,假装斯文

aggressiveness (n.) : bold and energetic pursuit of one's end,enterprise有进取心,进取精神

bustle (v.) : hurry busily or with much fuss and bother繁忙,奔忙 medium (n.) : environment环境

catalytic (adj.) : acting as the stimulus in bringing about or hastening a result起催化作用的;起刺激作用的

precipitate (v.) : throw headlong;cause to happen before expected,needed;bring on猛抛,猛投;突然发生;促使

obsolescent (adj.) : in the process of becoming obsolete即将过时的;逐渐被废弃的

mores (n.) : customs,esp. the fixed or traditional customs of a society,often acquiring the force of law习俗

sophistication (n.) : the state of being artificial,worldly-wise,urbane,etc.老于世故

faddishness (n.) : the following of fads赶时髦,赶时尚

hectic (adj.) : characterized by excitement,rush,confusion,etc.兴奋的;忙乱的;混乱的

gaiety (n.) : cheerfulness;the state of being gay高兴,快乐

perversion (n.) : a perverting or being perverted;corruption走入邪路;堕落;败坏

Prohibition (n.) : the forbidding by law of the manufacture,transportation,and sale of alcoholic liquors for beverage purposes;specifically in the U.S.,the period(1920-1933)of prohibition by Federal law(特指美国20~30年代的)禁酒法令

orgy (n.) : any wild riotous licentious merry-making;debauchery纵酒饮乐;狂欢

spree (n.) : a lively,noisy frolic狂欢,纵乐

reveler (n.) : a person who makes merry or is noisily festive狂欢者,狂宴者

sober (v.) : make or become serious,solemn变清醒;变严肃 prolong (v.) : lengthen or extend in time or space延长;拖长;使持久 stalemate (n.) : any unresolved situation in which further action is impossible or useless;deadlock僵持;困境

insolence (n.) : being boldly disrespectful in speech-or behavior;impudence(言行)无礼,鲁莽;傲慢

belligerent (adj.) : at war;of war处于交战状态的;战争的