高级英语下册重难点单词解释 联系客服

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benign (adj.) : good-natured;kindly性善的;仁慈的;宽厚的

pastry (n.) : flour dough or paste made with shortening and used for the crust of pies,tarts,etc.:foods made with this制作糕点用的生面团;面制糕点

rapt (adj.) : completely absorbed or engrossed(in meditation,study,etc.)(思考、学习等)全神贯注的

imperious (adj.) : overbearing;arrogant;urgent;imperative傲慢的;专横的;紧急的;迫切的

neigh (v.) : utter the loud,characteristic cry of a horse:whinny(马)嘶;发马嘶般的声音

seep (v.) : 1eak,drip,or flow out slowly through small openings or pores;ooze渗出;渗漏

cobweb (v.) : cover with or as with the web spun by a spider使布满蛛网(或蛛网状物)

defective (adj.) : having a defect or defects;imperfect;faulty有缺陷的,有缺点的

imbecile (n.) : showing feeble intellect;foolish or stupid极愚蠢的;愚笨的;低能的

malnutrition (n.) : faulty or inadequate nutrition;poor nourishment resulting from insufficient food。improper diet,etc.营养不良;营养失调 fumble (v.) : make(one's way)clumsily or by groping;handle(a thing)clumsily or unskillfully摸索着行进;笨拙地做事

genitals (n.) : the reproductive organs生殖器

hunch (v.) : sit or stand with the back arched弓背弯腰地坐(或站立) rattle (v.) : make a series of sharp,short sounds m quick succession发出嘎嘎声

whine (v.) : utter a peevish,high-pitched. somewhat nasal sound,as in complaint,distress,fear,etc.;cmplain or beg in a childishly undignified way,as with a whine哭诉,哀诉;呜咽;发牢骚,抱怨 buttocks (n.) : the rump屁股,臀部

fester (v.) : form pus;ulcerate;decay生疮,化脓;溃烂,腐烂 excrement (n.) : waste,matter from the bowels:feces排泄物;粪(便) impotence (n.) : the quality or condition of being impotent,weak无力,虚弱,衰弱

paradox (n.) :a statement that is self-contradictory in fact and,hence,false;a person,situation,act,etc.that seems to have contradictory or inconsistent qualities自相矛盾的话(或事);充满矛盾的人(或事) uncouth (adj.) : uncultured;crude;boorish;awkward不文明的;粗鲁的;笨拙的

vapid (adj.) :tasteless;flavorless;flat;dull;boring乏味的;枯燥的;无趣味的 poignant (adj.) :emotionally touching or moving深深打动人心的/poignancy n

snivel (v.) :cry and sniffle;have mucus running from the nose啜泣,抽噎;流鼻涕

短语 (Expressions) far Off : far a way在远处

例: Far off to the edge of cliff stood aIl eagle.远处,在悬崖在边缘站着一只老鹰。

rise to the occasion : show that one is equal to what needs to be done 显出具有应付特殊事故的能力,应付自如

例: this system is designed in such a way that it can rise to the occasion.这个系统被设计成这个样子,就是为了使它能随机应变。 in communion with : have a special relationship with sth.in which one feels that he undemtands it very well与……有交流,与……有联络,有共同利害关系

brood on/over(sth.) : think about(troubles,etc.)for a long time 沉思,忧思

例: He lay in t王1e shade of the tree broodjng over whether life was wonll living.他躺在树荫下沉思人生是否值得活下去。 词汇(Vocabulary)

nostalgic (adj.) : looking for something far away or long ago or for former happy circumstance怀旧的

illicit (adj.) : not allowed by law,custom,rule,etc.:unlawful;prohibited违法的,违禁的,非法的

thrill (n.) : tremor of excitement(一阵)激动

speakeasy (n.) : [slang]a place where alcoholic drinks are sold illegally,esp. such a place in the U.S.during Prohibition[俚](美国禁酒期的)非法的酒店

denunciation (n.) : the act of denouncing控告;指责,斥责

amour (n.) : a love affair,esp. of an illicit or secret nature 恋情;(尤指)不正当的男女关系

sedan (n.) : an enclosed automobile with two or four doors.and two wide seats.front and rear(两扇或四扇门、双排座的)轿车 naughty (adj.) : improper,obscene不得体的;猥亵的 jazzy (adj.) : (a party)playing jazz music(舞会)放爵士音乐的 flask-toting (adj.) :always carrying a small flask filled with whisky or other strong liquor身带烈性酒的

sheik (n.) : (Americanism)a masterful man to whom women are supposed to be irresistably attracted[美国语](能使女子倾心的)美男子 vagary (n.) : an odd,eccentric,or unexpected action or bit of conduct古怪行径;难以预测的行为

flapper (n.) : [colloq.](in the 1920's)a young woman considered bold and unconventional in actions and dress [口](在20世纪20年代被认为)举止与衣着不受传统拘束的年轻女子,轻佻女郎

perspective (n.) : a specific point of view in understanding or judging things or events,esp. one that shows them in their true relations to one another正确理解或判断事物相互关系的能力