高级英语下册重难点单词解释 联系客服

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fraudulency (n.) : deceit;trickery;cheating欺诈;欺骗

intoxication (n.) : intoxicating or becoming intoxicated;a feeling of wild excitement;rapture;frenzy醉,喝醉;陶醉,极度兴奋,欣喜若狂 fleeting (adj.) : passing swiftly;not lasting疾驰的,疾逝的;短暂的 短语 (Expressions)

be obsessed by/with : If one is obsessed by/wisth.or sb.,he thinks about them all the time and cannot think of anything else.被…占据心思 例: He has always been obsessed by/with fear of unemployment. 他总是被失业的恐惧所困扰。

devoid of : completely lacking in;empty of没有,无

例: Mr.Wilson is a man totally devoid of aU humor.威尔逊先生是一个完全没有幽默感的人。

put/place a premium on : make it advantageous for sb.(to behave in a certain way,to do sth.)诱发;鼓励(某种行为,行动)

例: Work paid according to the amount done puts/places a premi-am on speed and not on quality.按件付酬导致看重速度而不看重质量。 be indicative of : be a clear sign that a particular situation exists or that sth.is likely to be true表示

例: He believes that the report is indicative of a new economic growth.他相信报告预示了一轮新的经济增长。

in the naIne of : with the authority of;in the cause of以…的名义,凭…的权威,为…的缘故

例: They carried out such cruel experiments on animals in tlle name of science.他们以科学的名义在动物身上进行如此残忍的实验

pay off : yield full recompense or retum,for either good or evil全部还清 例: They must pay off their creditors.他们必须偿还他们债权人的债务.

rest upon/on : depend on orbe based on sth.依赖,基于

例: His conclusion rested upon the information that he collected.他的结论是基于他所收集的信息得出的。

set/put sth.in motion : cause sth.to start moving or work使某物开始转动或工作

例: Pull this handle upward to set the machine in motion.把这个手柄向上拉,启动机器。 词汇(Vocabulary)

rigging (n.) : tackle,esp. the chains,ropes,etc.,used for supporting and working in the masts,sails,yards,etc.,of a vessel索具

decorous (adj.) : characterized by or showing decorum, propriety,good taste,etc.有礼貌的,正派的;有教养的,高雅的 mauve (n.) : any of several shades or delicate purple淡紫色

tambourine (n.) : a shallow,single-headed hand drum having jingling metal disks in the rim(鼓框周围装有金属片的)铃鼓;小手鼓

dodge (v.) : move or twist quickly aside;shift suddenly,as to avoid a blow闪开,躲闪,躲避

lithe (adj.) : bending easily;flexible;supple;limber;lissome柔软的;易弯曲的

gear (n.) : a harness马具,挽具

halter (n.) : a rope,cord,strap,etc.,usually with a headstall.for tying or leading an animal;a bitless headstall,with or without a lead rope缰绳;(马)笼头

mane (n.) : the long hair growing from the top or sides of the neck of certain animals,as the horse,lion,etc. (马、狮等的)鬃毛

braid (v.) : interweave three or more strands of(hair,straw,etc.)编织(毛发、草等)

nostril(n.) : either of the external openings of the nose鼻孔 prance (v.) :(said of a horse)rise up on the hind legs in a lively way,esp.while moving along(马)后足立地腾跃

archaic (adj.) : antiquated;old-fashioned;ancient陈旧的,过时的,老式的;古代的

stallion (n.) : an uncastrated male horse,esp. one used as a stud未经阉割的雄马(尤指种马)

barbarian (n.) : member of a people or group with a civilization regarded as primitive,savage,etc.原始人,野蛮人,未开化的人

dulcet (adj.) : sweet-sounding;pleasant;calming悦耳的;好看的;使人感到舒服的

utopian (n.) : a person who believes m a utopia,esp. of a social or political nature;visionary空想家;空想社会主义者

treason (n.) : betrayal of trust or faith;betrayal of one's country背信弃义;判国行为;通敌

banal (adj.) : dull or stale as because of overuse;trite;

hackneyed;commonplace陈腐的;平庸的;老一套的/banality n. exuberance (n.) : the state or quality of being exuberant;great abundance;luxuriance繁茂;茂盛;丰富,充裕

puritanical (adj.) : of the Puritans;extremely or excessively strict In matters of morals and religion清教徒的;宗教(或道德上)极端拘谨的 languor (n.) : a lack of vigor or vitality;weakness:indifference;lethargy倦怠;衰弱无力;漠不关心

arcane (adj.) : hidden or secret深奥的;秘密的;神秘的

magnanimous (adj.) : noble in mind;high-souled:generous in overlooking injury or insult;rising above pettiness or meanness宽宏大量的;品德高尚的

provisioner (n.) : the person who supplies with provisions,esp. with a stock of food粮食供应者

amiable (adj.) : having a pleasant and friendly disposition;good-natured悦人的,友善的;温柔的

sticky (adj. [colloq.]) : overly sentimental;maudlin:adhesive[口]感情脆弱的;爱哭的;粘的