新概念NEC3英语第三册作文与书信标准答案(lesson1-lesson60) 联系客服

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Thank you again for your wonderful hospitality!

It was a real pleasure to see you again after such a long time. I'll never forget your kindness during my stay. I particularly enjoyed our visit to the local market and our long walks in the countryside. I also enjoyed your company and the excellent food and wine. You're a perfect host!

I hope you will be able to visit me before long and look forward to seeing you soon.

Lesson 8 A famous monastery 著名的修道院

One very cold morning, a monk took two St. Bernard's dogs out for exercise. He immediately noticed that the dogs were very restless. Suspecting a traveller might be in difficulty, the monk returned to the monastery to organize a search party.

The two dogs led four monks through the snow. Two of the monks pulled a sledge behind them, in case they needed it. There had been very high winds the previous night, but now everything was still and visibility was bad because there was a heavy fog. Moreover, the temperature had fallen to -20°.The dogs led the monks towards the Pass and as the monks got near, they heard cries in the distance. The dogs soon found a man who was trapped under the snow and immediately dragged him out. The man was alive, but frozen stiff. The monks strapped him to the sledge and took him back to the monastery.


The man was unconscious, but he soon recovered in the warm atmosphere of the monastery where he was given plenty of hot drinks and food. When the traveller was able to speak, the monks listened with interest as he told them what had happened the previous night. (200 words)

Key to Letter writing A possible answer(body of letter only)

I hear you'll be taking a holiday in the Alps, which I'm sure you'll enjoy! I went there last year and stayed in the Berg Hotel high in the mountains not far from Zermatt. The hotel has fine views across the valley and I warmly recommend it. You'll love the healthy mountain air and enjoy every comfort at moderate prices. I'm going there again this year.

I look forward to hearing all about your holiday when you get back. (79 words)

Lesson 9 Flying cats 飞猫

Human beings like to keep dogs and cats. Dogs are submissive and faithful to their masters, but cats like to be independent. Cats are especially lovable when they are still kittens. As kittens they like to play by chasing anything that moves. That's how they learn to hunt mice, birds, insects and other small creatures. A lot of people keep cats so they can have a pet . As kittens grow into cats, they like to stay indoors. They like regular meals


and enjoy sleeping in front of a nice fire. However, they also like going out. During the day time and at night they like to go hunting. Sometimes during the night they have fights with other cats. Cats are very clean animals. You often see them washing themselves. Human beings are fascinated by their behaviour because cats are domestic animals, while at the same time they enjoy their independence. (150 words)

Key to Letter writing A possible answer(body of letter only)

I'm afraid I have to report a little accident: my baby tore some of the pages from the book you kindly lent me.

I am very sorry that this happened. I had left the book on a low table, but the baby got hold of it and tore several pages. However, I was able to buy another copy and I'm sending it to you by separate post. Please let me know when it arrives.

My kindest regards to you all. (80 words)

Lesson 10 The loss of the Titanic “泰坦尼克“号的沉没 Abandon snip

The Titanic began to sink, slowly at first. The order to abandon ship was unexpected, so passengers and crew were completely unprepared. It was the middle of the night. Some people were asleep in their cabins.Others


were on deck admiring the brilliant night sky and the giant icebergs rising above them. Others were eating and dancing in the wonderful ballrooms on the ship.

The immediate effect was panic and confusion. People began rushing in all directions, wondering what to do next. The cold was indescribable and many passengers were still in their night clothes. Members of the crew came up from below and began to lower the lifeboats. It was a case of women and children first, but it soon became obvious that there weren't enough lifeboats for everyone, so people jumped overboard into the freezing water in order to save their lives. Some of those swimming in the water struggled to get into the lifeboats, but most of them were already full.

The Titanic sank rapidly, carrying many people down with it. There were cries of despair from people in the water as they watched the lifeboats moving away and were left to drown in the icy ocean.(200 words)

Lesson 11 Not guilty 无罪

When the Customs Officer asked the traveller if he was carrying anything valuable, the man said that he had nothing to declare. The Officer asked the man to open his suitcase. Although the case contained only a suit and some dirty clothes, it was very heavy. This made the Customs Officer suspicious, so he removed all the clothes from the case. The case was soon