(完整)深圳牛津版英语最新八年级(?课文(带翻? - 百度文库 ϵͷ

ʱ : һ (完整)深圳牛津版英语最新八年级(?课文(带翻? - 百度文库ϿʼĶ

Damin uses several ways to attract [?'tr?kt] fish. During the day, he jumps up and down on his boat. After darkڰ, he hangs [h??] a light on a post [p??st] at the front of the boat. The cormorants bring the fish back to the boat. The fish are then taken and thrown into a big basket by Damin. No nets [net] are required [r?'kwa??]Ҫfor this type of fishing.

˲йϺܶطʵʩңطкܶ򡣵 񣬺ٵ˶Դ˸Ȥˡ50ϻ˲ ˡ

Cormorants fishing was once practiced ['pr?kt?s]ʵУϰ in lots of places in South-East Chinaй, and there were many fishermen in the area. But today, few young people are interested in it.In 50 years, perhaps there will be no more cormorants fishermen in the world.


Onceһ a year, a new cormorant is brought up [br??t] by Damin.

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First, the cormorant eggs are checked [t?ek]. Then the best one is taken and given to a chicken. After 26 days, the baby cormorant breaks out of the eggƿǶ. Then it is looked afterչ by Damin himself. For ten days, it is given food every hour. The temperature ['temp(?)r?t??]¶ is controlled [k?n'tr??l] to keep the baby cormorant warm. The baby cormorant growsɳ stronger. After two months, it can join the other cormorants on the boat.

Shadow ['??d??]Ӱ puppet ['p?p?t]ľżplays (ƤӰϷ)

ÿڿһСϷ硣ܹ ǣǿ ΪƤӰϷ

Every Saturday, Wang Weifang puts on a playϷ with his friends in a small town near Xian. The audience ['??d??ns] can hear them, but they cannot see them. That is because they are putting on a shadow puppet play.

ƤӰɼӲƤƳɵġƤ״ÿƤӰ Ϳ޵ɫһľϡһЩƤӰпƶֱۺȡ Shadow puppets are made of ...ƳhardӲ leather ['lee?]Ƥ. The leather is cut out in the shape of ...״a person, an animal or an object ['?bd?ekt]. Each puppet is painted ᣻in bright޵ colors and put on a stick [st?k]ľ. Some puppets have movable ['mu?v?b(?)l]ƶ armsֱ and legs.

ƤӰϷıڼ䣬վһɫĻ棬Ļŵƹ⡣ Ļǰ档ѽƤӰĻţԹڿԺ ؿƤӰӰӡȻĴƶЩƤӰͬĽɫ


During a shadow puppet play, Wang stands behind a white screen [skri?n] Ļwith lights behind it. The audience sit in front of ...ǰthe screen. Wang and his friends hold סthe puppets very close to the screen so the audience can see the puppets shadows clearly. Then they move ƶthe puppets aroundĴ and do the voices of the different characters ['k?r?kt?]ɫ.

ƤӰϷһֹϵйա˵Ӻ͵ӰƤӰϷǰһ С

Shadow puppet plays are an ancient ['e?n?(?)nt]ϵ Chinese art. Now with TV and filmsӰ, shadow puppet plays are not as popular as before. ѾΪһǮdzŬDz⡣Ҫ ʹִͳʽȥ

Wang and his friends often work very hard for little money, but they do not mind . They want to keep this traditional [tr?'d??(?)n(?)l]ͳ art form alive.

Chinese knots [n?t]й

йͨһϸƳɵġǶһ йֵ״ͨʹãΪй˵ɫһ˵ ɫ

A Chinese knot is usually made of...Ƴ a thinģϸ rope [r??p] . It can be in the shape״ of an animal, a flower or a Chinese character ['k?r?kt?] with a special رmeaning. Red ropes are usually used 15

because red is a lucky˵ color for Chinese people.




Many Chinese knots have special meanings ['mi?n??]. People think that these knots can bring them happinessҸ or good luck, so they carryЯ the knots with them or put them up at home.

Unit 4 ģ룩


Jason is learning how to make cartoons[k?'tu?n]ͨƬ. He has found some informationϢ in a magazine[m?g?'z?n]־. ͨƬ How to make a cartoon
