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as students?\\n Kangkang: We shouldn't leave rubbish here and there. Don't spit anywhere in public.\\n Don't walk on the grass or pick flowers.\\n Everyone should care for wild animals and plant more trees.\\n Michael: That's right. We should do everything we can to protect the environment.\\n 2 Read and understand\\n Dear headmaster, I'm writing to tell you something important.\\n Nobody likes to be untidy. However, some students throw waste paper and bottles everywhere.\\n We all need a quiet place to study, but some students often make too much noise at school. \\n Even worse, some of them are quite rude when talking to others.\\n Everyone knows their behavior is bad, but none of us knows how to stop them.\\n I think we should make rules to change the situation.\\n Perhaps it will be hard for us to keep the rules in the beginning, but if everybody does their best to follow the rules,\\n our school will become better and better day by day.\\n Sincerely,\\n Kangkang

康康:我们不应该到处扔垃圾,不应该当众随地吐痰。\\n 不应该在草地上走或摘花。\\n 每个人都应该关爱野生动物,并且多种树。\\n 迈克尔:那是对的。我们应该尽一切努力保护环境。\\n 2 阅读理解\\n 亲爱的校长,\\n 我写信是要告诉你某件重要的事情。\\n 没有人喜欢脏乱,一些学生把废纸和瓶子到处扔。\\n 我们都需要一个安静的地方学习,但是有些学生经常在学校里制造很多噪音。\\n 更糟糕的是,一些学生跟别人讲话时非常粗鲁。\\n 每个人都知道他们的行为很恶劣,但是没有人知道怎样阻止他们。\\n 我想我们应该制定规则来改变这种状况。\\n 或许刚开始要我们遵守这些规则会很困难,但是如果每个人都尽力遵守规则,\\n 我们的学校就会一天一天变得越来越好。\\n 真诚的,\\n 康康\\n 29

3 Work alone\\n Listen to the tape and number the following sentences in the correct order.\\n In the past, people killed animals for their meat and skins.\\n Now, some kinds of animals are becoming fewer and fewer.\\n And some animals are in danger of disappearing completely.\\n Some people destroyed the environment where animals live.\\n For example, in the past, pandas had a quiet life and plenty of food.\\n However, the bamboo forests are now disappearing rapidly because humans destroy them. \\n Now pandas can't find enough bamboo to eat.\\n Humans have come to realize that animals are important to us. They are our friends on this planet.\\n We should do our best to protect them. Then, the world will be much better.\\n Section B\\n 1a Listen, read and say\\n (Kangkang, Maria and Jane are talking in a room. The wind outside is blowing strongly.)\\n Kangkang: What bad weather! The wind is blowing strongly with lots of sand.\\n I can't see anything, and my face hurt while I was walking down the

3 独立练习\\n 听录音,按正确顺序给下面句子编号。\\n 在过去,人们杀害动物以得到它们的肉和皮毛。\\n 现在,有些动物种类变得越来越少了。\\n 而且某些动物还面临灭绝的危险。\\n 一些人在破坏动物赖以生存的环境。\\n 例如,在过去,熊猫过着安静的生活,有充足的食物。\\n 但是,现在竹林在快速地消失,这是因为人类破坏了它们。\\n 现在,熊猫找不到足够的竹子吃。\\n 人类逐渐意识到动物对我们是重要的。在这个星球上,它们是我们的朋友。\\n 我们应该尽全力去保护它们。那么,世界会更美好。\\n B部分\\n 1a 听、读与说\\n (康康、玛丽亚、简正在房间讨论。外面的风正在猛烈地刮着。)\\n 康康:天气真差!风中带着很多沙,猛烈地刮着。\\n 刚才我在街上走的时候,我什么也看不见,我的脸受伤了。\\n 30

street just now. \\n Maria: I'm sorry to hear that. But what causes these sandstorms?\\n Jane: People have cut down too many trees. A lot of rich land has changed into desert.\\n Maria: That's bad, but how can these trees affect the weather?\\n Jane: Trees can stop the wind from blowing the earth away.\\n Kangkang: And a lot of water can be saved by forests.\\n Jane: They can also prevent the water from washing the earth away.\\n Kangkang: Cutting down trees is harmful to human beings, animals and plants.\\n Although we have built \Green Wall\we still need to work hard to protect the environment.\\n 2 Group work\\n Read and discuss different ways of protecting and saving water.\\n Protecting and Saving Water\\n Water is very important to human beings, but not everybody knows how to protect and save it. Here are some ways:\\n 1. Pass laws against water pollution.\\n 2. Stop factories pouring waste water into rivers by cutting off their water supply.\\n 3. Remember to turn the tap off when you leave.\\n

玛丽亚:听到那我很难过。但是,什么引起这些沙尘暴呢?\\n 简:人类砍伐了太多的树林。大量的良田变成了荒漠。\\n 玛丽亚:那太糟了,但这些树怎么会影响天气呢?\\n 简:树木能防风固土。\\n 康康:森林可以贮存大量的水分。\\n 简:它们也能防止水土流失。\\n 康康:砍伐树木有害于人类、动物和植物。\\n 虽然我们已经修建了绿色长城,但我们还需要努力保护环境。\\n 2 分组练习\\n 阅读文章,讨论保护和节省水资源的不同方法。\\n 保护和节省水资源\\n 水对人类来说是非常重要的,但并非每个人都知道如何保护它和节约它。这有一些方法:\\n 1.通过法律反对水污染。\\n 2.通过切断他们的供水阻止工厂把废水倒进河中。\\n 3.你离开的时候记住关水龙头。\\n 31

4. Collect and reuse waste water.\\n Section C\\n 1a Read and understand\\n The earth is 4600 million years old. Modern man has lived on the earth for only 35000 years, but during this period we have changed our planet a lot in many ways.\\n Some things we've done are very good for the earth while some are not good.\\n 1. All over the world, people have cut down millions of trees.\\n When it rains or when the wind blows, the earth is taken away.\\n Forest has become desert, so more and more different sorts of animals and plants are disappearing.\\n 2. In big cities, cars and buses have polluted the air.\\n Many people in cities now have health problems.\\n 3. Factories have also polluted the land and the water.\\n As a result, many rivers and lakes are now dead.\\n 4. Around the earth, there's a special kind of oxygen called \It is important and helpful to the earth.\\n But now air pollution is destroying it and that has made a

4.收集和再利用废水\\n C部分\\n 1a 阅读理解\\n 地球有46亿年了。\\n 现代人类生活在地球上只有35,000年,但在这段时期,我们在许多方面改变我们的星球很多。\\n 我们做的事情有些对地球有益,而有些对地球有害。\\n 1.全世界,人类砍伐了数百万树木。\\n 一下雨或刮风,土壤就会被冲走或刮走。\\n 森林变成了沙漠,所以越来越多不同种类的动植物消失了。\\n 2.在大城市,小汽车与公共汽车污染了空气。\\n 城市中许多人有健康问题。\\n 3.工厂也污染了土地和水资源。\\n 结果,现在许多江河、湖泊死亡。\\n 4.在地球周围有一特殊的氧气叫做“臭氧”。\\n 它对地球是重要的、有用的。\\n 但是现在空气污染在破坏它,使臭氧层出现了一个很大的洞。\\n 32