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However, not all people know that noise is also a kind of pollution and is harmful to humans' health.\\n People who work and live in noisy conditions may go deaf.\\n For example, many of the workers who print newspapers and books go deaf.\\n Quite a few people living near airports also have hearing loss.\\n Recently it was reported that many teenagers in America can hear no better than 65-year-old people do,\\n because these young people always listen to loud pop music.\\n Making a loud noise in public is also a kind of pollution;\\n it not only disturbs others but also does great harm to people's hearing.\\n Cars and machines also produce too much noise.\\n Such pollution makes people feel uncomfortable and unpleasant, and it can even cause them to become sick or deaf.\\n Nowadays many countries are trying to solve all sorts of environmental problems, including noise pollution.\\n Section D\\n 1a Read and understand\\n There are many kinds of pollution around us, such as air pollution,

然而,并非所有的人都知道噪音也是一种污染,也会对人类健康造成危害。\\n 在嘈杂的环境中工作和生活的人们可能会变聋。\\n 例如,印报纸和印书的很多工人变聋了。\\n 居住在机场附近的相当多的人听力也受损了。\\n 近来,据报道,美国许多青少年的听力几乎和65岁的老人一样差。\\n 这是因为这些青少年总听劲爆的流行音乐。\\n 在公共场所制造大的噪音也是一种污染;\\n 它不仅干扰到其他人,而且对人们的听力还有极大的伤害。\\n 汽车和机器也制造了太多的噪音。\\n 这样的污染让人们觉得不舒服和不高兴,并且它甚至能导致人们生病或变聋。\\n 现在,许多国家正在努力解决各种各样的环境问题,包括噪音污染。\\n D部分\\n 1a 阅读理解\\n 我们周围有很多种污染,例如空气污染,土地污染,噪音污染和光污染。21

soil pollution, noise pollution and light pollution.\\n They are bad for our health in many ways.\\n Burning gas, oil and coal creates air pollution. It can cause sore eyes and breathing problems.\\n With the increase in population and the development of industry, litter is everywhere. \\n It makes our environment dirty.\\n People put lots of rubbish into the land. Farmers use too many chemicals in the fields. \\n They destroy the soil and soil pollution causes unhealthy food.\\n Noise pollution can make people deaf.\\n For example, people may lose their hearing if they work in a noisy place for a long time.\\n Too much noise can cause high blood pressure as well.\\n Working for a long time in strong, changeable light may cause some kinds of illnesses. \\n It makes people feel terrible and is especially bad for the eyes.\\n With less pollution, our planet will become greener and our health will be better. Let's be greener people.\\n 2a Grammar focus\\n Direct speech and indirect speech\\n

\\n 它们在很多方面对我们的健康有害。\\n 燃烧的煤气,石油和煤造成空气污染。它会导致眼睛疼痛和呼吸问题。\\n 随着人口增长和工业发展,到处都是垃圾。\\n 这使我们的环境变脏。\\n 人们把许多垃圾堆积到土地上。农民们在田里使用了太多的化学制品。\\n 它们破坏土壤,土壤污染引起不健康的食品。\\n 噪音污染会让人们变聋。\\n 例如,如果人们长时间在嘈杂的地方工作,他们可能会失去听觉。\\n 太多的噪音还会导致高血压。\\n 长时间在强烈、变动的光源下工作可能会引起一些疾病。\\n 这使人们感到难受,尤其对眼睛有害。\\n 如果污染更少,我们的星球就会变得更绿,我们的健康就会更好。让我们做绿色环保人士吧。\\n 2a 语法重点\\n 直接引语和间接引语\\n 22

The old lady said, \even worse.\The old lady said that she was feeling even worse.\\n \Granny?\The journalist asked the old lady if she still wanted to live there.\\n \this place like?\asked.\\n The journalist asked what the environment around that place was like.\\n 2b Useful expressions\\n Oh, my goodness!\\n All the flowers, grass and fish have gone!\\n There are several chemical factories pouring waste water into the streams.\\n ... I can't sleep well at night.\\n Anyway, I hope I'll manage to leave this place.\\n UNIT 2 Loving Our Planet\\n Topic 1 Pollution causes too many problems.\\n Section A\\n 1a Listen, read and say\\n (Kangkang, Jane, Maria and Michael are planning a picnic.)\\n Jane and Maria: Kangkang, where shall we go?\\n Kangkang: What about West Hill?

这个老妇人说,“我感到更糟糕了。”\\n 这个老妇人说她感到更糟糕了。\\n “你还想生活在这里吗,奶奶?”记者问。\\n 记者问这个老妇人,她是否还想生活在这里。\\n “这地方周围的环境如何?”记者问。\\n 记者问这地方周围的环境如何。\\n 2b 习惯用语\\n 噢,我的天啦!\\n 所有的花、草和鱼都消失了!\\n 有几个化工厂把废水倒进了河流里。\\n ……我晚上睡不好。\\n 无论如何,我希望我将设法离开这个地方。\\n 第二单元 爱护我们的星球\\n 话题1 污染导致了太多的问题。\\n A部分\\n 1a 听、读与说\\n (康康、简、玛丽亚和迈克尔正在准备一次野餐。)\\n 简和玛丽亚:康康,我们要去哪里?\\n 康康:西山怎么样?我以前去过那里。23 I've been there before. It's a beautiful place with lots of flowers and grass.\\n The air is fresh and the water is clean, and you will see bees and butterflies dancing.\\n Michael: Sounds great. Let's go there.\\n (Two days later, they come to West Hill.)\\n Kangkang: Oh, my goodness! All the flowers, grass and fish have gone!\\n The water is so dirty. It smells terrible. What has happened here?\\n Maria: Look, there are several chemical factories pouring waste water into the streams. \\n Kangkang: Everything has changed.\\n Michael: Do you still want to have the picnic here?\\n Jane: Of course not.\\n Section B\\n 1a Look, listen and say\\n (An old lady is coughing. She looks weak.)\\n Kangkang: Good morning, Granny. What's wrong with you?\\n Granny: Oh, boy. It's difficult for me to breathe.\\n Kangkang: How long have you been like this?\\n Granny: I've been like this since last month.\\n

一个有花有草的漂亮地方。\\n 空气很新鲜,水很清彻,你可以看到飞舞的蜜蜂和蝴蝶。\\n 迈克尔:听起来很好。让我们去那里吧。\\n (两天后,他们来到西山。)\\n 康康:噢,我的天啦!所有的花、草和鱼都不见了!\\n 水很脏。闻起来臭臭的。这里发生了什么事?\\n 玛丽亚:看,那里有几家化工厂把废水倒进河流里。\\n 康康:一切都改变了。\\n 迈克尔:你们还想在这里野餐吗?\\n 简:当然不。\\n B部分\\n 1a 看、听与说\\n (一个老妇人在咳嗽。她看起来很虚弱。)\\n 康康:早上好,奶奶。你怎么了?\\n 奶奶:噢,孩子。我呼吸困难。\\n 康康:你像这样有多久了?\\n 奶奶:从上个月开始我就像这样了。\\n 24