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population with 1.3 billion, and India is the second with 1.1 billion.\\n Maria: What's the population of the U.S.A.? \\n Kangkang: 296 million.\\n Maria: Oh, I see. It shows that the population in developing countries is larger than that in developed countries, doesn't it? \\n Kangkang: Yes. What's more, the population in developing countries is growing faster. \\n Maria: So it is. The population problem is more serious in developing countries.\\n Kangkang: Luckily, China has already carried out the one-child policy to control the population.\\n 2a Look, listen and say\\n five hundred and forty-three point seven\\n seven hundred and sixty-eight\\n six million, four thousand and one\\n seven billion, one hundred and ninety-eight million, seven hundred and sixty-four thousand, five hundred and two\\n 2b work alone\\n Listen and write down the numbers. Then listen again and match them with the pictures.\\n 1 China had a population of 1.3

度以11亿人口排在第二位。\\n 玛丽亚:美国的人口是多少?\\n 康康:2.96亿。\\n 玛丽亚:噢,我知道了。它表明了发展中国家的人口比发达国家的更多,对吗?\\n 康康:是的。而且,发展中国家的人口增长得更快。\\n 玛丽亚:的确是这样。发展中国家的人口问题更严重。\\n 康康:幸运的是,中国已经实行了独身子女政策来控制人口。\\n 2a 看,听与说\\n 543.7\\n 768\\n 6,004,001\\n 7,198,764,502\\n 2b 独立练习\\n 听录音,写下数字。然后再听一遍,将他们跟图片配对。\\n 1 中国2005年有十三亿人口。\\n 9

billion in 2005.\\n 2 It's about 6575 miles from Beijing to Toronto.\\n 3 Mount Qomolangma is 8844.43 metres high.\\n 4 The population of Canada was about 32 million in 2005.\\n 5 The dinosaur lived 210 million years ago.\\n 6 The coat in the shop cost 326 yuan.\\n Section C \\n 1a Read and understand\\n In 2005, the world's population was about 6.5 billion.\\n More than three billion people live in Asia now.\\n That's almost half of the world's population.\\n\\n China has the largest population in the world, and about one fifth of the people in the world live in China.\\n Because of the large population, there is less living space for each family.\\n And it's difficult for lots of people to find jobs.\\n A large population also causes many difficulties for the whole nation.\\n For example, we are short of energy and water.\\n Most cities are more crowded than before, and the traffic is much heavier.\\n

2 从北京到多伦多大概有6575英里。\\n 3 珠穆朗玛峰有8844.43米高。\\n 4 2005年加拿大的人口大概有三千两百万。\\n 5 恐龙生活在两亿一千万年前。\\n 6 店里的外套标价326元。\\n C部分\\n 1a 阅读理解\\n 2005年,世界的人口大约是65亿。\\n 现在30亿多人生活在亚洲。\\n 差不多是世界人口的一半。\\n 中国是世界上人口最多的国家,世界上大约有1/5的人生活在中国。\\n 因为庞大的人口,每个家庭有更少的生存空间。\\n 很多人找工作也很困难。\\n 庞大的人口也为整个国家带来了很多难题。\\n 例如,我们缺乏能源和水资源。\\n 大多数城市比之前更拥挤,交通更繁重。\\n 10

The large population has become a serious problem.\\n So far, our government has taken many measures to control the population.\\n One is known as the one-child policy.\\n It has worked well in controlling China's population.\\n Thanks to the policy, China is developing quickly and people's living conditions are improving rapidly.\\n However, the population problem is still serious in China.\\n We still have a long way to go.\\n 2a Work alone\\n Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.\\n Every minute about 261 babies are born in the world. \\n That means people have to find food for about 375 840 new people every day. \\n The world's population is growing faster and faster. \\n It has become one of the greatest problems today.\\n China has the largest population in the world.\\n There are about 1.3 billion people in China.\\n It has reached one fifth of the world's population.\\n China has carried out some policies to control the

庞大的人口已经变成一个严重的问题。\\n 到目前为止,我们的政府已经采取了很多办法来控制人口的数量。\\n 其中一项措施是独身子女政策。 它在控制中国人口上起了很好的作用。\\n 由于这一政策,中国正在迅猛发展,人们的生活条件也正在迅速地改善。\\n 然而,人口问题在中国仍然严竣。\\n 我们还有很长的一段路要走。\\n 2a 独立练习\\n 听录音填空。\\n 每分钟大概有261名婴儿出生在世上。\\n 那意味着每天人们不得不为375,840个新出生的人提供食物。\\n 世界人口增长越来越快。\\n 这已成为今天最大的问题之一了。\\n 中国是世界上人口最多的国家。\\n 中国有大约13亿人。\\n 这已达到世界人口的五分之一了。\\n 中国已经贯彻了一些政策来控制人口了,而这些政策非常有效。\\n 11

population, and these policies have worked well.\\n But China still faces a serious population problem.\\n Section D\\n\\n 1a Read and understand\\n Hello, everyone! My name is Sue. I come from Canada.\\n Canada is a big green country with a lot of snow in winter.\\n I live in a small mountain town called Fairmont.\\n It has less than 600 people. My hometown has lots of tall, green trees and clean, fresh air.\\n Our town is really like one big family.\\n We help each other and have fun together. \\n But it isn't perfect. I can't go shopping in big stores unless I travel for a couple of hours.\\n And sometimes it is hard to see my friends because they live so far away.\\n Hi, I'm Li Ming. I live in Beijing, the capital of China.\\n The city has a long history and many places of interest, such as the Great Wall, the Ming Tombs, the Summer Palace and the Forbidden City.\\n We have many big shopping centers and huge markets, so shopping is easy and pleasant.\\n Our public transportation is

但是中国依然面临着一个严重的人口问题。\\n D部分\\n 1a 阅读理解\\n 大家好!我叫休。我来自加拿大。\\n 加拿大是冬天有大雪,绿色环保大国。\\n 我住在一个叫作费尔蒙特的小山村里。\\n 那里的人口少于600。我的家乡有很多又高又绿的树和干净清新的空气。\\n 我们的家乡真的像一个大家庭。\\n 我们互相帮助,在一起很开心。\\n 但它并不完美。我得花几个小时的时间才能到大的商场去购物。\\n 而且有时见到我的朋友很难,因为他们住得很远。\\n 嗨,我是李明。我住在北京,中国的首都。\\n 这个城市有着悠久的历史和很多名胜古迹,例如长城,明十三陵,颐和园和紫禁城。\\n 我们有很多大的购物中心和大型市场,所以购物方便、舒适。\\n 我们的公共交通也很好。\\n 12