2014年中考英语专题练习-句子翻译 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2014年中考英语专题练习-句子翻译更新完毕开始阅读

______________ his new book at the book show last week 6.这项调查是要了解青少年目前承受着多少压力。

The survey is made to find out______________ at present. (六)(2013.天津) 1.熊猫主要以竹子为食。

Pandas mainly_______ _______ bamboo. 2.托尼的书在2012年出版了。

Tony's book_______ _______ in 2012. 3.开始我不太喜欢这个工作。

I didn't like the job very much_______ _______. 4.我想去澳大利亚观光。

I'd like to________ ______ in Australia. 5.全世界人民热爱和平。

People_______ _______the world love peace. (七)(2013.乌鲁木齐)


Sansha, the youngest city of China,_______ _______up on June 21st, 2012.

2. 2013年3月,由于H7N9禽流感,白水鸭在南京不再受欢迎。

White ducks are_______ _______ lovely in Nanjing because of H7N9 bird flu in March, 2013.


I will_______ _______ with anyone who would like to share happiness and hardship with me.

4.托尼在这次英语演讲比赛中获得一等奖,可他从来没有梦想过。 Tony got the first prize in the English speech contest this time, but he never_______ _______it.


Quite a large number of college students prefer to stay in big cities_______ _______ go to work in the western part of China. (八)(2013.鞍山)


The tired children_______ get home_______9.00 p.m. 2.你曾经去过游乐园么?

_______ you ever_______ to an amusement park? 3.现在很少有学生能自学英语。

Now few students can_______ English by_______. 4.我们得尽力使他振作起来,

We should try to_______ him_______. 5.为什么不参加英语小组来练习说英语呢?

Why don't you join an English club to_______ _______English? 6.你认为他会把钱花光吗?

Do you think that he will_______ _______ all the money? 7.学生在校期间应该穿校服。

Students are_______ wear school uniforms on school days.


Don't watch TV all the time.______________ 一go out and play basketball?


How are you_______ _______ with your classmates now? 10.学生们都盼望过一个轻松的假期。

Students are_______ _______ to having a free holiday.



Our parents often say that we are_______ young_______ decide for ourselves. 2.随着时间的流逝,他忘记了那些不愉快的事情。

As time________ ______ ,he forgot those unpleasant things. 3.你曾考虑过出国深造吗?

Have you ever_______ _______ abroad for further study? 4.如果你想得到更多的信息,你可以打电话或发邮件给 我们。

If you want more information, you can _______ ring _______ email us. 5.他开会迟到了,因为他的车在半路坏了。

He was late for the meeting because his car_______ _______halfway. 6.他多次尝试过戒烟,但都失败了。

He tried_______ _______ smoking several times, but failed. 7.我突然想起我把钥匙忘在办公室里了。

I suddenly_______ _______ my keys h the office. 8.这道题太难了,我们都做不出来。