裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第33课 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第33课更新完毕开始阅读



1.set out from the coast从海岸线出发 2.jump into the sea 跳进海里 3.swim to the shore 游到岸边 4.towards the light 朝着灯光

Special Difficulties


1. I tried to telephone you the other day. You must have been out. (the other day/the next day) 我前几天给你打电话,你出去了。

2. Have you passed your driving test?(past/passed) 你通过驾驶考试了吗?

3. On the first day all went well. But on the next day there was a storm. (next70ther) 第一天还是一切正常,但是第二天就有暴风雨。

4. The crowd cheered as the soldiers marched past. (past/passed) 当士兵队伍经过的时候,人群欢呼雀跃。

四、练习Exercise l. She swam to the shore _____ night in the water. A. having spent B. having spending C. when spending D. had spent 分析:


B.本身就是个错误搭配,在have后面应该使用过去分词,不可以出现have doing的形式: C.当在。o。逗留的时候,不符合题义;

D.过去完成时态,是个完整的谓语动词,不能做表示时间状语。 答案:A

2. Cliffs are usually____.

A. narrow B. wide C. steep D. sharp 分析:

A.窄的; B.宽的;D.尖锐的; C.陡峭的 答案选C

3. She struggled up the cliff. It wasn't___. A. easy B. hard C. difficult D. long 分析:

A这并不容易: B.艰苦的; C.困难的; D,长的。 答案选A

4. He drove fast and arrived an hour ____ schedule. A. in advance of B. in front of C. in excess of D. ahead of 分析:


B.在…前面,表示方位,空间位置上在前面: C.超过了,通常描述程度的;D.比…提前,更早。 答案选D.

六、补充内容 谚语

1. Bad news travels fast.

令人不快的事很快传开了(而令人愉快的事却并不那么受人注意);坏事传得快。 2. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. /Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. 美不美因人而异;情人眼里出西施。