2020年人教版七年级上册英语期末测试卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章2020年人教版七年级上册英语期末测试卷更新完毕开始阅读


( )50. Frank buys the sweaters for _____.

A. 2 dollars

B. 12 dollars

C. 24 dollars


Robert is tired all the time, and his head often hurts(疼痛). His mother asks him too see the doctor(医生).

Robert doesn’t like seeing the doctor, but after a week, he feels worse(觉得更糟)and has to go to the doctor. The doctor asks him a lot of questions and writes down Robert’s answers.

“What do you eat every morning?” thedoctor asks him. “Eggs, bread, butter,jam and coffee,” Robertanswers. “And what lunch do you always have?” thedoctor asks. “Meat or fish and bread.”

“And what do you have in the evening? “thedoctor asks. “Eggs and bread.”

Then the doctor says,“You don’t eat fruit at all. Try to eat some fruit after dinner every day, it is important toyou. And what’s more important is to eat all the skin(皮)of the fruit. Theskin is very good for health. Oh, by the way, whatis your favorite fruit?”

“Coconuts(椰子).”Robert answers.

( )51. Robert’s mother asks him to see the doctor because ______. A. he is not fine.

B. he likes seeing the doctor.

C. he wants to ask the doctor some questions. ( )52. Robert likes______for breakfast. A. eggs,bread and coconuts B. meat or fish and bread

C. eggs, bread, butter, jam and coffee

( )53.The doctor asks Robert to eat fruit______. A. in the morning B. at lunchtime

C. after dinner

( )54.The doctor thinks it is good for Robert’s health______. A. not to eat fruit B. to eat his favorite fruit

C. to eat the skin of the fruit

( )55. It is______for Robert to do what the doctor tells him. A. easy B. difficult

C. interesting


Ⅴ. 补全对话(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)

在下面的对话的空白处,填入适当的句子或短语,使对话意思完整,通顺。 A: 56._____________________?

B: Yes, please. I need something for my mother’s birthday. A: You are really a good girl! 57. ____________________? B: It is on January 31st.


A: It is very cold(寒冷的) at that time. 58. ____________________? B: Sounds great. She needs a sweater. A: Do you like the purple one?

B: It looks nice. 59. ______________________? A: It is only 150 yuan. It is on sale. B: Great! I’ll take it. A: Here you are.

B: 60. ____________________.

A: You’re welcome.


将所给的次词重新排序,组成逻辑通顺的句子。 61. eggs, I, for, breakfast, eat

_______________________________________________________________. 62. the, hat, not, my, room, in, is

_______________________________________________________________. 63. teacher, does, ball, P.E., your, a, have, soccer

_______________________________________________________________? 64. easy, not, tennis, me, is, for

_______________________________________________________________. 65. grandma, is, your, how old


Ⅶ.词汇(本大题包含A、B两部分,学生可任意选做A或B,共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) A.从方框中选出适当的词,使短文完整通顺。每次只用一次。

The Spring Festival(春节)is coming next month. It is 66.___________ February 8ththis year. It is a traditional festival and has a long 67.___________. It is very important for all the Chinese and it’s also my 68.___________ festival.

The Spring Festival is the time to 69.___________ goodbye to the old year and welcome the new year. Before it, people are very 70.___________. They clean the house, have a haircut, buy new 71.__________ and get all kinds of food ready.

The Spring Festival starts from the night before. 72.___________ is the Spring Festival Eve(除夕). All the family get together to 73.___________ a big dinner and watch Spring Festival Gala on TV. Then on the next day, some people visit relatives and friends. At that time, children are very happy 74.___________ they can get lucky money(压岁钱). Other people do something different, they go out and take a 75.___________ with their family around China or the world.


Tu Youyou was awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize(诺贝尔奖)in Physiology or Medicine on October 5th, 2015. Tu is the 66.___________ Chinese woman scientist to get the Nobel Prize. She is great. She does a lot of 67.___________ work in science. She finds artemisinin(青嵩素)that can cure the deadly disease. She wants 68.___________ a lot of people around the world. She says,“The prize isn’t 69.___________,it belongs to(属于)all Chinese scientists.”


Tu is healthy 70.___________she has good eating habits. Now she is 84 years old but she

71.___________ young. She loves life,too. She 72.___________ plays the piano to relax herself when she is free. She 73.___________ many books and likes reading in her study. Also she thinks it is important to make 74.___________. She says,“It is fun to work 75.___________ young people.” Both Tu Youyou’s work and her personality make the world see. Ⅷ. 书面表达(满分10分)
