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C) riding Mr Right¡¯s bike B) spend more time with his friends 72. Mr Right¡¯s special eyes make him a good D) hear the teachers more clearly every day.

B) flying himself D) taking a bus


A) cook B) engineer C) cleaner D) doctor 73. Mr Right can answer the boy¡¯s questions with the help of .




A) books B) dictionaries C) the Internet D) his friends 74. For today¡¯s homework, the boy will probably write about his .

A) school life B) parents¡¯ jobs C) ways of travelling D) house robot


B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage£¨Ñ¡Ôñ×îÇ¡µ±µÄµ¥´Ê»ò´ÊÓïÍê³É¶ÌÎÄ£©

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In this month¡¯s University Express, Lynn Zhou interviews students around the world about

unforgettable ¡°firsts¡± in their lives. Read their answers to the question: What was an unforgettable first in

life for you?

Miguel: For me, an unforgettable first was getting my driver¡¯s license. In Spain a person can do thisat age

eighteen. That¡¯s when I got mine. Being able to drive my father ¡¯s car that summer 75 and gave me

made me feel like an adult. For example, I¡¯m from Madrid, and my girlfriend is from a town about twentymiles away. Driving made it easy for me to see her more often. 76 , I was able to take weekend trips with friends to other cities.

Gina: I went on my first date soon after my sixteenth birthday with my best friend¡¯s brother. He invitedme to a movie. We were both very 77 , so we didn¡¯t talk much. Two weeks later, I went to a high

school dance with him, and we had a great time. After that, we spent most of the summer together, butthen he and his family moved. I thought he would write to me, but I¡¯78 him ever since. I ve never

guess you could say he was my first boyfriend. Soo-Jin: An unforgettable first for me 79 alone. When I was seventeen, I spent the summer in was

New York City studying English. I took a plane from Korea to the United States by myself. It was my firstvisit to another country, and I was frightened at first, but later I controlled my fears and learned to be

more 80 . I also made friends from other countries. Now I¡¯m back in the United States, and I¡¯m attending university!

75. A) knowledge B) freedom C) impression D) advice 76. A) Also B) Instead C) Finally D) Actually 77. A) lonely B) forgetful C) shy D) angry 78. A) argued with B) got rid of C) looked after D) heard from

79. A) going to school B) practicing English

C) studying abroad D) meeting strangers 80. A) generous B) independent C) hardworking D) careful

C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words£¨ÔÚ¶ÌÎĵĿոñÄÚÌîÈëÊʵ±µÄ´Ê£¬Ê¹ÆäÄÚ


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If you go to visit Stevening, you can stay in a simple but comfortable family home or a small guesthouse, or try the international dining room and luxurious bedrooms at the Grand Hotel. You can b81 a room by phoning or e-mailing the owner. You can get a list from the Tourist Information Office which is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays.

There is also campsite near the town. Usually there is space for small teams of tourists, but large g82 should call the manager in advance(ÌáÇ°) to check if there is space big enough for them.

Stevening has two main shopping areas, the new Stevening Mall and 83 market area which


the t



has a history of over 50 years. Please note that cars are only allowed into the Square between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. The Mall has over forty shops, 84 a department store, clothes shops for all ages, sports and a




For sports, visit the Stevening Leisure 85 indoor tennis, volleyball and a fitness center. Center. It o

You can pay for a half day, or join the Sports Clubs, which allows you to use the facilities(ÉèÊ©) all

day for

free and at a special price in the evenings.

The swimming pool is open from May to September. Classes are held in the pool between 3 and 5 every afternoon except Sundays. There are courses for different l 86 , so don¡¯t worry if you¡¯re abeginner.

From Stevening, it is easy to visit a number of places of interest. The peace of the Kerrow Hills is a

short free bus ride from the town center. People who love walking may climb up Kerrow Mountain, but less a 87 visitors can also enjoy the wonderful views by taking the little train. It stops just below the top of the mountain. You only need to walk the last few meters.

D. Answer the questions£¨¸ù¾Ý¶ÌÎÄÄÚÈݻشðÏÂÁÐÎÊÌâ) ( 12 ·Ö)

Dear David

Things are going great here in Cannes, France. I¡¯m excited to be here. I have only been at the filmfestival for two days, but have already seen four films. When the films are not on at the cinema, I like to

watch all the fashionable people down at the beach. Everywhere you look, there are famous film stars and directors. I saw three of my favourite stars walking around the festival yesterday. I was too nervousto talk to them, though.

I did not realize that this festival was so old. It was first held in 1946. At this year¡¯s festival, around twenty films are competing for the main prize, the Palme d¡¯Or(½ð×Øéµ½±) . The films are from all around the world¡ªEurope, Asia, North America, Africa¡­ Some of the people who choose the winner this year are also great actors and directors.

There are a lot of excellent Hollywood films as well, though they are not considered for prizes. Thereare so many different types of films, and lots of them are from countries which are not famous for thefilm-making business. For someone who loves films like me, this is Heaven!

Since you¡¯ll be coming here next week, let me give you some suggestions. First, you¡¯ll need to remember to bring your invitation, because you cannot watch any of the films without one. Since you work for a newspaper like me, it should not be a problem to get an invitation. We are both very lucky,although I feel sorry for all the ordinary people who cannot watch the films and have to stay outside.

Second, you¡¯ll need to bring some nice clothes. While during the day everyone walks around in T-shirts and shorts, in the evening, everyone has to wear formal(ÕýʽµÄ) clothes. Therefore, you needto

bring a black dinner jacket. I am wearing a long dress all the time!