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发布时间 : 星期一 文章(完整word版)高中英语句子翻译基础训练更新完毕开始阅读

235. 现在让我们对他表示忠心感谢并祝他一路顺风。 答案

231. How time flies!

232. Twenty days ago we were happily here in this hall to give Pro. Smith a warm welcome. 233. Now he has concluded his tour in our country and he will leave for home tomorrow.

234. During his short stay in China, he has carefully studied our education and given us a lot of valuable suggestions.

235. Now let’s express our heartfelt thanks to him and wish him a pleasant journey. 236. 一进大门,你可以看到一个漂亮的花园。 237. 那里有盛开的鲜花和游鱼的池塘。 238. 花园左边是图书楼,右边是实验楼。

239. 往前走你可以看到一座四层的教学楼矗立在校园中央。 240. 教学楼后面是一个大操场。 答案

236. When you enter the gate, a beautiful flower garden comes into your view. 237. Here are various flowers and also a pool with fish swimming freely.

238. On the left of the garden is the library building and on the right, the lab building.

239. Go further and you’ll see a four-storeyed teaching building standing in the middle of the school.

240. Behind the teaching building is a large playground. 241. 第一次与人见面要握手。 242. 朋友久别相逢也要握手。

243. 如果有人和你握手,你就应该握,拒绝是不礼貌的。 244. 当两个男人或两个女人相遇时,长者先伸手。 245. 一男一女相遇时,女士先伸手。 答案

241. It is necessary to shake hands when you first meet someone.

242. And usually friends shake hands when they meet after not having seen each other for some time.

243. If anyone offers to shake hands with you, you will of course shake hands—it would be very bad manners to refuse.

244. When two men or two women meet, it is usual for the elder to put his or her hand first. 245. When a man and a woman meet, it is the woman who first offers her hand. 246. 收到你的信我很高兴。

247. 你问我如何提高英语写作能力。

248. 写作能力只有通过写来提高,写得越多,水平提高越快。 249. 用你学过的词、短语和句子,不要用那些不熟悉的。 250. 希望你在英语方面取得成功。 答案

246. I’m very glad to receive your letter.

247. You asked how to improve your ability of writing.

248. In my opinion, one can only improve one’s writing ability through writing. The more you write, the better you can write.

249. Try to use the words, phrases and sentences you have learned. Don’t use those you are not sure of.

250. Wishing you success in your English study.


251. 得知你的英语口语不好我很遗憾,这里有几条建议。 252. 首先要坚定信心,不要怕犯错误或被人嘲笑。 253. 利用课内外一切机会说英语,熟能生巧。

254. 课上要积极说英语,老师会及时指出你的错误。 255. 只要你坚持,你的口语能力就会提高。 答案

251. I’m sorry that you have some trouble in speaking English. Here is some advice in improving spoken English.

252. First of all, don’t lose heart in your spoken English. Don’t be afraid of making any mistakes or being laughed at.

253. Try to speak English both in and after class as much as possible. Practice makes perfect.

254. In class you must be active. Get every chance to speak. If you make any mistake, your teacher will help you.

255. As long as you keep on speaking English, you’re sure to improve your spoken English. 256. 上个月我读了5本书,我最喜欢Daniel Defoe写的Robinson Crusoe。 257. 每天晚饭后,我都花一个多小时读书。 258. 在感兴趣的地方作上标记。 259. 我发现读书已经成了我的最爱。 260. 谚语说得好:活到老,学到老。 答案

256. During the past month, I have already read 5 books. Among them, I like the book Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe most.

257. Every day after dinner, I like to take a book and spend an hour or more enjoying it. 258. Sometimes I take notes attentively when I find something interesting or important. 259. Now I have found reading is the favourite thing in life. 260. It is just as the saying goes: Live and learn.

261. 身高1.65米,长着一头黑发的周影是我的第一位英语老师。 262. 她生于1970年,1995年大学毕业。 263. 除了英语,她还懂一些俄语和法语。 264. 她喜欢读书、音乐和旅游。 265. 她是一位很好且有经验的教师。 答案

261. Mrs. Zhou Ying, 1.65m, with black hair, is my first English teacher. 262. She, who was born in 1970, graduated from university in 1995. 263. Besides English, she knows a little Russian and French as well. 264. She likes music, traveling as well as reading. 265. She is a good and experienced teacher. 266. 西湖是中国著名的景点之一。 267. 它历史悠久,景色优美。

268. 很多人到此参观,且游客人数逐年增加。 269. 特别是改革开放以后,游客人数迅猛增长。 270. 我希望大家在这里玩得开心。 答案

266. The West Lake is one of the famous places of interest in China. 267. It has a long history and is well-known for its beautiful scenery.

268. Many people have come here and the number of visitors has increased year by year.


269. As a result of the reform and open policy, the number has been greatly increasing. 270. I hope you’ll have a wonderful time here. 271. 我们学校外面每天都有买东西的小贩。 272. 他们大声吆喝来吸引路人的注意。 273. 我们不能听清老师讲课。

274. 除此之外,街道又脏又味又拥堵。 275. 我希望能有一个安静的学习环境。 答案

271. Every day I can see a lot of peddlers outside our school selling vegetables, fruit, fish, meat and so on.

272. They make oral advertisement to draw the passers-by’s attention.

273. We can hear the noises in our classroom and can’t listen to our teachers clearly. 274. Besides, they also make the streets dirty, smelly and crowded. 275. I hope we can have a quiet place to have our lessons. 276. 每年全世界花在吸烟上的钱高达两千亿美元。 277. 吸烟对吸烟者有害,对不吸烟者同样有害。 278. 每年死于由吸烟引起的疾病人数达三百万。 279. 现在越来越多的人开始意识到吸烟的危害。

280. 可以肯定的讲,在不远的将来会有更多的人戒烟。 答案

276. Every year 200 billion dollars are spent on smoking in the world.

277. Smoking also does harm to the health of smokers and even non-smokers. 278. About 3 million people die of the diseases caused by smoking each year. 279. Now more and more people have begun to realize the harm of smoking. 280. It is certain that more people will give up smoking in the near future.