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发布时间 : 星期三 文章(完整word版)高中英语句子翻译基础训练更新完毕开始阅读

158. 所有英语教师和高中生都要求准时参加。 159. 会后在会议厅有英语晚会。 160. 欢送各位参加。 答案

156. There will be an English lecture in the lecture-hall from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. January 20.

157. Professor Li, from Beijing University, will give a talk on how to improve our listening and spoken English.

158. All the English teachers and the senior students are required to attend the lecture on time. 159. After his talk, an English Evening will be held at the meeting room. 160. Everyone is welcome.

161. Mrs. Green 1989年9月到我校以来一直认真工作。 162. 在教学上既严格又耐心。 163. 她讲课生动有趣。

164. 在她的帮助下,我们的英语进步很快,尤其是口语。 165. 我们感谢她的出色工作。 答案

161. Mrs. Green came to our school in September 1989. Since then she has been working very hard. 162. She is not only strict but also patient with us in teaching. 163. She always makes her classes lively and interesting.

164. With her help, we have made rapid progress in English, especially in spoken English. 165. We all thank her for her excellent teaching.

166. 学生会下周六举行英语演讲比赛。 167. 目的是提高学生的口语水平。 168. 有意参加者下周三前找班长报名。 169. 奖励前十名。 170. 欢迎大家参加。 答案

166. The Student Union will hold an English-speaking contest next Saturday. 167. It is designed to improve the students’ spoken English.

168. Those who are willing to take part in it may sign up with the monitors before next Wednesday. 169. The first ten winners will be given awards as encouragement. 170. Everybody is welcome to take part in it. 171. 各位请注意。

172. 原定今天下午3点进行的体检推迟到明天上午8点。

173. 想去军事学院(military institute)的一组,报普通学院的一组。 174. 7点半出发,中午集体返回。 175. 请作好准备。 答案

171. Boys and girls, may I have your attention, please?

172. The physical check-up, which was fixed at three o’clock this afternoon, has to be put off till eight o’clock tomorrow morning.

173. Those who want to enter the military institutes make up a group. And those to common institutes belong to the other one.

174. We will set out at seven thirty in the morning and return together at noon. 175. Please get everything ready.


176. 女士们,先生们,我们到了长城脚下。

177. 它是世界上最长的墙,具有2000多年的历史。 178. 它是世界七大奇迹之一。

179. 我们十一点返回,车在大门口等候。 180. 请关好窗户,带好贵重物品。 答案

176. Ladies and gentlemen, here we are at the foot of the Great Wall. 177. It is the longest wall in the world with a history of over 2,000 years. 178. It is one of the seven wonders in the world.

179. We’ll leave here at 11:00. The bus will be waiting for us at the entrance.

180. Besides, please take your valuable things with you and shut all the windows before you get off. 181. 今天早饭后我去图书馆。 182. 进去后发现人很多。

183. 尽管房间很大但还有人没有座位。 184. 里面很静,人们都在认真学习。 185. 我深受感动。 答案

181. Today I went to a public library to do some reading after breakfast. 182. Entering the room, I found it was full of people.

183. Though the room was quite large, some readers were reading without seats. 184. It was very quiet. Every one was studying attentively. 185. I was deeply touched/moved by such atmosphere. 186. 许多人在新年时许愿,我也如此。

187. 首先,我要早起锻炼,身体好才能学习好。 188. 其次,我要努力学习,尤其是英语。 189. 再次,我要对人友好,尊敬长者。 190. 最后,我要多做善事。 答案

186. Most people make New Year promises on New Year’s Day and so do I.

187. First of all, I must get up early and do some exercise every morning.Only in good health can I study well. (only开头,句子倒装)

188. Secondly, I must work hard, especially in English.

189. Thirdly, I must learn to be more polite to people and respectful to the elders. 190. Lastly, I should do more good deeds for others. 191. 暑期我和父母来到首都北京。 192. 我们一出机场就被美景所吸引。 193. 我们参观了许多景点。

194. 为了留住这美好印象,我们照了很多相。 195. 我一定努力学习争取到北京来上大学。 答案

191. In the summer vacation, my parents and I paid a visit to Beijing---the heart of our country and the capital of our motherland.

192. As soon as we got out of the airport, we were struck by the beauty of the city.

193. We went to visit a lot of places of interest, such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and so on.

194. I as well as my parents took lots of pictures in order to keep the beautiful impression upon our



195. I’ll study harder and try my best to make the chance to go to the university in Beijing. 196. 我正要上学突然看到浓烟从街对面房中冒出。 197. 我赶紧回家给消防队打电话。 198. 我随后和父亲一起冲下楼救火。 199. 很快消防车赶到把火扑灭。 200. 到校后老师表扬了我。 答案

196. I was about to go to school when I saw a thick smoke coming out of a house across the street. 197. I hurriedly returned home and phoned the fire station.

198. Together with my father, I rushed down the stairs to put out the fire. 199. Before long the fire engines came and the fire went out immediately.

200. After that I went to school. Having heard what I explained, my teacher praised me for my heroic deeds.

201. 姚明1980年9月12日生于上海,现身高2.26米,体重134公斤。 202. 他最崇拜的人是周恩来。

203. 1997年入选上海队,1998年进入国家队。 204. 2002年成为CBA总冠军队主力队员。 205. 同年加入美国Houston火箭队。 答案

201. Yao Ming, who is now 2.26 meters tall and 134 kg in weight, was born in Shanghai on September 12, 1980.

202. The man he respects most is Premier Zhou Enlai.

203. He joined Shanghai basketball team in 1997 and became a member of China national team in 1998.

204. In 2002, Shanghai won the champion of CBA and he was among the top players in the team. 205. In the same year he went to the USA and joined Houston Rockets.

206. 盼望已久的暑假就要到了。 207. 去钓鱼、游泳是多么地有趣! 208. 我还想去踢球、爬山。

209. 但我父母总怕我摔着、碰着,怕我去打架。 210. 我认为父母不能像关小鸟一样来管孩子。 答案

206. The summer holiday, which I’m looking forward to, is coming. 207. What great fun it is to go fishing or go swimming!

208. Playing football is one of my hobbies. And I also want to climb mountains. 209. But my parents are always afraid I will be hurt, fall or I’ll fight against others.

210. I think it is impossible for parents to keep their children in a cage like birds for safety. 211. 在当今的社会中,妇女的作用越来越重要。 212. 她们当工人、农民、科学家,甚至领导人。 213. 男人能做的工作妇女同样能做。

214. 随着社会角色的变化,妇女的家庭地位也提高了。 215. 妇女已不在被人家瞧不起。 答案

211. Women are playing an increasingly important part in society today.


212. More and more women are acting as workers, farmers, scientist, and even leaders. 213. Almost all jobs that men can do are done successfully by women.

214. With the changes in their social role, women’s position in family has been improved as well. 215. Women are no longer looked down upon by society. 216. 今天下午在我放学回家的路上,我听到有人在哭。 217. 我看到一个小男孩坐在地上。

218. 他指着深坑中的球对我讲述了事情的经过。 219. 我决定帮他但我也够不着。

220. 最后我弄一些水倒了进去才出来。 答案

216. This afternoon, on my way home, I heard someone crying nearby. 217. I looked around and found a boy sitting on the ground.

218. The boy pointed to a ball in a deep hole and told me everything. 219. I decided to give him a hand, but the ball was out of my reach.

220. I thought it over and then had a good idea. I quickly fetched some water and poured it into the hole. With the water rising, the ball came up. 221. 我们打算五月四日举行英语演讲比赛。 222. 主题(theme)是热爱祖国。

223. 想参加者五月一日前准备好演讲稿上交。 224. 演讲地点在报告厅。 225. 欢迎所有同学参加。 答案

221. We are going to organize an English speech contest to be held on May 4. 222. The theme of the contest is “Love Our Motherland”.

223. Those who would like to join in the contest are required to get the speech ready and hand it in before May 1.

224. The place for the contest is in the lecture hall. 225. All students are welcome to attend. 226. 中学生对找工作有自己的看法。

227. 30%的女生想当教师而男生只有5%。

228. 男生20%想经商,20%想当律师,而女生想从事这两项 工作的只占15%。

229. 男生最喜欢作经理(30%),其次是科学家。

230. 除了当教师,女生的第二选择是科学家(20%)和经理(20%)。 答案

226. Middle school students have some idea about their future jobs.

227. 30% of girls would like to become teachers while only 5% of boys want to do that.

228. 20% of boys want to do business and another 20% want to become lawyers, while girls take up 15% in these two fields.

229. What boys like to do most is to become manager(30%) and the second largest group would like to be scientists.

230. Besides teaching, the second choice for girls is to be scientists(20%) and managers(20%). 231. 时间飞逝!

232. 20天前我们在这里欢迎Pro. Smith。

233. 现在他即将结束在中国的旅行准备明天回国。

234. 在中国不长的时间里,他考察了中国的教育并给出了很有价值的建议。