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shape of mountains so that life could flourish in the old bad lands of the world where it had never taken root before.



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There it was on the bureau, the letter — in sacred ink, on blessed paper


all over the city, people, if they listened, could hear the beating of George O'Kelly's heart.


He read the commas, the blots, and the thumb-smudge on the margin — then he threw himself hopelessly upon his




He was in a mess, one of those terrific messes which are ordinary incidents in the life of the poor, which follow

poverty like birds of prey.


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The poor go under or go up or go wrong or even go on, somehow, in a way the poor have


but George O'Kelly was so new to poverty that had any one denied the uniqueness of his case he would have been



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Less than two years ago he had been graduated with honors from The Massachusetts Institute of Technology


and had taken a position with a firm of construction engineers in southern Tennessee.


All his life he had thought in terms of tunnels and skyscrapers and great squat dams and tall, three-towered



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that were like dancers holding hands in a row, with heads as tall as cities and skirts of cable strand.


It had seemed romantic to George O'Kelly to change the sweep of rivers and the shape of mountains so that life could

flourish in the old bad lands of the world where it had never taken root before. 乔治·奥凯利一直觉得,让江河改向、让高山让路、让世界上那些了无生机的不毛之地兴旺发达起来,这该有多么浪漫啊!


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Until recently, the acquisition of scientific literacy and the enlargement of general knowledge on the part of the individual had only been intuitively understood and was best observed in extreme cases. Contrary to the notion of instant \was popular in the 1960s, distinguished scientific accomplishment is a matter of opportunity and of continuous and concentrated effort over at least a decade. When Newton was asked how he had managed to surpass the discoveries of his predecessors, in both quantity and quality, he replied, \\it becomes apparent that \


So, too, are accomplishments in many other areas. Psychological studies of the lives of eminent painters, writers, musicians, philosophers, religious leaders, and scientists of previous centuries, as well as prizewinning adolescents in this country today, reveal early, intense concentration on previous work in their fields, often to the near exclusion of other activities. It appears, though, that science and mathematics, because of their highly specialized and abstract symbolism, may require the greatest concentration and perseverance.


The same fundamental thought process, moreover, appear to be required in both elementary and advanced science, as Simon and his colleagues have shown. \ beginners differ in degree rather than in kind from mental activities of experts.\The scarce resources are opportunities and concentration rather than the amount of information available or the processing capacity of the mind, both of which, for practical purposes, are unlimited.



? Until recently, the acquisition of scientific literacy and the enlargement of general knowledge on the part of the individual

had only been intuitively understood and was best observed in extreme cases.


? Contrary to the notion of instant \

matter of opportunity and of continuous and concentrated effort over at least a decade.


? When Newton was asked how he had managed to surpass the discoveries of his predecessors, in both quantity and quality,

he replied, \


? Add to this the comment of Gauss that \have, they would make my discoveries,\


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and it becomes apparent that \显然,―瞬间‖的科学发现是厚积薄发的结果。

So, too, are accomplishments in many other areas


? Psychological studies of the lives of eminent painters, writers, musicians, philosophers, religious leaders, and scientists of

previous centuries, as well as prizewinning adolescents in this country today, reveal early, intense concentration on previous work in their fields, often to the near exclusion of other activities.


? It appears, though, that science and mathematics, because of their highly specialized and abstract symbolism, may require

the greatest concentration and perseverance. 尽管任何成就的取得都需要艰苦努力,可是专业性强和抽象性高的科学和数学可能最需要人们专心致志和持之以恒。

? The same fundamental thought process, moreover, appear to be required in both elementary and advanced science, as

Simon and his colleagues have shown.


? \rather than in kind from mental activities of experts.\


? The scarce resources are opportunities and concentration rather than the amount of information available or the processing

capacity of the mind, both of which, for practical purposes, are unlimited.


英汉翻译作业(4)Beauty Dies香消玉殒

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The sudden death of an admired public person always seems impossibility. 受公众敬慕的名人突然撒手人寰似乎总是令人难以接受。

People ascribe invulnerability, near immortality to our centers of attention. 人们把自己心目中的偶像皆视为超脱病灾,近乎不朽。 John Kennedy dies, and it could not happen. 约翰·肯尼迪遭暗杀归天?这是不可能的事! John Lennon dies, and it could not happen. 约翰·列农死于非命?这是不可能的事!

? Elvis, and Grace Kelly, and shock after shock.

? 埃尔维斯和格雷斯·凯丽等人相继辞世,都使人接连不断地感到震惊。

? And now this death of a young woman by whom the world had remained transfixed from the moment she first appeared

before it, whose name contained the shadow of her end: Princess Di.

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? 现在又传来一位年轻女子瘁死的消息。这位女子从第一次公开亮相的那一刻起就一直令全世界瞩目。黛妃的名字隐


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But who would have believed it? People thought every thought that could be thought about Diana, but not death. 在此之前,谁会想到她会突然离我们而去?人们对黛安娜有过千般想像,万般猜测,惟独没有想到她会死。 She was beauty, death's antithesis.


Beauty is given not only a special place of honor in the world but also a kind of permanence, as if it were an example of the tendency of nature to perfect itself, and therefore something that once achieved, lives forever.


Her life never seemed as tragic as it was often made out'--just sad, and a little off.

她的一生看来也从不像人们常认定的那样充满悲剧性,只是颇为伤感,有点不尽如人意罢了。 She married the wrong man. Her in-laws could be vindictive. 她错 嫁了夫君,其姻亲们可能对她也怨恨有加。

? For every photographer eager to capture a picture of her in one of those astonishing evening gowns or hats, another was

skulking in the bushes ready to bring her down.

? 她的一款款晚礼服,一顶顶靓帽都曾使她看上去如同仙女下凡一般。在这种场合,每每有摄影师急切地要摄下她的


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One cannot think of any public statement of hers that was especially brilliant or witty. 人们根本想不起她哪次对公众讲话显示出了她特别的才华,或是妙趣横生

She was more innocent than clever; even her confession of an affair to a reporter sounded’ girlish.

与其说她聪明,倒不如说她天真。就连她向记者承认自己有婚外情的那番话,听上去也像少女般的闹着玩。 If pressed, few could say exactly what it was that made her so important, especially to people outside England, except for the fact that one could not take one's eyes off the woman.


Yet that was no small thing. Diana was someone one had to look at, and such a person comes along once in a blue moon.


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