2018年中考英语试题分项版解析汇编第01期专题09阅读理解日常生活类新闻报道 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章2018年中考英语试题分项版解析汇编第01期专题09阅读理解日常生活类新闻报道更新完毕开始阅读

A. A teacher B. A doctor C. An editor

42. Match the letters with the replies. Which is right? A. ②-A;①-B B. ③-A①-B C. ③-A;②-B 43. What problem does Jim have? A. He misses his dad. B. He worries about his dad. C. He has to work at weekends.

44. What may be the proper advice to Nina?

A. Turn off the TV when her brother is watching it. B. Find programs that they’re both interested in. C. Ask their parents to punish her brother. 45. Where do the three teenagers probably live? A. In the US B. In Australia C. In the UK

【答案】41. C 42. B 43. A 44. B 45. A 【解析】这篇短文是三个学生写给Jenny的求助信。

43. 根据文中My dad has got a new job and he work long hours. He often has to work at weekends, too. So we spend very little time together. I miss him.可知,这里是说吉姆想念他的父亲。 故选A。

44. 根据文中My little brother refuses to let me watch my favorite TV show. Instead. he watches whatever he wants all the time可以推测,对给Nina的建议是Find programs that they’re both interested in. 找到他们都感兴趣的东西。故选B。

45. 根据文中Mary, 15 Chicago Nina, 14 New York Jim, 13 Boston可知,这些学生来自美国。故

选A。 点睛:






Friendship Restaurant We have different kinds of Japanese food here. The food menu is in Japanese and Chinese. All the waiters and waitresses can speak at least one foreign language. Tel: 312--9997 Time:11:30 am-10:00 pm

Volunteer Project Maybe you want to help others but don't know how. Then the Volunteer Project will help you. Here you will get the best idea of volunteering. Call 822--5566 to join it. Email address: lisa@hotmail.com

Dream Comer Do you want to improve your English? Do you want to practise your English with native

speakers? If yes, why not join the Dream Corner? Come here on Friday afternoon every week.

Red Bird Club Do you like dancing? Do you want to show your cool dance at parties? Join us and make your dream come true. Closed on Tuesday. Call 822--3331 for more information.

Underground World Here you will find different kinds of fishes and even some kinds of sharks. You will fcel that you are in the sea but of course this is not true. If you like fishes, just pay a visit here. Time: 9:30 am--5: 30 pm

16. In the Friendship Restaurant you can eat ______ food A. Chinese B. Japanese C. English D. French

17. Sarah wants to do some volunteer work. She can call _______ to get some ideas. A. 846-3809 B. 312-9997 C. 822-3331 D. 822-5566

18. The Red Bird Club is closed on ______ . A. Tuesday B. Monday

C. Saturday D. Thursday

19. According to the ad(广告), you can see ________ in the Underground World. A. volunteers B. excellent dancers C. sea animals

D. waiters and waitresses

20. If you want to practise your English with native speakers, you can join ________. A. the Red Bird Club B. the Volunteer Project C. the Dream Comer D. the Underground World

【答案】16. B 17. D 18. A 19. C 20. C 【解析】

13.【2018年四川广安市中考】People read books less often in these days. With the invention of radio, television and most recently, the Internet and computer games, it seems that reading books is no longer a popular activity. However, I believe that books are an important part of our lives. Books offer an outstanding wealth of learning and at a cheaper price than taking a course. Books can make people cleverer, because heavy readers have greater knowledge of how things work and who or what people were.

Everything in today’s society requires reading. Imagine trying to do something as simple as reading the directions on a medicine bottle without good reading skills. Someone could not understand them and become very sick or even die.

Even something as simple as walking or driving through the city could become very dangerous without