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Unit 10 I’d like some noodles

Unit 10 Section B巩固练习



1.Chinese people usually eat d on the Spring Festival(春节). 2.I’d like a glass of (桔汁).

3.And we don’t like (洋葱) or potatoes. 4.My parents and I like (鱼)very much.

5.My grandmother eats (一大碗粥)every morning.

6.Lucy is from the USA.Jim is from the UK.They are from d countries. 7.We often have c on our birthday in China. 8.The number of c is the person’s age.

9.I you have nothing to do this afternoon,let’s play basketball. 10.He is very l to have a special birthday party. 11.It is very p to wear this kind of skirt this year.

12.You should (吹灭)all the candles in one go. 13.Please (切碎)the apples and put them in the bowl. 14.We’d like some green t for drink.

15.My mother is cooking some (粥)for breakfast. 16.Linda has some rice and f for lunch. 17.Would you like some (馅饼) ?

18.We have all kinds of (饺子)in our restaurant. 19.I wish to travel (旅行)around the (世界). 20.Can you a these questions,Tom? 21.May I know your (年龄)?

22.Jeans are very (受欢迎的)with young people. 23.——How about going to the cinema tonight? ——That’s a good i .

24.I don’t like onions,green tea o porridge.

25.She doesn’t like eating (牛肉)and (鸡肉). 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。

1.Their answers are (differently),but they are all right.

2.The number of her birthday candles (be)13,so she is 13 years old. 3.If it (not rain),we (go )to the park. 4.You are (luck) to see the actor,Jackie Chan. 5.Can you make my birthday wish______(come) true? 三、选择方框中的词并用其适当形式填空。

will,small,potato,drink,special 1.We buy lots of food and for Jane’s birthday party.

- 1 -

2.——How many do you want?——Three kilos. 3.He orders a bowl of noodles. 4. you like to go to the library?.

5.Today we have three in our restaurant.What would you like? 四、选择填空。

( )1.——Would you like to go to the park?

—— .

A.Certainly,I’d like B.Certainly,I’d like to C.No,just a little D.Certainly,I would.

( )2.——What about something to drink?

——OK。I’d like .

A.an orange B.some orange C.some oranges D.some hamburgers

( )3.I don’t like chicken,mutton pork .

A.and B.but C.or D.so

( )4.Bill likes beef,dumplings fish.

A.and B.but C.or D.so

( )5.—— ?

——I’d like some green tea.

A.What are you doing B.What can I do for you

C.What do you look like D.What do you like to do

( )6.——What’s her age?

—— .

A.She is thirteen years old B.It’s 13 C.She is fine D.She is Sally

( )7.I often and eat birthday cakes my birthday.

A.make a wish;in B.make wish ;on C.make a wish;on D.make a hope;in

( )8.You need to blow out all the candles .

A.in go B.on go C.in one go D.on one go

( )9.The teacher makes us him carefully(认真地).

A.listening B.listening to C.to listen D.listen to

( )10.Would you like a large bowl of egg noodles four yuan?.

A.of B.for C.on D.with

五、根据对话内容 补全对话中所缺的单词,使对话完整,每空一词。 A:Can I 1 you?

B:Yes.Er,what would you like,Jack? C:I don’t 2 .

B:Well,would you like 3 to drink?What 4 a glass of milk? C:No,thanks.I 5 I’d like a cup of green tea .How about you? B:I’d like some tomato soup.What about something to 6 ? C:Two bowls of noodles.

B:W’d like a cup of green tea,some tomato soup 7 two bowls of noodles,please.

1 2 3 4

- 2 -

5 6 7 help,know,something,about,think,eat,and) 六、补全对话,从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。 A:Can I help you?

B:Yes,please. 1 I want to order a birthday cake for my mother. A: 2 B: A large cake,please.

A:What would you like to write on it? B: 3 A:Ok.What’s your phone number? B: 4 A:What’s your address?


A.What size would you like?

B.Please write“Happy Birthday to Mother”.

C.Tomorrow is my mother’s birthday.

D.It ’ s 8910566. (CABDF)

E.What kind of cakes would you like?

F.56 Lincon Drive

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 七、根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。 1.别着急,我可以帮助你。 .I can help you. 2.我想喝杯绿茶。

I’d like a cup of . 3.我哥哥每天吃一大碗鸡肉面。

My brother eats a noodles every day. 4.请把蜡烛吹灭。

Please the candles. 5.别把蔬菜切碎了。

Don’t the vegetables. 八、书面表达。Alice和Tommy一起去商店买东西。Alice想要一包炸薯片,Tommy想要一瓶百事可乐。女售货员说百事可乐25便士,并问Alice要什么口味的炸薯片。Alice要了乳酪和洋葱味的。最后他们一共付了45便士。

提示词汇:一爆炸薯片a packet of crisps,百事可乐pepsi-cola,便士pence,乳酪cheese


Alice:I’m a little hungry. Tommy:Really?

- 3 -

Alice:Yes,I’d like a packet of crisps.

Tommy:I’m just thirsty.I want something to drink.How much is a bottle of Pepsi-cola? Shop assistant:25 pence. Tommy:OK.A bottle,please. Alice:Do you have any crisps?

Shop assistant:Yes.What kind of crisps would you like?

Alice:I want cheese and onion crisps,please.How much are they?

Shop assistant:They are twenty pence a packet.That’s 45 pence together,please. Tommy:Here is the money. Shop assistant:Thanks.Bye.

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