英语周报2015初中毕业考试英语模拟试卷 - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章英语周报2015初中毕业考试英语模拟试卷 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读

B. The students will stay at their host families when they’re in Clacton.

C. The students won' t get the addresses of their host families until they arrive in Clacton. ()45. The host families will offer the students lunches_. A. on weekends

B. from Monday to Friday C. from Friday to Sunday

第二节短文理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给 的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问 题或完成句子。(共15小题,计30分)


Dear Dr. Laura,

I enjoy listening to your radio program. I enjoy your stories about gift giving and unselfish (无私的)love. I?m here to give you one.

My fifteen-year-old son worked all summer to make enough money to buy a motorcycle (摩托车).I was so proud of him that 1 bought him a riding outfit (装备).I could hardly wait for him to open his gift. I couldn?t sleep that night. So I went into the kitchen to drink some milk. When I looked into the living room, I saw a beautiful piano with a note: To my wonderful mother, all my love, your son.

I stood there shocked, crying a river. Of course, everyone woke up. My son and I kissed and hugged. Then I asked him to open his gift. When he saw the outfit, he had a strange look on his face. At that time I knew he had sold the motorcycle to get me the piano.

I was the proudest mother ever on that day, and my feet never hit the ground for a month. I think you?d love to share this story with your listeners.

A proud mother, Helen ()46. What can we know about Dr. Laura? A. She is a good listener.

B. She works at a radio station. C. She likes to write love stories. (>47. What did Helen get from her son?

A. A piano. B. A bicycle.C. A riding outfit.

()48. The underlined part “my feet never hit the ground\A. surprised B. bored C. happy

()49. From the letter, we can know Helen ' s son_. A. studied hard all summer

B. sold his motorcycle to buy her a gift C. didn't like the gift she bought for him ()50. Helen wrote this letter to_. A. provide some help B. express her thanks C. show unselfish love


I?m Truth Muller from New York. I?m 15 When I was little, I?d see tons of bats (蝙福) flying around at night in my neighborhood. By the time I was 7, though, all those bats had disappeared. Then, four years ago I visited the state fair and learned that a disease (疾病)had killed those bats. I asked a bat expert what I could do to help, and she said, “Tell others what’ happening.


Help people understand that bats are important to our environment and need to be protected.” If I was going to teach people about bats, I had to know them first. So I went to the local library and read every book on bats! I started a Facebook page called Buddies for Bats and posted (发帖)all the photos, facts and videos lat I could find. I wrote a letter to my local to station. I asked if they?d like to do a show on bats and they agreed. I called one of my tiers. I asked if I could make a presentation (公告)in her class and she said yes. I described low bats helped farmers to the students.

I hope to keep working on Buddies for Bats I at least college. 51. When Truth was 7 years old, he_. A. went to the state fair B. read a book on bats

C. couldn’t find any bats in his neighborhood

52. Truth learned something bad had happened to the bats in his neighborhood from A. the state fair B. a bat expert C. a radio program 53. “ Buddies for Bats ” is the name of a A. book B. Facebook page C. radio station

54. Which of the following did Truth do to educate people about bats? ① He started a Facebook page.

② He made a face-to-face presentation. ③ He wrote a book on protecting bats. ④He asked a radio station to do a show. A ①③④ B ①②④ C.②③④

55. What is the passage mainly about? A. What Truth has done to save bats. B. What we can do to help protect bats.

C. Why bats are important to the environment.


People have always wanted to fly. Many inventors worked on the problem of flying.

In Europe, the most amazing inventor was Leonardo da Vinci. In 1488,this Italian artist drew birds in flight. He studied how their wings tails worked. Then he drew a flying chine that looked like a helicopter (直升机). In 1783,the Montgolfier brothers of :ranee invented hot-air balloons. They attached 系上)a big bag made of silk to a basket. When they filled the bag with hot air, it flew up. The first balloon passengers were animals. Later lat year, two men flew in the balloon. In 1799,Englishman George Cayley began king gliders (滑翔机).The wings of his ideas did not move, but their shape made it possible to fly. For 50 years, Carley tried different wing designs (设计).In 1849, he put a ten-year-old boy in a glider. This boy was the first person to fly.

German engineer Otto Lilienthal designed a glider that could hold a person and fly long distances. His book explaining what he had learned about flight came out in 1889.

Two brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright from the US learned from Otto?s book and designed a plane. They added a small motor (发 动机)to a glider and did many tests. Their first successful flight took place in 1903. They invented the airplane. ()56. We can learn that Leonardo da Vinci A. came from France B. invented the helicopter


C. was both an artist and an inventor

()57. In the year_, two men flew in the Montgolfier brothers' balloon for the first time. A. 1488 B.1783 C. 1849

()58. Which of the following is TRUE about George Cayley? A. He was the first person to fly.

B. He invented gliders with wings that moved. C. He tried different wing designs for many years. ()59. Who wrote the book about flight?. A. Otto Lilienthal. B. George Cayley. C. Leonardo da Vinci.

()60. Which is the best title of the passage? A. Learning to fly

B. The first person to fly

C. How the Wright brothers invented the airplane

第三节阅读表达阅读下面的短文,然后根据 短文内容回答问题。(共5小题,计10分) The Little Ants is a special shadow puppetry performing troupe (皮影戏演出团). Its members’ average (平均的)height is 1.28 meters. Li Ming started it in 2009. He wanted to help little people like himself who had difficulty finding jobs.

Li?s team has about 20 members. Like most of the members, Yang Suxuan found about The Little Ants on the Internet. The village girl contacted (联系)Li and joined the troupe.

Although Yang and her workmates took the job for a living, they have also gradually come to understand the importance and responsibility of their jobs — to keep an old folk art alive.

Promoting (推广)the old folk art in a modem city is not easy. Several times, the troupe had no money to pay the staff. In 2011, shadow puppetry was listed as a world-class cultural heritage (遗产).Since then, the situation for The Little Ants has got much better, and Li ’ s small business has become successful.

\dream is to continue promoting shadow puppetry and providing more jobs to little people,” Li said. “I hope more people will understand shadow puppetry through us, and know that we little people are able to do something great too.” 61. Why did Li Ming start The Little Ants?

62. How did Yang Suxuan get the information about The Little Ants?

63. Do Yang Suxuan and her workmates just regard the job as a way of making a living? 64. When did the situation for The Little Ants get much better? 65. What does Li Ming plan to do in the future?

第一节语篇翻译阅读下面的短文,将划线部 分译成英文或中文。(共5小题,计10分) I bought The Luminaries but I haven’ t even finished reading the first page. (66)我太 忙于在线查看我的电子邮 件。And I often fall asleep after reading the first few paragraphs. When I talked to people who missed reading, I found I wasn?t alone. I was discovering the lost generation (一 代人)of book lovers.

I' d heard of “Slow Food\“Slow Travel”. (67)But “Slow Reading” was a new one to me until I started researching it. It,s said that when we slow down and read a book, we can get real advantages. (68)A recent study shows that just six minutes of reading can reduce (降低)stress levels by two thirds. Reading helps with your spelling and vocabulary. (69)Putting yourself in


someone else’ s story can help you understand other people. I started reading again — and it was great. (70)我认为事情在你与其他人分享时更有趣。Luckily, the Slow Reading Club was started. People can bring their books there, read for an hour, and then head home or stay for a conversation together.

第二节情景交际通读下面的对话,根据上下 文补全对话内容。(共5小题,计10分) (Ken meets Mark at the TV station. Ken — K, Mark — M) K: Hi, Mark. What are you looking at?

M: Hey, Ken. I'm looking at an online map. I'm trying to find Wang’s Chinese Supermarket. (71)_____________________?

K: Yes, I do. I have been there once. It’s not far from here. M: (72)________________________________ ? K: You can walk. Or you can take the subway. M: (73) _____________________________?

K: When you leave the TV station, turn right. Then walk to Green Road and walk about 10 minutes to Hope Park. Wang' s Chinese Supermarket is across from the park. M: Great.I can find it. Maybe I?ll walk.(74)_____________________?

K: If you go by subway, take the orange line to Hope Park Station. By the way, will you buy a lot of food? M: Probably.

K: Then if 1 were you, I?d walk there and take the subway back!

M: (75)_____________________________ Then I don?t have to carry many things and walk so far! Thanks a lot.


76.假设你市正在申报全国文明城市,你校的 英语俱乐部正在举办以“创建文明城市,争做 文明市民”为主题的征文活动。请你根据.以下 内容提示及要求用英语写一篇应征稿。 内容提示:?尊敬师长,明礼诚信 ?友善待人,乐于助人 ?遵守交规,不闯红灯 ?保护环境(自拟1一2条) 要求:

1.文章须包含所提示的内容要点,细节可适当发 挥; 2. 60-80词。开头和结尾巳给出,不计入总词 数。 参考词汇:respect尊敬

obey traffic rules 遵守交规

We all know that our city is applying for the national civilized city. As students, what should we do?



I .听力技能

l -5 ABCCB 6-10 ACCBC 11 -15 AACAB 16. shake hands 17. Britain / the UK 18. meet and separate 19. friends 20. kiss .知识运用

21-25 CCABA 26-30 BCACB 31-35 BACCB 36-40 BACBB