英语周报2015初中毕业考试英语模拟试卷 - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章英语周报2015初中毕业考试英语模拟试卷 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读

The next morning, I put a picture on her window. In the picture some of the horses were eating grass, and some were running with their tails flying behind them. ()46. What was NOT found in the box? A. A letter. B. A model horse. C. A blue cup.

()47. Who won the trophy? A. The writer's grandmother. B. The writer's grandfather.

C. The writer?s grandmother?s brother. ()48. What did the writer draw in the picture? A. Her grandmother. B. A girl riding a horse. C. Horses in the green field.

()49. Why did the writer draw the picture?; A. To show her good drawing skill. B. To make her grandmother happy; C. To send it to her grandmother as a

.()50. Which of the following is NOT about? Grandma? A. She had owned many horses before. B. She used to be good at riding horses.

C. She was very happy to move to the writer's house.


Chandra Starr knows what it?s like to be homeless. When she was 5, the American girl lived in a tent with her mom in the mountains.

Chandra and her mom would ride bikes to soup kitchens and food banks. But most of the food they ate was not healthy. Chandra soon became overweight and was in poor health:\

Luckily, Chandra and her mom weren?t homeless for long. They moved into an apartment alter a few months. Chandra was able to eat more healthy food, and her health improved. Now 15, Chandra is helping others who are homeless and don?t have healthy food to eat.

In January, 2013,Chandra started The Million Penny Project. She put donation jars (募捐罐)in schools and shops and also set up a web page to accept donations online. Her goal was to

collect $10,000. Chandra planned to give the money to a group called Growing Food Forward The group plants gardens and gives the food it grows to people in need.

Chandra' s fund-raising effort was even more successful than she had hoped. In eight months, she raised more than $19,000 — enough to pay for 91 gardens! ()51. We can know that soup kitchens and food banks A. grow their own food B. provide healthy food

C. provide food for the homeless

()5.2. Where did Chandra accept donations?

1. in shops .2. in parks 3. online .4. in schools 5. on streets A.1,2,4 B1, 3, 4 C 2, 3, 5

()53. How much money did Chandra plan to raise? A. $9,000. B. $10,000. C. $19,000.


()54. What can we learn about Chandra? A. She lived with her mother.

B. She built 91 gardens with the money she had raised. C. She started The Million Penny Project when she was 15. ()55. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Soup kitchens and food banks in the US. B. Chandra?s homeless life in the mountains. C. Chandra?s fund-raising effort for the homeless.


It was Father?s Day. That morning, I made a checklist for breakfast. Milk? Check! Spoon? Check! Apples? Check! And, one glass of Dad?s favorite orange juice? Check! I put my card on :the table. Then I led my dad to the table.

“Wow!” he said. “Look at the most amazing card I?ve ever seen!” While my dad was reaching :for the orange juice, he knocked it over and the :card was completely soaked! I wanted to say something nice, but all that came out were tears!

“I’m so sorry, Arizona’ he said. “I saw how beautiful your card was.” Then he pointed at our family photo. “Remember that day?”

I nodded, and then laughed. I remembered the heavy rain that started while the photographer was taking our photo in the park. It was the one of us running, getting wet. ‘That?s my favorite photo because there,s so much energy in it,” said my dad. “I laugh every time I see it. I get the same happy feeling from this card. Believe it or not, art doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful.”

I always work hard to make things as good as I can. But sometimes, I might want to take my dad?s advice. I?ve been trying to remember that the world won?t end if things aren?t perfect. ()56. When Arizona, s father saw the card, he A. read it out loud B. was moved to cry

C. said something nice to Arizona

)57. What does the underlined word “soaked” in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese? A.浸湿 B.撕碎 C粘贴

)58. The photo Arizona* s dad liked most was taken_. A. by Arizona B. on a rainy day C. by himself )59. What can we know about Arizona's dad? A. He is a photographer. B. He is strict with Arizona.

C. He can look at things on the bright side.

60- What does Arizona learn from her father?s words? A. It?s helpful to ask parents for advice.

B. The world won?t end if things aren?t perfect. C. Work hard to make things as good as one can.

第三节阅读表达阅读下面的短文,然后根据 短文内容回答问题。(共5小题,计10分) Stephanie and Becky lived next door to each other. When they were seven, both girls received little dogs for their birthdays. They worked very hard training the dogs. When the girls were nine, they had two very well trained dogs.


“I think that we did a good job training our d^gs,” said Becky one day in summer. “What do you think about the idea of starting a dog training business?”

“I think that?s a great idea!” said Stephanie. “Let?s get started right away.”

The girls began to make some flyers (传单)' and then handed them out in their neighborhood. Many of their neighbors had seen the girls training their own dogs, and were very interested. Soon the girls had a lot of customers.

During the next few weeks, Becky and Stephanie trained almost every dog in their

neighborhood. They worked just as hard as they had with their own dogs and received a lot of praise from their customers. They were excited about their own success.

“Let?s send notes thanking everyone for their business,” suggested Stephanie. “That way we’re sure to get more customers next summer!” “Good idea!” said Becky.

61. How long did it take Stephanie and Becky to train their dogs well? 62. Who came up with the idea of starting a dog training business?

63. How did the dog owners in the neighborhood know about Stephanie and Becky’s business? 64. Did Stephanie and Becky* s customers praise them for their hard work? 65. What would Stephanie and Becky do to thank their

第一节语篇翻译阅读下面的短文,将划线部 分译成英文或中文。(共5小题,计10分) A restaurant owner Nabil Kurban in Australia has created a new rule. It bans (禁止)kids from using electronic. equipment .( 设 备),such as mobile phones and iPads in his restaurant.

Nabil says dining out gives families the chance to talk with each other over a meal. (66)Using electronic equipment gets in the way of that valuable time. Should electronic equipment be banned in restaurants? Student reporter Daniel Bolja says yes. Dining out allows families to communicate with each other over a meal, yet some kids often waste that chance. (67)他们玩游戏而不是跟他 们的家人交谈。

Kaitlyn Rentals, another student reporter, holds a different opinion. (68)She says it can be difficult for some kids to sit quietly for a time. Using electronic equipment can keep kids busy. (69)它阻止他们给其他人制造麻烦。

Liz Hudson, a student from New York agrees. “Waiting for food can take a long time,” she explains. “(70 Kids need to have something to keep them interested.”

第二节情景交际通读.下面的对话,根据上下 文补全对话内容。(共5小题,计10分) A: Hi, Joanna.

B: Hi, Tracy. I?m doing a survey on hobbies.(71) ____________________________? A: Yes, I do. I love collecting things.

B:Really? 72_______________________? A; Stones, all kinds of stones. B: That must be very interesting.

A: Yes. And you? (73)_______________________________? B: I enjoy playing the drums in my free time. Oh, here comes Nick. Hello, Nick.

C: Hi, Joanna. Hi, Tracy. (74)________________________?

B: We are talking about our hobbies. I like playing the drums and Tracy likes collecting things. (75)__________________________?


C: I like playing basketball. I always play basketball with my father after school. A: Well, the bell is ringing. Let?s go back to the classroom. B & C: OK. Let?s go.


76. 如今,越来越多的人喜欢养宠物,有些人甚 军把宠物视为家庭成员之一。然而养宠物也 会带来很多问题,如:宠物传播疾病、宠物咬伤 小孩、养宠物花费大量时间和金钱等。你是如 何看待养宠物这一现象的呢?请给出你的观 点及理由。 要求:60-80词。开头已给出,不计入总词数。

Nowadays, more and more people like to keep pets._____


Reporter: Hi, I ’ m a reporter. Can I ask you .some questions about your plans for the coming summer holidays?

You: Of course, please.

Reporter: Did you take a trip during your last summer holidays? You:⑴________________________________.

Reporter: Where are you going to visit this summer holidays? You: (2)________________________________.

Reporter: How do you like traveling with some friends? You: (3)_ _______________________.

Reporter: What gifts will you buy for your family? You:⑷ _________________________________..

Reporter: How long will you spend on your study during your summer holidays? You: (5) ______________________.



1 听力技能

I-5ABBCC 6-I0 CAACB 11-15 CCABA 16. Friday 17. school activities 18. teachers 19. professional advice 20. meaningful .知识运用 21-25 BABCB 26-30 CBCAB 31-35 BABCC 36-40 CBCAA .阅读技能 41-45 ABAAC 46-50 ACABC 5l-55AABAC 56-60 ACBCC 61. Food, water and medical help. 62. Three.

63. He thought it was a good way to learn how to take care of animals. 64. Sponsoring a horse at PIGS Animal Sanctuary. 65. No, she doesn?t.