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Without a doubt, these cultural symbols are successful exports of Chinese culture, but another form of Chinese culture widely known in the US is Chinese cuisine. Many types of local snacks, all deeply loved in China, are taking over the streets of America. Some were modified to suit to Americans' tastes, while others retain the traditional taste of China. Here are just some of them.

Pai huang gua (smashed cucumbers)

In a report titled Smashed cucumber salad takes Manhattan, The New York Times praised the method of smashing cucumbers in making salads as a completely new way to eat a cucumber. Rou jia mo (Chinese hamburger)

Rou jia mo, which translates as \placed between bun\has a similar recipe to hamburgers, consisting of chopped meat inside a bun. Egg Rolls

The term egg roll often refers to a variation of fried spring rolls in China, only the wrap is thicker, the entire form bigger, and it doesn't have much to do with eggs. Egg rolls are often served as appetizers in the US, just as spring rolls are in China.

1. Chinese cuisine is one form of the cultural exports from China to the United States. A. T 2. Many local snacks, which are popular in China, are also popular in America. A. T 3. Pai huang gua, rou jia mo and egg rolls are all quite popular in the United States. A. T 4. There is no similarity between rou jia mo and hamburger. A. T 5. Egg rolls re often served as dessert in the US. A. T B. F


In choosing a friend, one should be very careful. A good friend can help you study. You can have fun together and make each other happy. Sometimes you will meet fair weather friends. They will be with you as long as you have money or luck, but when you are down, they will run away. How do I know when I have found a good friend? I look for certain qualities of character, especially understanding, honesty and reliability.

A good friend, above all else, tries to understand how another person is feeling. He is not quick to judge. Instead, he tries to learn from others.

B. F B. F B. F B. F He puts himself in the other person’s place, and he tries to think of ways to be helpful. He is also a good listener.

At the same time, a good friend is honest. He does not look for faults in others. He notices their good points. In short, a friend will try to understand me and accept me.

Another quality of a friend is reliability. I can always depend on a good friend. If he tells me he will meet me somewhere at a certain time, I can be sure that he will be there. If I need a favor, he will do his best to help me. If I am in trouble, he will not run away from me.

When I meet someone who is reliable, honest, and understanding, I know I’ve found a friend !

1. The writer thinks that one of the important qualities in choosing a friend is understanding. A. T 2. If you have a fair weather friends, you will be lucky. A. T 3. Good friends need to understand each other’s feelings. A. T 4. This passage is mainly discussing the qualities of a friend. A. T 5. The meaning of the underlined phrase “a fair weather friend” in paragraph one is a friend who shares difficulties with you. A. T B. F


People born in the summer are more likely to be healthy than those who arrive during other times of the year, new research suggests. The

phenomenon could be caused by mothers getting more sun in pregnancy — and passing on higher quantities of vitamin D to their unborn infant. A study of almost half a million British adults found babies born in June, July, and August were heavier at birth and taller as adults.

For the first time the research also revealed girls born in the summer started puberty later — an indication of better health in adult life. Early puberty in girls has been linked with a higher risk of diabetes, heart disease or breast cancer.

Previous research has shown children born between June and October are likely to be slightly taller and have bigger bones than winter-born children — believed to be related to vitamin D exposure during pregnancy. Babies born in autumn and winter are more likely to develop food allergies — with sunlight exposure during pregnancy and vitamin D levels also thought to play a role in this. But being born in summer can have drawbacks - such as an increased risk of short-sightedness.

B. FB. FB. F B. F

1. According to the new research, babies born in summer are more likely to be healthy. A. T 2. Late puberty in girls has been related to an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease or breast cancer. A. T 3. Vitamin D exposure during pregnancy is believed to be connected with the height of the babies. A. T 4. Food allergies are more likely to take place among babies born in spring. A. T 5. Short-sightedness is one of the probable disadvantages for babies born in summer. A. T


1. Had I got there five minutes earlier, I could ______ her. A. have met B. meet C. meeting D. to meet 2. It is his first visit to Europe as the ______. A. preside B. president C. resident D. presidency 3. I will never recommend ______a very low-calorie diet alone. A. eat B. ate C. eaten D. eating

4. They all went to the museum, _____ I didn’t. A. for B. but C. or D. so

5. ______ from the hill, our school looks more beautiful. A. Seen B. Being seen C. Seeing D. Saw 6. Jack won the championship of the competition, ______ made the whole family excited. A. that B. who C. which D. what

7. The aim is neither to judge nor to force forgiveness, but rather to ______ understanding. A. foster B. harvest C. brighten D. activate 8. We were in the same college, ______ was male-only at that time. A. that B. which C. it D. although

9. The commission is made up of five people, ______ two women. A. including B. included C. involving D. involved

10. Despite ______ attempts to diet, her weight soared. A. continuous B. much C. numerable D. numerous 11.The new system will be ______ with existing equipment. A. capable B. compatible C. controllable D. considerable

B. F

B. F

B. F

B. F

B. F

12. If you have a ______ diet, you are getting all the vitamins you need. A. balanced B. biased C. bankrupt D. boring

13. The expert made an impersonal comment ______ the incident. A. with B. in C. on D. to 14. The child is spoiled by the ______ love from the grandparents. A. sufficient B. adequate C. excessive D. moderate 15. Make sure this meat cooks for ______ an hour. A. at large B. at least C. in any case D. at last

16. Oxygen is often stored as a liquid, although it is used ______ as a gas. A. primarily B. rarely C. seldom D. sometimes

17. After??______???????? on the trousers, he found they were 2 inches too long. A. to put B. putting C. put D. being put

18. I don't enjoy ______ activities. A. feasible B. sensitive C. physical D. critical 19. ______ it is raining, you'd better take a taxi. A. As B. Due to C. Provided D. If

20. The winners will be selected at ______ from the correct answers received. A. formal B. random C. casual 21. Under no _____ should we be reckless of consequence and make hasty decisions. A. instance B. situation C. circumstance D. environment 22. And that is really the problem, irrespective ______ what this site turns out to be. A. to B. with C. in D. of 23. It can ______ the go-between for your personal and career schedules. A. stand up B. serve as C. participate in D. put to 24. ______ at the meeting are some experienced teachers. A. Present B. Presented C. Being presented D. Having been present

25. All the windows ______ have been repaired. A. breaking B. broke C. broken 26. This is not the correct way to______ the audience. A. talk B. say C. chat D. address 27. It’s high time the children _____ to school. A. go B. will go C. are going D. went

D. idle D. being