全新版大学英语[第二版]综合教程5学生用书unit1~unit2课后答案解析 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章全新版大学英语[第二版]综合教程5学生用书unit1~unit2课后答案解析更新完毕开始阅读


2) There is a wide variation among Internet providers in cost, features, software, reliability and customer service.

3) Poverty is one of the reasons for the high incidence of crime in this neighborhood.

4) I suggested we sing and dance for the elderly people in the nursing home, and all my roommates were in favor of my idea.

5) Doctors who are compelled to work 36 hours at a stretch cannot possibly be fully efficient.


1) is attributed to diverse the scary are dying off 2) from esteemed trigger overwhelming

3) melting throwing into turmoil be magnified going up


1) think back to / on 2)think … over 3)thought of 4)think of… as 5) think up 1) picked up 2) picked out 3) picked up 4) picked on 5) picks at

Word 1.

1) contaminated 2) contaminate 3) contamination 4) uncontaminated


1) habitable



2) habitation 3) inhabit

4) uninhabited 5) uninhabitable 6) inhabited

Cloze 1.

1) beef up 2) coastal

3) in favour of 4) residents 5) theoretical 6) disastrous 7) battered 8) shrinking 9) migrate

10) washed away 11) Scary 12) humanity


1) predicting 2) accuracy 3) basis 4) collide

5) atmosphere 6) melts 7) affected 8) actions 9) striving

10) technologies


Most scientists no longer doubt that the world is warming up and that humanity has altered climate. They agree that the long-term effects of global warming will be disastrous for the planet and its inhabitants. What is more, climate change won't be a smooth transition to a warmer world. Some regions will be greatly affected by abrupt climate changes. Enormous areas of densely populated land like coastal Florida would become uninhabitable. Hundreds of millions of



residents would have to migrate to safer regions. Therefore, it is no surprise that global warming has made its way onto the agenda of world leaders.

