21世纪大学实用英语Unit 3 Book 4 联系客服

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( He blurted out the news before he considered its effect.)

As soon as the teacher put forward the question, he blurted the answer out. 21. pry:

1) vt. force sth. open or away from a surface

Can you help me pry the cover off this wooden box without breaking it? (你能不能帮我不打破这个木箱盖而撬开它?) (插入图像pry) Her car trunk had been pried open and all her equipment was gone. 2) vi. look or inquire closely and curiously

Don't pry into the affairs of others. Collocation:

pry about到处窥探 pry into窥探,打听

22. odds: (pl.) the probability that something will or will not happen 她的马只有10% 的可能性会赢。

( The odds are 10 to 1 that her horse will not win the race. ) The odds are that he will fail his exam. Collocation:

at odds with 与?不一致 odds and ends 零碎的事情 23. in the neighborhood of: about

He has an annual salary in the neighborhood of $50,000.

I am hoping to buy an apartment in the neighborhood of $12,000.

24. beyond anyone?s / one?s wildest dreams: more than anyone/ one can ever imagine 在10年前,我做梦也没想到今天我会拥有自己的汽车。(插入图像car) (Ten years ago it was beyond my wildest dreams that I could afford a car.)

Scientists have made an invention which is to change our lives beyond our wildest dreams.

25. sparkle: to shine in small flashes

The diamond ring sparkled in the sunlight. The stone sparkles when properly cut.

CF: gleam, flicker, shimmer& sparkle

gleam: 指通过模糊的媒介或在黑暗的背景上所看到稳定的光。例如: A few scattered bars of light gleamed in the rain through the cottage windows.


Flicker: 表示分散的或不规则的闪动,多用于来形容火光。例如: The logs flickered in the grate. (插入图像flicker) 木材在壁炉中燃烧发光。

shimmer: 指水面在亮光的映照之下所发出柔和的光。例如:

Velvet curtains with gold embroidery shimmered.( 插入图像shimmer) 天鹅绒窗帘的金丝刺绣熠熠生辉。

sparkle: 指吸收物体反射出来的不稳定,但明亮的光。有时可以glitter和互换。例如:

The sun sparkles wet grass.( 插入图像sparkle)


IV. Difficult Sentences

1. That left me with only one other question. Translate the sentence into Chinese. ( 这样我就只剩一个问题要问了。)

2. When we watch a world-class musician or a top athlete, we don?t see the years of preparation that enabled him or her to become great. 1) Translate the sentence into Chinese.

( 我们在观看世界级音乐家或顶尖运动员的表演时,看到的并不是使他们变成出类拔萃人物的长年苦练。) 2) What does this sentence imply?

( When we admire other people?s success, we always forget that they have worked on this for a long time.)

3. The same preparation applies in every form of human endeavor.

Paraphrase the sentence.

( No matter what kind of success you want to achieve, you should prepare for it.) 4. And that?s how it worked out.

Translate the sentence into Chinese.

( 当时情况也的确如此。)

5. But it takes no longer to prepare well for one interview than to wander in

half-prepared for five.

What does this sentence indicate?

( This sentence means that anyone, who wants to get hired, should get concentrated. )

6. You see, a goal is a dream with a deadline: in writing, measurable, identifiable,


1) What does this sentence refer to?

( People should regard their goal as a kind of dream, but it can be achieved and realized. The goal is not a daydream.) 2) Translate the sentence into Chinese.


7. the majority of New York cabdrivers are unfriendly, if not downright rude.

What does “downright” mean here? ( It means “absolutely”.)

8. He?s living proof that you can always shift the odds in your favor. 1) What does “living proof” mean?

( It means “a good example which illustrates the point very well”.) 2) What does “shift the odds in your favor”?

( It means “you can be more likely to succeed”.) 3) Translate the sentence into Chinese.


9. As we were taxiing down it to take off, Curt turned to me and said gleefully,

“Look, Harvey, no tracks in the snow!”

1) Why was Curt so happy when he said that there were no tracks in the snow?

( Because Curt thought they were the first to take off. ) 2)What does this sentence refer to?

( One should know how to seek happiness in trifle events or in daily life.) 10. Then go out and make your own tracks in the snow. 1) Translate the sentence into Chinese.


2) What does “make your own tracks in the snow” mean?

( Anyone should try your best to accomplish his own success.)

V. Text analysis:

The author offers four keys to getting hired. All are instructive yet each is begun in a way different from the rest stylistically. Please match these strategies with each suggestion.

Column A Column B

1) Prepare to win. starts with a surprising fact 2) Never stop learning. begins with a question 3) Believe in yourself, even

when no one else does. starts with a quotation

4) Find a way to make a difference. begins with a personal opinion

VI. Organization analysis: Parts Lines Main Ideas 1 1~6 A recent college graduate failed to answer the questions because of lack of preparation. 2 7~27 Four pieces of advice on being a successful interviewee 3 28~31 Everyone should make his or her own tracks in whatever he or she does. VII. Post-reading tasks Discussion

1. In your opinion, what should the college graduate have done before the


2. What do you think of the writer?s four suggestions about job application? Can

you add anything?

3. Think of as many occupations as possible and write them down on a piece of

paper. Try to classify them into categories. Evaluate each job from different perspectives. After comparing, choose your favorite kind of job.

Tips: You may consult the following table or work out your own one. Salary Job Status Easy work Opportunities satisfaction for promotion State-owned company Foreign company Joint venture Private company 4. Can you think of any questions the interviewer might ask during your job

interview? Look at the picture. What would you do if asked those questions? Is this phenomenon common these days?

5. (Tips: Some of these questions are irrelevant, improper, racial/sexual

discriminative and sarcastic.)

Part 3: Text B

I. Reinforce key words, phrases and sentences II. Sentence translation

1. Neither Father nor Mother thought I would get in. \

American thing, Rockefeller Foundation. You must have pull.\ 1) Paraphrase the expression “you must have pull”.

(You must have connections powerful enough to help you.) 2) Translate the sentence into Chinese.


2. Of course, one who does not work must not eat unless one can get married, which

is called: \

Translate the sentence into Chinese.


3. She had the new style of hair, all upstanding curls, which I admired, a dress with

a print round the hem; she was very pregnant, so that her belly seemed to be coming at me first.



4. I told Mr. Harned you were shy and upset, and that's why you couldn't take

dictation. He's all right, just takes getting used to, that's all.\


3. Quiz on Text B

Have students joining in the following games in turn to test how much they master text B.