Chapter 3-名词-练习 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章Chapter 3-名词-练习更新完毕开始阅读

Unit One Nouns

I. Choose the best answer for each sentence:

1. It is beyond ___________.

A. our corporation business’s scope C. our corporation’s business scope A. The France’s Independence Day C. French’s Independence Day A. twenty dollars’ worth of tea A. two days work

B. our corporation business scope D. our’s corporation business scope B. The day of the French Independence D. France’s Independence Day

2. ___________ was the day before yesterday.

3. What can I do for you, sir? I want ___________.

B. tea twenty dollars’ worth C. twenty dollars worth of tea D. twenty-dollars-worth tea

C. day’s working B. an analysis

D. two-days work

D. analysis

4. What have you finished? I have finished ___________.

B. two days’ work

5. They made __________ of this subject in detail. A. a analysis 6. He went on with what he was doing after ___________. A. a-moment rest

B. a moment rest B. daughter’s-in-law B. anyone else

C. a moment’s rest

C. daughter-in-law’s C. anyone else’s

D. a moments’ rest D. daughter-in-law D. any one else’s D. Barbara’s and Audrey’s D. room numbers

D. foreign language’s institute D. Sir Smith’s D. Education Children D. butcher home D. The childrens’ books D. Rudolf’s D the Walter

7. He has received his ___________ New Year Cards. A. daughter-in’s-law A. any one’s else

8. Have you heard ___________ comment? Not yet. 9. They are playing chess in ___________ garden. A. Barbara and Audrey’s A. rooms number

B. Barbara’s and Audrey B. room number

C. Barbara and Audrey C. room’s numbers

10. Jim was late for class this afternoon. He said that he forget both of the ___________. 11. He is studying French in a ___________.

A. foreign languages’ institute B. foreign’s languages institute C. foreign languages institute 12. ___________ praise made me rather ashamed. A. Mr. Smith

B. Mr. Smith’s

C. Children’ education C. butchers’

C. Sir Smith

13. ___________ is of great importance. A. Children educations A. butcher

C. an analyses

B. Children’s education B. butcher’s

14. Mrs Taylor must go to the ___________ this morning. 15. ___________ were published three years ago. A. Children’s books A. the Rudof

B. The children’s books B. the Rudolf’s B. Walters’

C. Childrens’ books C. Rudolfs’ C. Walter’s

16. I think it senseless ___________ arguing with Tom because Tom is awfully willful. 17. Samuel and his parents insisted on ___________ staying at their house for the weekend. A. the Walter’s

18. ___________ is easily seen.

A. The advantage of the economic reform C. The economic’s reform advantage A. a customer

B. The reform of the economic advantage D. The economic reform’s advantage

C. customer’s

D. the customers’ D. the name’s of girl D. the livelihood of the poor D. The sister of Jim’s D. the bachelor of a degree D. The city of Shanghai D. of Chopin’s

19. They have never heard any ___________ complaint.

B. the customer’s B. the name’s girl

20. I don’t know ___________ standing over there. A. the girl’s name

C. the name of the girl

21. The government is trying to improve ___________ . A. the poor’s livelihood A. Jim’s sister

B. the poors’ livelihood C. the livelihood of the poors B. Sister of Jim

C. The sister of Jim

22. ___________, a woman lawyer, has a large practice. 23. He is studying for ___________ in England. A. a degree of a bachelor A. The Shanghai’s city A. Chopin

B. a bachelor’s degree C. the degree of a bachelor B. The Shanghai’s city’s B. the Chopins

C. The city of Shanghai’s C. of the Chopin’s

24. ___________ is one of the biggest cities in the world.

25. Dona will play four musical compositions ___________ for tonight’s performance. 26. ___________ lecture ___________ was greatly inspiring. A. This … of a philosopher’s A. a bird eye view A. at a pig’s pace

B. That … of the philosopher C. This … of the philosopher D. That … of the philosopher’s B. a bird view

C. a bird’s view’s C. at a snail’s pace

D. a bird’s view D. at a snake’s pace

27. We can obtain ___________ of the city from the top of this building. 28. If we walk ___________ like this, it will take us a long time to get there.

B. at an elephant’s pace

29. Finding himself ___________, John went to his friends for advice.


A. at his wit’s ending B. at his wit ending

C. at his wit end D. at his wit’s end

30. ___________, she is a gossip. A. Keep Mrs Brown at an arm’s length

B. Let Mrs Brown at the arm’s length D. Keep Mrs Brown at arm’s length

C. two pieces of equipment

D. two equipment pieces

C. Keep Mrs Brown at the arm’s length 31. Prof. Smith ordered __________ for the lab. A. two equipments

B. two pieces of equipments B. prisons-of-wars B. kitchen’s counter B. teaching language

32. The Nazi kept those __________ in their concentration camps. A. prisoner-of-wars A. kitchen counter

C. prisoners-of- war C. counter kitchen C. language teacher

D. prisoner-of-war D. counter of kitchen D. languages’s teachers C. mice’s

D. mices

33. Where is my watch? It’s on the __________. 34. Don’t you know all of them are efficient __________? A. language teachers

35. The lab assistant recorded the __________ reactions. A. mices’ 36. They try to find what the difference between __________ cars is. A. Tom and Jack’s A. football

B. Tom’s and Jack’ s B. footballs team

C. Tom’s and Jack C. footballs teams B. society

D. Tom’s and Jacks’ D. football teams

D. a society

37. There are more __________ in Rome than in any other city I know. 38. A thief is a danger to __________ . A. the society 39. To the dinner party all her __________ were invited.

A. relation

B. relations

C. societies

B. mice

C. a relation D. the relations

C. shoe shop

D. sales

D. shoes shops

40. There is _____ on the menu today. A. a lamb B. lamb C. the lamb D. something of a lamb 41. He walked out of the ___________ . A. shoes shop

B. shop that sells shoe

B. sell

42. He often turns to the ___________ manager for help. A. sale A. two-third majority

B. two-thirds majority

C. sold

43. The ___________ of people seem to prefer watching games to playing games.

C. twos-third majority

D. two-thirds majorities

44. Mary lives in ___________ , but she is leading ___________. A. a palace of a house…a hell of life C. a house of a palace… a hell of a life A. a husband of a devil A. crisis

B. a house of a palace… a life of a hell D. a palace of a house… a hell of a life

D. a devil of the husband

45. Unfortunately she married ___________ .

B. a devil of a husband C. her husband of her devil B. crisies B. criteria

C. crises

46. The ___________ in the countries of the Middle East have been discussed at our weekly forums.

D. crisises D. criterium

D. looks

47. Success in money-making is not always a good ___________ of real success in life. A. criterion

C. criterions

B. looking

D. grown-up

D. geese

C. gooses

48. Mrs Barry is beginning to lose her ___________ . A. look A. grown-ups

B. growns-up

C. lookings

49. In ten years’ time, all those youngsters will become ___________. 50. The farmer has many ____________ on his farm. A. geeses 51. I will give you ____________ to finish it. A. two week’s time A. corn’s ears

B. two weeks time B. ears of corn

C. growns-ups

B. goosen

C. two weeks’ time C. corn ears

D. two-weeks time D. ears of corns

C. advances

D. have advanced

D. much damage

C. few damages

52. “ What did you buy at the market?” “ A quart of milk, two pounds of steak, and four ____________ .” 53. Electronics ____________ rapidly in the last decade. A. advance

B. has advanced

54. The storm has caused ____________ to the region. A. many damages A. five-thousand-seat A. Chief-of-staff’s

B. five-thousand-seats B. Chief’s-of-staff’s

B. much damages

55. The Great Hall of the People contains the Great Hall itself, the famous ______banqueting hall and many rooms each as big as a normal ballroom.

C. five-thousands-seat C. Chief’s-of-staff

D. five-thousands-seats D. Chief-of-staffs’

56. The Colonel reported to the ____________ office. 57. Jim and Ronald are ____________. A. my father and my mother friends C. my father’s and my mother’s friend A. require

B. my father and my mother’s friends D. friends of mine father and mother

C. are required

D. is required

C. the Dickens

D. the Dickens’

D. a boss’s

58. The auxiliary police ____________ to report to headquarters immediately.

B. requires

59. I’m especially fond of _____________ novels. A. Dickens’s 60. Miss Smith is a friend of _____________. A. a boss’

B. Dickens

B. my boss’s

C. my bosses’s

II. Insert an appropriate unit noun:

1. a ______________ of grass 4. an ______________ of corn

2. a ______________ of gum 8. a ______________ of sugar

3. a ______________ of jewelry 6. a ______________ of lightning 9. a ______________ of hounds 12. a ______________ of sand 15. a ______________ of judges 18. a ______________ of poems

5. a ______________ of chocolate 11. a ______________ of chickens 14. a ______________ of paintings 17. a ______________ of ships


7. a ______________ of elephants 10. a ______________ of robbers 16. a ______________ of actors

13. a ______________ of lettuce/cabbage

19. a ______________ of monkeys 22. a ______________ of applause 25. a ______________ of whales 28. a ______________ of stamps 31. a ______________ of kittens 34. a ______________ of cigarettes

20. a ______________ of thunder 23. a ______________ of grapes 26. a ______________ of fish 29. a ______________ of birds

21. a ______________ of firewood 24. a ______________ of players 27. a ______________ of flowers 30. a ______________ of bees 33. a ______________ of cattle 36. a ______________ of hope

32. a ______________ of hooligans 35. a ______________ of fireworks

III. Give the plural of the noun in brackets:

1. We can give you some (proof) _______________ of his guilt.

2. You can help to prepare the dinner by peeling the (potato) _______________. 3. Some (butterfly) _______________ resemble moths.

4. The teacher told several (boy student) _______________ to carry the boxes up the stairs. 5. They invited three (film studio) _______________ in Beijing.

6. We used (donkey) _______________ to carry heavy things to the hilltop. 7. The girls are picking (red leaf) _______________ under the tree.

8. In biology class, we studied about some (species) _______________ of fish. 9. The cart was pulled by two (ox) _______________ .

10. Several (woman teacher) _______________ were praised at the meeting. 11. Mr Black provided thorough (analysis) _______________ of those proposals. 12. Many cities attempt to control the breeding of (mosquito) _______________ .

13. The announcement contains the (criterion) _______________ to be used in the appointment. 14. (Mouse) _______________ had damaged our reserve supply of computer cards.

15. The (editor-in-chief) _______________ of several newspapers were present at the meeting.

IV. Identify the one underlined part that is wrong, and then correct it:

1. Blood transfusions from one individual to another serve to supply various material that the recipient lacks. A B C D 2. In spite of his aged appearance, his movements were as spirited as a young man. A B C D

3. Statistics are his most difficult subject and Benjamin is worried that he won’t pass the test. A B C D

4. From the time a driver enters a car until he leaves it, he must be careful; a moment’s careless may be his last. A B C D

5. D.H. Lawrence said that the working population of our industrial cities is like the slave populations of the ancient empires. A B C D

6. Between 1913 and 1916, journalism and lecturer Ida Bell Wells Barnet served as a probation officer for the Chicago municipal court. A B C D 7. His belongings lies scattered on the floor. A B C D

8. I have read Romeo and Julie, a play of Shakespeare, which is a romantic love story. A B C D

9. The train I took was so overcrowded with student passengers that there was only a standing room for me. A B C D 10. Xi Shi is believed to be one of the four great beauty in ancient China. A B C D

V. Translate the following into English:

1. 他给我提出了一些有关学习英语的建议。 2. 请你告诉我们你在美国的经历。

3. 今天科学家可以对很多自然现象做出科学的解释。 4. 龙井是一种名茶。

5. 他们不顾一切困难,挫折,继续战斗。

6. 这十岁的女孩花了她所有的积蓄买了五磅的苹果。 7. 史密斯先生的那位太太老是在抱怨这里的天气。 8. 你知道站在大门口的那个女孩的名字吗? 9. 我们热烈欢呼代表团访问成功。

10. 你能对比一下并说出艾伦的和布朗的房子的差别吗?

11. 早上我妈妈去肉店买了两斤肉,回家路上她去了理发店把头发给剪了。

12. 虽然她住在宫殿般的房子里,但却过着地狱般的生活,因为她嫁给了一位魔鬼般的丈夫。


参考答案 Part I


Part II1. blade 2. piece 3. piece 4. ear 5. bar

6. flash

7. herd

8. lump

9. pack 10. gang 11. flock 12. grain 13. head 14. collection 15. bench

16. troupe(演出的团、班) 17. fleet 18. collection

19. troop 20. peal

21. bundle 22. burst 23. bunch 24. team 25. school 26. shoal/school

27. bunch 28. collection 29. flock 30. swarm

31. litter 32. gang

35. display

33. head 34. packet 36. ray Part III

1. proofs 2. potatoes 4. boy students 6. donkeys

3. butterflies

5. film studios

7. red leaves 8. species

9. oxen. 10. women teachers 11. analyses 12. mosquitoes. 13. criteria

14. Mice

15. editors-in-chief Part IV 1. C→materials

2. D→a young man’s

3. A→is 4. D→carelessness 5. C→the slave population

6. A→journalist 7. C→lie 8. B→Shakespeare’s 9. C→ cross out “a” 10. D→ beauties Part V

She gave me some advice / suggestions about learning English. Please tell us your experiences in America.

Today scientists are capable of making scientific analyses of natural phenomena Long Jing is a well-known tea.


5. They kept on fighting in spite of all difficulties and setbacks.

6. The ten-year-old girl spent all her savings in buying five pound(s) of apples. 7. That wife of Mr. Smith’s is always/ constantly complaining about the weather here. 8. Do you know the name of the girl standing at the gate? 9. We heartily applauded the delegation’s successful visits.

10. Would you compare and tell the difference(s) between Alan’s and Brown’s houses?

11. This morning my mother went to the butcher’s to get two jin of meat. On her way home, she went to the hairdresser’s to have her hair cut. 12.Though she has a palace of a house, she lives a hell of a life, because she has been married to a devil (brute) of a husband.