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发布时间 : 星期四 文章新人教版PEP小学六年级英语上册全教案更新完毕开始阅读

第五课时 Part B Read and write

1.Know some words:snow,by sled,fast,by ferry,learn at home 2.了解世界上不同国家的出行方式。


Step 1 温故习新(5 minutes)

1.T:Do you know traffic rules?(引导学生说出P17的三个句子) 2.Go over “Let's talk”,回答下列问题: Do you have a bike?

How do you go to the library?

Are there any planes in the pictures? Step 2 新课展示(15 minutes)

Learn:Read and write

1.可用图片教学:snow,by sled,fast,by ferry,learn at home。 2.T:Discuss:How many ways can you think of to go to school? S:On foot/By bus/car/train/plane/bike/subway? 3.T:Listen to the tape for 3 times.

S:看图仿读课文: Different ways to go to school T:纠正读音

T:Look at the pictures and read and understand the text in pairs. Step 3 合作交流(10 minutes)

1.Answer the questions:

T:How many ways to go to school? S:Five.

T:Can you find in the text? S:Underline them.

T:Does everyone in the text go to school? S:No,they don't.

3.Choose some suggestions for the kids on page 18.(多操练下列句型) You must?./Don't?

Step 4 名师自测(8 minutes)


1.h_lm_t( ) 2.m_st( ) 3.w_ _r( ) 4.p_y attention to( ) 5.tr_ffic( ) 6.l_ght( )

7.In the USA people ________ bikes must wear helmets. 8.I must pay attention ________ the traffic lights. 二、读一读,连一连。

wear a life jacket by sled by ferry by ship drive slowly

乘汽轮 乘小船 穿救生衣 慢行 乘雪橇三、认真阅读,判断对(√)错(×)。

( )1.You must stop at a red light. ( )2.Run on the ferry.

( )3.You must wear a life jacket by ferry. ( )4.Don't go at a green light. Step 5 课堂作业(2 minutes)

1.写一写:on foot,by sled,by ferry,by ship,by boat,by plane 2.读一读P19的内容。

Unit 2 Ways to go to school on foot by sled by ferry

by plane

第六课时 Part B Let's check,Let's wrap it up & Part C Story time


2.能够独立完成Let's check,Let's wrap it up的活动。 3.理解Story time中的故事。


Step 1 温故习新(5 minutes) 1.Review the words in Unit 2. 2.Free talk:

T:How do you go to school? S:Usually I go to school on foot. T:Sometimes I go by bike. Step 2 新课展示(15 minutes)

1.T:How does Wu Yifan go to the park? S:He goes by?

T:How does the girl's father go to work? S:He goes by?

T:How does Amy go home? S:She goes?

T:What will the woman do? S:She will?and?

2.Finish“Let's check”.

Step 3 合作交流(10 minutes) 1.小组合作完成“Let's wrap it up”。 2.Play the tape of “Story time”. 3.学生阅读故事。

Step 4 名师自测(5 minutes)


( )1.—How do we get there? —________

A.By bus. B.By the bus. C.Bus. ( )2.Stop and wait at a________light. A.red B.yellow C.green ( )3.Go at a________light. A.red B.yellow C.green 二、根据提示完成句子。

1.How do you________(来)to school?

2.Slow down and________(停)at a yellow light. 3.They went to school by________(飞机). Step 5 课堂作业(2 minutes)

1.复习本单元重点单词和句子。 2.把Story time的故事讲给父母听。

