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发布时间 : 星期四 文章新人教版PEP小学六年级英语上册全教案更新完毕开始阅读

第三课时 Part B Let's learn & Role-play

1.学习单词并掌握:slow,slow down,stop 2.学习并掌握句型:

(1)Stop and wait at a red light.

(2)Slow down and stop at a yellow light. (3)Go at a green light.



Step 1 温故习新(5 minutes)

1.Go over words:by subway,by bus? 2.T:How do you come to school?

S:Usually,__I come on foot./Sometimes I come by bus?/I often come by bike. Step 2 新课展示(15 minutes)

1.T:Show traffic light models to teach the new words. Q:What are these? S:Traffic lights.

Q:What colour are they?

S:They are red,green and yellow.

T:Do you know the traffic rules about traffic lights? S:Answer it in Chinese.

2.T:Show word cards to teach:slow,slow down,stop T:Look at the traffic lights and say traffic rules:

S:Stop and wait at a red light.Slow down and stop at a yellow light.Go at a green light. 3.出示交通图片,进行表演。 Step 3 合作交流(10 minutes)

1.Let's learn:听录音,看图仿读句子。 2.教读并讲解重点句子。 Step 4 名师自测(5 minutes)


slow slow down stop red light green light yellow light

停止 红灯 慢 黄灯 绿灯 慢行二、根据交通规则Tick(√) or cross(×)。 ( )1.Go at a yellow light.

( )2.Stop and wait at a red light. ( )3.Go at a red light. ( )4.Go at a green light.

( )5.Slow down and stop at a yellow light. Step 5 课堂作业(5 minutes) 读读、背背教学目标里的重点句子。



Unit 2 Ways to go to school

1.Stop and wait at a red light.

2.Slow down and stop at a yellow light 3.Go at a green light.

第四课时 Part B Let's try & Let's talk

1.人们必须遵守交通规则。 2.听力练习。

3.流利朗读Let's talk部分。

Know something about riding a bike and some traffic signs.

Step 1 温故习新(5 minutes)

1.T:Red light means? S:Stop and wait. T:Yellow light means? S:Slow down and stop. T:Green light means? S:Go. 2.填一填,读一读,译一译。

(1)S______ and w______ at a red light. (2)S______ down and stop at a yellow light. (3)G______ at a green light. Step 2 新课展示(18 minutes)

1.Let's talk

T:How do you go to Chengdu/Chongqing? S:By bus/Take the bus.

T:Look at the picture and answer:What are the people doing? S:They are riding bikes. T:What are on their heads? S:They are helmets.

2.T:Listen to the tape and read the dialogue. 3.T:我们骑自行车应该注意什么?

S:In the USA people on bikes must wear helmets. 4.小组理解并表演对话。 5.Let's try:Listen and tick. Step 3 合作交流(5 minutes)

1.记住句子:In the USA people on bikes must wear helmets. 2.看图了解交通规则。 Step 4 名师自测(7 minutes)


1.I can see so many ________(picture).

2.You must ________(wear) a helmet when you are on your bike in the USA. 3.—How can I ________(get) to the hospital? —On foot.

4.Don't ________(go) at the red light.

5.There are so many ________(bike) in the pictures. 二、连词成句。




________________________________________________________________________ 3.down,and,slow,a,light,yellow,stop,at(.)

________________________________________________________________________ Step 5 课堂作业(5 minutes)

1.读读Let's talk。

2.记一记本节课单词:helmet,must,wear,attention,pay attention to,traffic light。



Unit 2 Ways to go to school

In the USA people on bikes must wear helmets.