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发布时间 : 星期四 文章新人教版PEP小学六年级英语上册全教案更新完毕开始阅读

Unit 4 I have a pen pal

What are your hobbies? I like??

What are Peter's/his/her hobbies? He/She likes?

Unit 5 What does he do?

第一课时 Main scene&Part A Let's learn,Listen,match and say

1.能够听、说、读、写单词:factory worker,postman,businessman,police officer. 2.能够认读句子 What does he/she do?He/She is a(n)?


Step 1 温故习新(5 minutes)

1.T:What are your hobbies? S:I like singing/?

T:What's your father/mother?

S:He's/She's a/an?(farmer,driver,doctor,actor?) (通过教师出示职业图片回答) 2.T:Do you know other jobs? S:Teacher/?

Step 2 新课展示(15 minutes)

Let's learn:factory worker,postman,businessman,police officer. 1.T:Do you know the Chinese meaning of the following jobs? (你知道下列职业的汉语意思吗?)

factory worker,postman,businessman,police officer 2.T:I teach you English.I'm a teacher.What do you do? S:I'm a student.

3.展示不同职业的图片: T:What does he/she do?

Ss:He/She is a?(factory worker,postman businessman,police officer) 4.学生分组操练句子和单词。 S1:What does he/she do? S2:He/She is a(n)?

5.Play the tape of “Let's learn”,学生仿读。 Step 3 合作交流(10 minutes)

1.领读Let's learn中的单词及句子,纠正读音。 2.Finish “Listen,match and say” 3.小组对话:

S1:What does Jiao Jie's mother/?do?

S2:She/He is a(n) postman/?(复习a,an用法) Step 4 名师自测(8 minutes)


1.factory worker ________ 2.postman ________ 3.businessman ________ 4.police officer ________ 二、填一填。

1.What ________(do/does)he do? 2.He's ________(a/an) actor.