人教版2019-2020学年九年级英语第一次调研试题B卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章人教版2019-2020学年九年级英语第一次调研试题B卷更新完毕开始阅读

B . The two farmers will soon get rich. C . Neither of the farmers is clever. D . The two farmers decided to buy a truck.

五、 完形填空 (共2题;共20分)

19. (10分)(2016?菏泽)阅读下面短文,从短文后各小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

The book I read is A Picture to Remember by Sarah Scott-Malden. It's1 a girl called Christina. One day, when she was waiting at the traffic lights, she 2 two men with a gun in a car next to her. They were bank robbers(抢劫者)and she saw 3 faces. They didn't want her to tell the police, so they planned to kill her.

At first, one of the robbers attacked(攻击)Christina near the park, but 4 she only got her arm hurt slightly. After she called in her friend, Philippe for help, they were5 in the street when the robbers drove their car into them. Philippe was6seriously and had to go to hospital. When Cristina visited Philippe and left the7, the robbers followed her. Christina saw that they had a gun and understood 8 they want to do. She was scared, but she kept calm. The robbers were close behind her, but they were driving 9 fast that they couldn't stop the car and it turned over, so the police caught 10 the robbers. That's the end of the story.


A . about B . of C . with (2)

A . heard B . noticed C . felt (3)

A . their B . his C . her (4)

A . badly B . terribly C . luckily

第 9 页 共 18 页


A . working B . hurrying C . laughing (6)

A . saved B . hurt C . killed (7)

A . hospital B . school C . bank (8)

A . that B . what C . which (9)

A . so B . very C . too (10)

A . all B . either C . both 20. (10分)完形填空

A young man went to visit a wise man living deep in the mountain for the wisdom of life. “Excuse me! Could you please tell me what the most 1 day in our lives is? Is it the day when we were born or the day we 2 ? Is it the day when fall in love or the day we succeed?” The man asked.

“Neither. The most important day in our lives is 3.” The wise man replied calmly.

第 10 页 共 18 页

“Why?” The young man felt more than 4, “Is it because there is a moving event taking place today?” “No. Nothing has happened today.” “Is it because of my visit?”

“Even if nobody visited me today, today is 5 very important because today is the only wealth we have . No matter how memorable yesterday is, it has gone by like a ship going down into the sea; no matter how bright tomorrow may be, it is yet to come, but no matter how common today is, it is under our 6.”

The young man still wanted to ask something, while the wise man 7 him and said, “When we are talking about the meaning of today, we have 8 a lot of it.”

The young man nodded and then went down the mountain.

Actually, today is the only 9 we have. So, what we should do now is to 10yesterday and tomorrow and catch fast today!


A . important B . necessary C . comfortable D . sad (2)

A . miss B . die C . grow D . move (3)

A . yesterday B . tomorrow C . today D . day (4)

A . jealous B . pleased C . puzzled

第 11 页 共 18 页

D . upset (5)

A . still B . already C . ever D . just (6)

A . way B . control C . care D . mind (7)

A . stopped B . refused C . encouraged D . decided (8)

A . treasured B . avoided C . wasted D . paid (9)

A . excuse B . plan C . chance D . idea (10)

A . remember B . forget

第 12 页 共 18 页