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一 换序译法 翻译时根据译文的语言习惯,对原文的词序进行调整,使译文做到最大程度上的通顺,这就是换序译法。

1) about 1840, a canal was constructed across the meadows of Marsh Farm. 大约在1840年,横穿马什农场的草地开凿了一条新的运河。(大约在1840年,一条运河被建在横穿马什农场的草地上。)--主语换序

2) Formerly a worker himself, he was now an engineer.


3) Even the wild animals of his homeland, it seemed to Kunta, had more dignity than

these creatures.


4) From the moment they set foot on the territory of their motherland, they were warmly received by their compatriots. 从他们走上祖国土地的时刻起,他们就


6) 在那场战争中,这道城墙开始出现许


Many cracks began to appear on the city wall during that war.(During that war, the city wall began to appear many cracks.)---主语换序

7) 她,一个瘦弱多病的女孩子,以她坚


A thin and weak girl susceptible to

diseases, she wrote one inspiring novel after another with her strong will.(She, a thin and weak girl susceptible to diseases, wrote one inspiring novel after another with her strong will.)---同位语换序


8) But before she went to join her husband in the Belgic capital, Mrs. Crawley made an expedition into England, leaving behind her little son upon the Continent, under the care of her French maid. 9) Cheerful, efficient and warm-hearted, they will do everything to make your journey smooth and comfortable.

10)He witnessed ①the sixth ②post-war ③economic crisis ④of serious consequence ⑤that prevailed in various fields ⑥in the USA. 11) 刘四爷没答碴儿,想了相,问道:“话匣子呢?唱唱!”

12)会议没能取得一致意见就结束了。 13) 我们①为顾全大局②于同年③秋末④在

第三方的调停下⑤开诚布公地⑥多次⑦强烈要求贵方赔偿我们的一切损失。 参考答案

8) 克劳莱太太到比利时首都去找丈夫以


9) 他们乐观、能干、热情,总是想方设

法使你一路上顺利舒适。(状语换序) 10) 他亲眼目睹了⑥美国②战后①第六


11) Fourth Mater Liu did not answer—he

was thinking. “Where’s the gramophone?” he asked presently. “Let’s have a song!” (谓语换序)

12) The meeting ended in disagreement. (状语换序)

13) ④With the third party acting as an intermediary, ①to take the interest of the whole into account, we ⑦strongly demanded ⑤with frankness and